
Most epic encounter with the cops I was after defending bachelor diploma. It was 1996 and we were the first undergraduate flow. That it is, then clearly could not tell even those who invented it. After we protect what were, I mean in a suit and tie sat plump. At night, the two of us went for a beer. On the way, we are interested in Armor and cops with guns (96th, Chechnya and so on). Not swept us just because we though in zyuzyu, but in ties.
Nowhere grafted Major sternly inquired:
- Who are the?! & Quot;
I answered proudly: - We losses BACHELORS!
- Che !! ??
This is followed by a lengthy explanation of drunken police major, who are bachelors. Major grustnel eyes. Then spake:
- What yobany area! Fag, drug addicts, and now even some BACHELORS!
with Basha