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Generation 80

Generation 80 is devoted to know, our generation was born in the most atstoynoe time, which can only be invented. Gagarin's flight into space, we proyulili, recent high-profile event - it was the 1980 Olympic Games, which for obvious reasons, we have not seen too.

Season stagnation ended, general abundance on the tables was not there, vodka again allowed to sell all parents soundly booze. Many booze - you could hardly find a family in which there was drinking and shouting buhih. Single mothers have been through one, despite the brutal condemnation of divorce from the Party and government organizations. I was from a military family, which in addition is constantly booze, and even permanent houses across the country. Resettlement from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to the Urals, and then in Ukraine, was a common and normal business. Because of this, however, we often fought "went after school!" Trying to determine their place in the class hierarchy, but is easy to converge at the school with all the habit to understand people at a glance, is inherent in our generation by 100%.

And because of that we were so razbrosany- we were the last generation who wrote the usual letter paper, which details all the parts (usually it all began, "we have a good weather"), which went on for two or three weeks.

Oh yeah, the school ... From childhood, we were driven light ideals of communism and the greatness of Lenin for all the peoples of the earth. Hang on school uniforms, the blue jackets, Octobrist icon is honored. Yes, if all had uniforms. Some certainly tried to stand out and be different, for example, making of clips and hearts decorating their jacket, but for it mercilessly fuck teacher. Then the pioneers of this red tie, which should always be ironed and with a clear square in the neck, it vskidyvaniem honor his hand to his forehead, it's freaking guards on the monuments of 1 and 9 May, when it is necessary to stand with his hand raised until she began treacherous shiver.

We did not have a tablet with 3g, we did not have Angry Birds and vkontaktika. But we do not get bored. At lessons when doing was absolutely Nehru, we played a point, describing the whole notebook, from which we then made racing cars, crackers and water bombs, we were playing in tanchiki shooting pen, and of course in the sea battle - sometimes moving away from the class when matematichka heard a whisper "... B4. - .... killed! ».

And after school, we wandered for a perpetual construction projects, undeveloped yawning black windows on the terrible stairs that had no railing, past the elevator shafts uncovered wells, playing Cossacks robbers. And none of us did not have cell phones, especially with GPS tracking.

We stole a knife from the kitchen to raschertit circle and play the knives. If someone came out with the ball, then immediately heard the cries of "Who in the square, who is two hundred?».

We shot with carbide cans which previously had to be cut off the tip, we did missiles and bombs of nitrate. Sometimes it was very dangerous, and pieces of glass from the exploded bombs flew right over our heads blunt, but it was not as scary as the building shooting rounds of fire.
When it was quite boring, ashamed to admit, but I even played in rezinochki girls from the yard, and it was fun, too, because on the fifth level do Zhabko was quite difficult, but I was so steep that it is very rarely heard "Strata !! ".

We did not have the accordion drug that is present today in every pharmacy. Banks and electrophoresis were a universal remedy for a serious cold and frivolous no one has ever treated. Instead of super-dyshashih invisible patches we had saliva on the wound plus plantain instead ultravitov pikovitov and we had a little yellow balls bubble -vitaminok who always vyzhiralsya soon as candy is not always everything was ok, and after which the jet umatnaya was orange. For hematogen considered a delicacy. Going to the dentist was a real torture, because no painkillers are not pricked. And in the School of Dentistry he was required, after which the teeth are always smeared some nasty brown garbage from which coalesced teeth.

We had no choice million nibble pop and all prikolyashek. We drank the brew from the barrels on the street with bottles of yogurt with a wide neck, tarragon, Pinocchio and soda siphon from home with syrup.
We have always been open to each other, lunch and dinner at the one who got to a certain point in time. The parents had no other children. We were all the same. Everyone had a cabinet with crystal, on which stood a bust of Lenin, next to the empty box from under sweets. We all had a great bookshelf with numerous variations of constitutions and protocols of the Congress party. If you have a TV, apart from Fili Stepashko and Karkusha, watching it made no sense, until Tonis and Simon. And he was certainly covered with a flower carpet, and of course the ever-buzzing with stabilizer underneath. They all had the same tree, with the same cotton grandfathers frosts under them.

Yes, there was someone luckier than all! He was the one who had "Desna", "Eaglet" or "Salute" to which a queue to ride. There was one that besides plastic maze with a metal ball, sea battle and Electronics, "Well, wait a minute," was also the "Secrets of the Ocean" and "Happy Chef". There was one that was in the refrigerator three-liter jar of condensed milk, but talk in the evening on a bench near the entrance is not boiled down to who my father's car cooler or more mobile. Instead, we discussed ninja changed erotic cards, discussing how cool throwing stars, can fly because Hong Kil Dong, of course Schwarz, and how great it was karate and all cut down like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.

We did not have Duffy, Kronwerk or aymaks- we all watched in natural video salons that took a ruble for viewing on a conventional video recorder on a TV set. And disputes were so hot that sometimes materialized in real fights. But you know what - they did not have that brutality. We fought until the first blood or who surrenders first. Such meanness like kicking in the stomach or in the head lying, I have not seen even once, never.

There consoles. They were not the coolest shaders and 3d effects, they did not have a huge re-established peace and a false concept of success, it was Super Mario, tanchiki and ice klimber. It was very simple, very primitive, but, nevertheless, it was superovo - fantasy finish building all missing. Especially when there was such a masterpiece like Contra. I managed to pass him without loss of life, as soon as he took the first S.

We did not have RSS subscriptions Google-Reader. We read "Techniques of Youth" at the end of which was always umatnaya fantastic story and some clear life hacking magazine Krokodil - in which the meaning of half the cartoons we did not realize because of the political context, of course Murzilka and girls dreamed of along with Burda Moden .

And then ...
Then we had to grow up very sharply. Collapsed whole epoch. The fact that yesterday was valuable -Today was not worth a penny. Our parents have started to bring wages in coupons, buy food coupons, and the fact that yesterday was a big country, shattered.
We did not have enough life experience to understand what is going on, we were trying to adapt himself. We hear about a referendum, about the coup, about the collapse of the Union, but did not understand how it is good or bad.

Suddenly, in honor became bandits. They became very much. And in the evening, on his way home, he stopped to surprise question about the fines. Reports began to swarm with the news about the robbery and murder. Life has become very scary.
Antipropoganda alcoholism is over, now it was ok, with screens flowed advertising vodka Rasputin ("If you turn the bottle, I'll wink!"), Cigarettes LM, Laser and Stateline "Calm down!" Plump and smoking have become, even schoolchildren, and far from graduating classes.

Parents are faced with a huge clod of problems, some managed to plunge into MMM, Albee -Diplomat and Ukrainian House Selenga, was separately EkspressAgro, many lost their jobs and their savings, and for us as it is slowly forgotten, we are left to their own devices.

We were hounded Zuko and UPI, the girl thought for happiness drink champagne Valentino and dreamed of becoming prostitutes, and the boys began to thump, like Turkish Arkan or citric Stack, eating gidrokolbasoy, then going to the local discos and arranging wall to wall, the area to the area.

Everything turned upside down. If before military service was honorable, now serving golimy PTUshnik admitted that there was no money otmazatsya. Bandyugan, mobsters and thieves became revered by people, the Communists began to despise the cult of Lenin was dispelled. Brotherly nations have become strangers. Buggers are now gay and exhibited on TV like normal people, not only are they played on national TV such as Boris Moiseyev even received a People's Artist.

Live itself was very scary, and people tried to join the gaggle. It was a lot of social groups - rappers, metal, bikers, rockers.
The exploits of the Great Patriotic War began, and appeared tusknut Nazis, which we do not understand and will never understand, because we are the last generation that caught the living veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and know about it from the first persons.

But we managed to survive. We manage to develop. They go to college, not because I wanted to be those whom I studied, but just because it was necessary, or it just happened. Most of the cast higher just because they could get a good place, to get a job. We did not work due to age cling to the business after the collapse of the union, none of us was wound in Poland for Exodus, did not open the point on the drum, not sold small factory or business, it's all come from the '70s.

But the world is starting to level off. Discounts replaced hryvnia. I passed another crisis. The value of higher education dropped by the day. On the Circle needed no crust, and the hard-working and intelligent people. And with three diplomas, but being stupid moron, you could lose and lost in a job interview for a good job, without higher ordinary lad, but which had brains. Suddenly, the information was worth the money. That those brains become programmers founded new online business or any professional-quality steel companies. Our generation does not require special treatment, just because they are "communication breakdown employees with a broad outlook." That's because he knows - is necessary for the success of long and hard work. Therefore, they are valued in all areas.

We are the ones who watched the biggest breakthrough technologies. We have seen how the reel moved in with a boom box cassette, then CD, and then just a computer and Internet. And the tapes copied from each other a hundred times, we did not have the Internet to find the two butting favorite track and download (or buy) it, and he had to look for a favorite track rewinding the tape. When the tape recorder broke fast, normal twist hexagonal handle.
That we watched videos, transformed into a VideoCD, and then in DVD and Blue-ray.

We are the ones who saw the punch cards and 5 inch floppies. We are the ones who know what Sabotera loading from the tape and those who put DOOM with trehdyuymovki. We are the ones who worked on computers with 200 megabyte screw and 8 mb. RAM, and where was the Turbo button on sistemnike. We're the ones who found the DOS and Norton Commander and the famous Vinci.

That we were the first generation of the Internet, remember that this Odigo, which is why we are not engaged in srach and Guru because we all passed from the time of Fido and the first chat, such as carts and cormorants, another Netscape and Opera 5.0 .

We have retained the ability to be surprised. That we have seen and used the first mobile phones (and after the pagers, which you have no idea most likely), in which there were two rows and a monstrous cost of communication, so it we exclaim, "Oh wow, the train has Wifi !!» instead "I do not understand why such a crappy speed train from Wifi ?!».

Did you see how close Gaming salons, which was held more than one-third of the famous battle quack or CA, just because the cost and speed of mobile Internet is a couple of beers a month, and they are not wanted.

It is little we hang out in the social sphere, after it found that the first beauty school became dull and ugly, and the coolest guy in the class, who were all afraid, instead of Prime Minister become a taxi driver, realizing that social networks do not return, and vice versa - steal our memories.

After suffering shocks, shift paradigms and values, that we are not afraid of losing their jobs and easily send th ... nah any boss who demands of us a blunt execution of instructions.

Asians, there is one terrible curse - "May you live in interesting times!».

We are the lost generation of the most monstrous era of change. The generation that built nothing, achieved nothing, but nothing destroyed. We did not vote for the collapse of the Union, they were not on the coup, did not choose the first president. The generation that has replaced two completely different countries are all in the same area.

We - the generation that has nothing to fear. The generation that was considered shameful to have mistakes, despite the fact that "uh we hear not ekzaminah." The generation that still believes in friendship, which stops on the road, when seen emergency gang, is not looking for where to grab quick. Generation of the eighties ...


Source: alexeev.com.ua