Nature crying, people partying

At the funeral of Nelson Mandela, the weather was rainy. As told to a journalist lyrical school - nature wept with people.
People, however, not even crying. Mourn the dead is not part of the cultural tradition of the tribes of Kos, Bantu or Zulu. They sing loud songs, dance, lively dancing, celebrating the achievements of past life of the deceased.
However, due to bad weather gathering at the stadium in Pretoria has turned weak, there were many empty seats. But in the main stand - not overcrowded. There are going to color in world politics - 91 head of state, plus 75 "eminent personalities", including U2 singer Bono and model Naomi Campbell.
The main thing is that the memory of Nelson Mandela brought together the leaders of the so distant from each other in the political sense that their reporters handshake were themselves historic event.
For instance, the president of the United States handles with Cuban President Raul Castro. That did not happen 60 years. Or former terrorist, now a Northern Ireland politician Martin Mc Guinness in the company of former Marxist, Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe. Who would have such a thing? History.
It is said that when Bill Clinton shook hands with Nick Clegg, British molybdenum from the government coalition, journalists caught jealous shine in the eyes of British Labour leader David Miliband.
The most interesting - this is reacted South African people on the performances of distinguished guests. Manners of the people there myself, my feelings, no one hides.
For example, Raul Castro met with warm applause, former South African President Thabo Mbeki made a stormy ovation, but the current president, Zuma, booed every time his face appeared on the big screen.
The matter came before the sound passed, and the picture had to be removed from the screens. Among the journalists were rumors Zuma recently spent several million for the construction of their pool, and he even does not know how to swim! Do not worry, we will answer the critics, but now learn.
The ceremony was attended and late wife, Winnie, his second wife, and Graca Machel, the third wife. Graça took something like a Winnie welcomed with enthusiasm.
The hero of the day was President Obama, for obvious reasons. after all our people, half African. Obama has prepared a wonderful emotional speech, which he delivered with his usual skill than completely conquered the audience.
Behind the scenes went fraternization politicians. Barack Obama was talking with an attractive lady, Prime Minister of Denmark, who offered to take a picture on a mobile phone to make a self-portrait, or, as they say, selfie.
They were joined by British Prime Minister David Cameron, who had to bow my head to get into the frame, but a professional reporter was even quicker and captured this moment of political frivolity.
This photo has bypassed all British newspapers as genre illustration of the dangers faced by any government entity in foreign travel.
In the photo you can see how Obama's wife, Michelle, sits next to a rather bland face, his whole appearance showing their disapproval.
Russia is known to be represented by Valentina Matvienko.
It no photographs have been reported yet.
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