The most humiliating situation
I found an interesting selection of different situations, because of which the people were very ashamed. And what cases / situations (remembering that you blush even now), were you in life?
1. Once in the subway, I gave alms little man, who did not ask for it, and just stood aside and held his cap in front of him. Well, that's just waiting for someone to man, and took off his cap, because it's hot.
2. I just got a new job. And then a small korporativchik in nature on the occasion of the festival was formed.
All pretty drunk. And to happen - at my boss a plastic cup from his hand and dropped it, bending over him, very loudly pёrnula.
All delicately silent. And my tongue devil pulled: "Be healthy, Maryvanna!»
3. Met a girl Vika in the park, walked to the evening, and then went to her house.
We went into the apartment, she immediately to the toilet, and showed me the room to pass. Although I use the toilet at least wanted. I went into the hall, and the dance, so piss hotstsa. I see the lights from the balcony door a street lantern, so I bullet on the balcony and let Dudley into the void, and even gave whisperer as from the subwoofer. Once I graduated, I go back to the room and Vic comes with the words: "A Th you in the dark?", Turns on the light and ... I see on the couch sitting lass with the lad face type pokerfeys, as it turned out it was my sister Vicki with her boyfriend, they kissing in the dark!
4. On the machine grabbed the arm of another man, chatted with him and dragged for the same hand to the door, the man did not seem to mind, came back my husband zonked.
5. Once I got into a Catholic church on Christmas Day. After the prayer, they all stood up, began to shake hands. Next to me sat a girl held out her hand and said, "Peace be with you!", And I heard: "Irina". I shook hands with her and said: "Very nice, George!»
6. Went last night with a girl, she told me something and I told ... blindly failed to hatch ... and she's told and told ... after 50 meters I realized that I was not.
7. Once we had the celebration, relatives came. Well, I'm out on the street, ostogramilsya uzho. I look like my wife is in a familiar robe very brief, well all eynoe, white hair, ass-fitting cloth. I went that way and grabbed her ass. Turns "Zhinkov" and this is my mother-in-law himself. They increase the same, the same complexion, blondika. I just mumbled, "Oh, it's you, Mom!».
My way neighing then Aki mare.
8. 1991, I am at home of his future wife, on my dick slice of pineapple dressed and then come her parents ...
9. A friend once called, saying, "I'm Moving, lend me your big bag, plaid." Well, it is necessary to be so.
In the morning, I go on the subway, healthy bag over his shoulder. In the metro, as it usually happens in the morning, the crowd pushes me into the car. Just feel the bag in the crowd somewhere stuck. I insert your hand into the crowd, feel for your trunk, and that have the power to pull yourself. I attract - and ofigevayu: it turns out, instead of the bag I grabbed the ass of a low peasant with a mustache. I grabbed and pulled her to him. He stands there, stares at me with round eyes and a mustache wiggles. And damn leave him no opportunity: people packed ...
I Went - all the way to his ears burning. On the next guy look afraid.
10. I was 11 years old, I went once in a city bus ... standing. Near the granny sitting idly start looking at me and says, "What a nice jacket you ... and pants and shoes which fashion" (it was the beginning of the nineties and the Overseas things just started to appear). And then she adds, "What are you malchukovye things bought did not they got some kind of a boy." I still remember that even she did not say anything - just quietly knocked to the door and came to a stop ...
For more than twenty years - the first time tell)))
11. I rented a room when he was a student. Get drunk again, I came home. In the morning I wake up and be amazed. In the middle of the room lies unfolded the newspaper, and on it a huge pile of shit. Why did I do it - I do not understand until now.
But it's nothing compared to the fact that I realized that while I was sleeping in the room came the mistress of water flowers.
12. grazes his Ovcara in the park at 7 o'clock in the morning. Later with a lead (then a dog without a leash, but muzzled reacted calmly) and it runs between the trees.
Honestly, this aunt, crouched whether pisya, or crap, I saw at the last minute and did not have time to react.
In short the situation - sitting aunt with a deflated shorts, pants, and my doggie came back and sniffed it where dogs sniff each other.
As she screamed zhezh ...
13. As was lying in the hospital with poisoning. There was a common refrigerator in the hallway. Mother brought me here are the juices, I put them in the refrigerator. Then some bastard got into the habit of tyrit. The third time I peed in the bank through a syringe with a needle pumped and poured the contents of the bag to your urine. The next morning a bag from the refrigerator was gone.
More juice I have not tyrili =)))
14. In the country to pals drank hard, and I had gone to sleep in one of the rooms. While asleep - these Folls slowly unbuttoned my pants and inserted into the open valve sausage. Then, abruptly woke up and began shouting: "What are you, you bastard, you do! Get up quickly! Shame - drunk, fell asleep, and then dumped his farm for all to see! "I grabbed awake alleged" economy "Schaub quickly hide it in the pants, and take it, and" Rock Out ", left in the hands of mnu. Shutkari said then that while my eyes grew to the size of saucers.
This zhivotnaga horror I experienced never before or since ...
15. At the airport, SSA itself in the toilet, never stopped anyone ...
Flies some crazed lady throws - "Hello!" And hiding behind the door. From neponyatok pissed her jeans jacket and the floor next to ssuschego (he thought schA get in the face, but the poor guy turned out to be Italian).
16. Went on the train. At night sleep, as it should be. And here in front of my station a conductor (man) wakes me ...
And how on earth it could happen that I dreamed about my girlfriend.
Fuck, fucking shame! I sleepily pulled him close and kissed ...
17. I went to the tram. I went girl. Beautiful, eyes do not tear. Some moron, two meters long, garknet kaak the entire tram: "Girl! You bird crap! »
The poor girl just fell through the floor is not.
18. My father is in Poland for some catacombs tourist wandering, and he (mistakenly, apparently) Polish tourist back naprygnula - wanted to scare. It was dark, and his father was engaged in professional boxing and turn aunt sent a knockout. He says it was very uncomfortable, but it is good that the jaw is not broken.
19. We once with a friend Yuri and I, back in 88 went into the forest to run on skis, on his way back on the train late. Good passing by freight train at low speed, and we jumped into it, Yuri after some time urgently itch, like it was his business the right corner of the car, but I did not like this idea. Then he pushed the door and told him to hold his neck. The train has already gained a good speed and entered into a long turn. In my friend I went with terrible force, and at this moment we take off on a very long taiga station platform, where a bunch of crowd, people, 300, such as skiers like us. The picture still the same. Yurets with bare ass out, I was holding his neck, shit in a wide arc, brown rainbow scatters over the apron, to escape from the platform nowhere, Siberia, drifts around longer than most do not want people to see us off joyous Matyuk, with the station as it turned out, was full of people we know well that we have no one recognized, and we are not recognized, because the victims in the case were a lot of fucking.
20. One came from a trip unshaven. Once in the bath. I bathed, shaved, and decided to leave his mustache. I look at myself in the mirror and something funny way with a mustache ... I came out of the bathroom, rzhu and the girl says her: "Look how funny", and in the kitchen with her eёnaya mother sitting and they both mouths pootkryvali ... I did not immediately realized completely naked in front of them stood there, not only showed his mustache.)))
21. I work, therefore, in a squalid business centers, a lot of offices on the ground floor for some reason, in the offices exclusively bitching chicks.
As a warm up after work wheelbarrow in the cold, I sit ... and wanted to fart, well, fuck, one sitting as usual in the last 10 years ... farted essesno, turn the fan on high, open the window and batters to fuck !!! at the same moment through the open window looks into one of the girls from the first floor to the question: "do not podkinesh to home, car will not start».
Dick knows that I am there in this stinks fright bellowed, perhaps in the spirit of "I am very busy." So do not fart in a wheelbarrow in vain)))
22. Married 14 years. My wife does not like to categorically dishes. What am I ... A couple of years ago, in anticipation of undergoing a couple of hours of the meeting, ran a snack in the dining room, such as self-service. As usual everything. You take a tray, load fare, cash ... ate - take away with him. Next to the table for dirty trays - a sink for hand washing. Snack, I took, of course, a tray, pondering the details of the meeting, suddenly I notice that in the dining room unnaturally quiet. It turns out I domyvayu third plate !!! I quickly left.
23. In a traffic jam ... next Mercedes stopped, the girl behind the wheel ... so beautiful ... Became picking his nose, I look, dig deeper, gets nehuevuyu a roe, looks at it and ... eating. And then he turns to me ... Pizdec was inconvenient that pry me.
24. Lived in a 5-etazhke, on the 5th floor. I called a taxi and went out into the street with a small - will drive soon. My husband and eldest daughter (when she was 7) went to the balcony, standing on top of me watching, escorted type. There waving to each other, winking. Neighbors go back and forth at the bottom of who makes trash, machine factory who came. And then on top of the eldest daughter shouted: Mom, Mom, and Dad !!!
25. I have a car at a traffic light I rolled forward, and stood in front of a gazelle. I thought it was a backward rolls. I rolled wildly honking and yelling out the window!
26. It was in the bus, decided to start up mute swan and zhahnul both from dvuhstvolki near the girl went, I turned to her and said: - It is a shame? Wali me =))
The girl blushed like pomidorina and jumped out at the next stop.
27. I am a wild booze in someone else's apartment, I went into another room, where a friend Petrushev girl. And I turn on the light, peed on the carpet ...
Source: www.facebook.com

1. Once in the subway, I gave alms little man, who did not ask for it, and just stood aside and held his cap in front of him. Well, that's just waiting for someone to man, and took off his cap, because it's hot.
2. I just got a new job. And then a small korporativchik in nature on the occasion of the festival was formed.
All pretty drunk. And to happen - at my boss a plastic cup from his hand and dropped it, bending over him, very loudly pёrnula.
All delicately silent. And my tongue devil pulled: "Be healthy, Maryvanna!»
3. Met a girl Vika in the park, walked to the evening, and then went to her house.
We went into the apartment, she immediately to the toilet, and showed me the room to pass. Although I use the toilet at least wanted. I went into the hall, and the dance, so piss hotstsa. I see the lights from the balcony door a street lantern, so I bullet on the balcony and let Dudley into the void, and even gave whisperer as from the subwoofer. Once I graduated, I go back to the room and Vic comes with the words: "A Th you in the dark?", Turns on the light and ... I see on the couch sitting lass with the lad face type pokerfeys, as it turned out it was my sister Vicki with her boyfriend, they kissing in the dark!
4. On the machine grabbed the arm of another man, chatted with him and dragged for the same hand to the door, the man did not seem to mind, came back my husband zonked.
5. Once I got into a Catholic church on Christmas Day. After the prayer, they all stood up, began to shake hands. Next to me sat a girl held out her hand and said, "Peace be with you!", And I heard: "Irina". I shook hands with her and said: "Very nice, George!»
6. Went last night with a girl, she told me something and I told ... blindly failed to hatch ... and she's told and told ... after 50 meters I realized that I was not.
7. Once we had the celebration, relatives came. Well, I'm out on the street, ostogramilsya uzho. I look like my wife is in a familiar robe very brief, well all eynoe, white hair, ass-fitting cloth. I went that way and grabbed her ass. Turns "Zhinkov" and this is my mother-in-law himself. They increase the same, the same complexion, blondika. I just mumbled, "Oh, it's you, Mom!».
My way neighing then Aki mare.
8. 1991, I am at home of his future wife, on my dick slice of pineapple dressed and then come her parents ...
9. A friend once called, saying, "I'm Moving, lend me your big bag, plaid." Well, it is necessary to be so.
In the morning, I go on the subway, healthy bag over his shoulder. In the metro, as it usually happens in the morning, the crowd pushes me into the car. Just feel the bag in the crowd somewhere stuck. I insert your hand into the crowd, feel for your trunk, and that have the power to pull yourself. I attract - and ofigevayu: it turns out, instead of the bag I grabbed the ass of a low peasant with a mustache. I grabbed and pulled her to him. He stands there, stares at me with round eyes and a mustache wiggles. And damn leave him no opportunity: people packed ...
I Went - all the way to his ears burning. On the next guy look afraid.
10. I was 11 years old, I went once in a city bus ... standing. Near the granny sitting idly start looking at me and says, "What a nice jacket you ... and pants and shoes which fashion" (it was the beginning of the nineties and the Overseas things just started to appear). And then she adds, "What are you malchukovye things bought did not they got some kind of a boy." I still remember that even she did not say anything - just quietly knocked to the door and came to a stop ...
For more than twenty years - the first time tell)))
11. I rented a room when he was a student. Get drunk again, I came home. In the morning I wake up and be amazed. In the middle of the room lies unfolded the newspaper, and on it a huge pile of shit. Why did I do it - I do not understand until now.
But it's nothing compared to the fact that I realized that while I was sleeping in the room came the mistress of water flowers.
12. grazes his Ovcara in the park at 7 o'clock in the morning. Later with a lead (then a dog without a leash, but muzzled reacted calmly) and it runs between the trees.
Honestly, this aunt, crouched whether pisya, or crap, I saw at the last minute and did not have time to react.
In short the situation - sitting aunt with a deflated shorts, pants, and my doggie came back and sniffed it where dogs sniff each other.
As she screamed zhezh ...
13. As was lying in the hospital with poisoning. There was a common refrigerator in the hallway. Mother brought me here are the juices, I put them in the refrigerator. Then some bastard got into the habit of tyrit. The third time I peed in the bank through a syringe with a needle pumped and poured the contents of the bag to your urine. The next morning a bag from the refrigerator was gone.
More juice I have not tyrili =)))
14. In the country to pals drank hard, and I had gone to sleep in one of the rooms. While asleep - these Folls slowly unbuttoned my pants and inserted into the open valve sausage. Then, abruptly woke up and began shouting: "What are you, you bastard, you do! Get up quickly! Shame - drunk, fell asleep, and then dumped his farm for all to see! "I grabbed awake alleged" economy "Schaub quickly hide it in the pants, and take it, and" Rock Out ", left in the hands of mnu. Shutkari said then that while my eyes grew to the size of saucers.
This zhivotnaga horror I experienced never before or since ...
15. At the airport, SSA itself in the toilet, never stopped anyone ...
Flies some crazed lady throws - "Hello!" And hiding behind the door. From neponyatok pissed her jeans jacket and the floor next to ssuschego (he thought schA get in the face, but the poor guy turned out to be Italian).
16. Went on the train. At night sleep, as it should be. And here in front of my station a conductor (man) wakes me ...
And how on earth it could happen that I dreamed about my girlfriend.
Fuck, fucking shame! I sleepily pulled him close and kissed ...
17. I went to the tram. I went girl. Beautiful, eyes do not tear. Some moron, two meters long, garknet kaak the entire tram: "Girl! You bird crap! »
The poor girl just fell through the floor is not.
18. My father is in Poland for some catacombs tourist wandering, and he (mistakenly, apparently) Polish tourist back naprygnula - wanted to scare. It was dark, and his father was engaged in professional boxing and turn aunt sent a knockout. He says it was very uncomfortable, but it is good that the jaw is not broken.
19. We once with a friend Yuri and I, back in 88 went into the forest to run on skis, on his way back on the train late. Good passing by freight train at low speed, and we jumped into it, Yuri after some time urgently itch, like it was his business the right corner of the car, but I did not like this idea. Then he pushed the door and told him to hold his neck. The train has already gained a good speed and entered into a long turn. In my friend I went with terrible force, and at this moment we take off on a very long taiga station platform, where a bunch of crowd, people, 300, such as skiers like us. The picture still the same. Yurets with bare ass out, I was holding his neck, shit in a wide arc, brown rainbow scatters over the apron, to escape from the platform nowhere, Siberia, drifts around longer than most do not want people to see us off joyous Matyuk, with the station as it turned out, was full of people we know well that we have no one recognized, and we are not recognized, because the victims in the case were a lot of fucking.
20. One came from a trip unshaven. Once in the bath. I bathed, shaved, and decided to leave his mustache. I look at myself in the mirror and something funny way with a mustache ... I came out of the bathroom, rzhu and the girl says her: "Look how funny", and in the kitchen with her eёnaya mother sitting and they both mouths pootkryvali ... I did not immediately realized completely naked in front of them stood there, not only showed his mustache.)))
21. I work, therefore, in a squalid business centers, a lot of offices on the ground floor for some reason, in the offices exclusively bitching chicks.
As a warm up after work wheelbarrow in the cold, I sit ... and wanted to fart, well, fuck, one sitting as usual in the last 10 years ... farted essesno, turn the fan on high, open the window and batters to fuck !!! at the same moment through the open window looks into one of the girls from the first floor to the question: "do not podkinesh to home, car will not start».
Dick knows that I am there in this stinks fright bellowed, perhaps in the spirit of "I am very busy." So do not fart in a wheelbarrow in vain)))
22. Married 14 years. My wife does not like to categorically dishes. What am I ... A couple of years ago, in anticipation of undergoing a couple of hours of the meeting, ran a snack in the dining room, such as self-service. As usual everything. You take a tray, load fare, cash ... ate - take away with him. Next to the table for dirty trays - a sink for hand washing. Snack, I took, of course, a tray, pondering the details of the meeting, suddenly I notice that in the dining room unnaturally quiet. It turns out I domyvayu third plate !!! I quickly left.
23. In a traffic jam ... next Mercedes stopped, the girl behind the wheel ... so beautiful ... Became picking his nose, I look, dig deeper, gets nehuevuyu a roe, looks at it and ... eating. And then he turns to me ... Pizdec was inconvenient that pry me.
24. Lived in a 5-etazhke, on the 5th floor. I called a taxi and went out into the street with a small - will drive soon. My husband and eldest daughter (when she was 7) went to the balcony, standing on top of me watching, escorted type. There waving to each other, winking. Neighbors go back and forth at the bottom of who makes trash, machine factory who came. And then on top of the eldest daughter shouted: Mom, Mom, and Dad !!!
25. I have a car at a traffic light I rolled forward, and stood in front of a gazelle. I thought it was a backward rolls. I rolled wildly honking and yelling out the window!
26. It was in the bus, decided to start up mute swan and zhahnul both from dvuhstvolki near the girl went, I turned to her and said: - It is a shame? Wali me =))
The girl blushed like pomidorina and jumped out at the next stop.
27. I am a wild booze in someone else's apartment, I went into another room, where a friend Petrushev girl. And I turn on the light, peed on the carpet ...
Source: www.facebook.com