"For free" - a world view

Most chip trend among our overseas.
Objectives: to get drunk in the trash for free / fun revel / adrenaline / good mood.
Solution: It takes two brow. Object: a local casino (of course, if you have them), which during the evening drinks - free of charge.
Buying on, say, $ 100 two chips nominal value of $ 50. Roulette. Next - simpler: one always puts on a red, the second - on black. Wherever the ball stopped, the outcome will be in any case the same - lost one, won the second. Of course, there are risks to zero, but the flaws have any plan ...
... Late at night, creeping out of the casinos on the eyebrows and get in front of it at the box office its $ 100 back chela have a good mood at a freebie.