Khodorkovsky's letter. "I'm embarrassed to Russian citizenship as a shameful stigma of slavery"

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, I am writing to you from Finland. My name is Pauline Zherebtsova. I politbezhenka from Russia. Of modern Russia, where for many, many years ruled by Putin.
All my life I kept a diary. And it so happened that I was born in the Caucasus, in the city of Grozny.
When I was nine, my town was surrounded by a ring of Russian tanks - and the house were turned into ruins and ashes along with their inhabitants.
Your house fired from a tank, Mr Khodorkovsky?
In my opinion - shot. Burning upper floors, and the children screamed from the unbearable pain: fragments tore their bodies.
My grandfather, a member of the Second World War, was in the hospital at Pervomayskaya street, was killed in the shelling. He was recovering - I and Mom were going to take him home.
We could not bury him week. There were fights.
I know a lot of you have experienced, were imprisoned. But tell me, you can imagine how sick cry when the guns firing at the hospital or when an invisible and invulnerable to their curses bomber throws at them polutoratonnuyu bomb?
We were looking for where the snow cleaner, recruited him and tsedili through the fabric to drink. Snow is not white, just not what I see right now in Finland. He is dark gray and bitter, because around fires. Lights oil plant, burning entire neighborhoods of houses. Before I get to the living human flesh, bombs plagued stone and concrete.
A house full of people, and they have nowhere to run.
We fell from hunger in the corners tychas apartments, half failed in the basement. A rat huddled against the cold to our feet and food.
Rats slept with me in the hallway on the wooden floor icy, and I do not chase them, knowing that from the "Russian democracy" even they suffer!
Our cats have died, unable to withstand the diet of salted tomatoes, which were fed once every few days.
To get at least some food, we had to walk in someone else's basement, where the conquerors left thin silver thread, stepping on one of them, you can go to heaven.
Do you want to hear, as I stood by the concrete slabs under which the three days in the center of Grozny, panting in the rubble and cement dust, dying old Russian?
Nobody was able to raise the plate and clean up the debris! People wept and prayed, but could not do anything. Who died under the rubble of his house did not get even in the grave "conquered our land."
This ad was repeated many times in ten years: as the war lasted in the Caucasus, in the Chechen Republic.
In August 1996, the entrance of our house flew the shells from the Russian post: neighbors torn to pieces.
I was eleven.
I went to his home entrance, and my feet sank ankle-deep in blood. Blood dripped from the walls and from the ceiling, and near screaming in terrible agony surviving neighbors.
Since then, Mr. Khodorkovsky, I do not believe the rulers of Russia. I do not think that is the price to win and integrity of the country. This was done just "weaklings" - it will not be a strong man to assert themselves at the expense of murdered children and women.
In essence, they are traitors of their own people.
In 1999, when on the "humanitarian corridor" with refugees shot, burning people alive in the bus, we were not able to leave the city. October 21, 1999 at the market in Grozny "flew" rocket.
In the afternoon, when there are thousands of people crowded.
As it was then announced, "This was a market terrorists", which fought the invaders.
"Terrorists" called children, the elderly and women who traded greens, sweets, bread, cigarettes, newspapers, etc. And the market is called the "arms market", but I never saw the weapons there, although sometimes for a day goes by all the rows with a box of goods.
I could not relax on holidays or after school: I was working in order to survive.
I traded in this market. There were no pensions, salaries. People survived. My mother did not receive a salary year. It was stolen. And we traded to survive and buy bread.
There was no need to start our "win", turning our lives into one continuous strip of hell.
Us and so it was difficult - without bombs and installations "Grad".
When Grozny market flew a rocket, I was three blocks from the place where it falls. I saw the fire from the ground to the sky, and then I heard a deafening explosion.
At my feet turned out 16 pieces.
And what happened to the people who were closest to the rocket? Cut off the hands, feet, head, body, turned to dust.
His mother was found by children hair clips or the buttons on the jacket ...
At least someone got an apology? Or compensation for the hell? Who?
I do not got nothing but threats and orders to "close the mouth" as it is a true witness to these bloody events. Here is the face of modern Russian authorities.
Kill, capture and slander. And this is called "conquest"?
In 2000, Jan. 19, survivors and neighbors with my mother scared to shoot.
We put the cliff and shot above our heads.
Old grandmother, neighbor, falling to his knees, screaming:
- What you do? We own! We are Russian! Do not shoot!
Caucasus - a special edge. There are intertwined culture and ethnicity, lifestyle and cuisine.
In our house of 48 flats was 10 Chechen, others - Russian, Armenian, Gypsy, Azerbaijani, Ingush, Jewish, Polish ...
We lived together until the war began. The war swept away everything: life, friendship, love. It destroyed everything.
Surviving in inhumane conditions, people from the Chechen Republic in other regions of Russia and faced with a terrible face discrimination, persecution and threats.
The authorities do not tolerate their stories about mass executions and extrajudicial executions. All of them, regardless of ethnicity are ranked as "Chechens".
I was faced with this.
I did not give a passport for about a year. And you have done in one day, and even kindly brought to the ladder a private jet. Double standards - this is just what distinguishes despotism from democracy ...
I am very sympathetic to you when you were in prison. I thought you handed down sentences unjust political. And now I think that you may have put pressure.
But you said in an interview: "Putin is not a wimp. I am ready to fight for the preservation of the North Caucasus as part of the country. This is our land, we will have won! "Think You do have to share responsibility for the war crimes in the Caucasus costs" conquest ", but its essence.
Check out my blog.
Read how we won.
As we buried the neighbors who were killed under fire, after closing the grave branches, hungry dogs to rend the deceased.
How were killed thousands of children and women in the Chechen Republic.
You still want the integrity of such a Russian?
I do not want.
And I do not need her citizenship. I'm embarrassed to Russian citizenship as a shameful stigma of slavery
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