Let's talk about the Dogon, Sirius B.
Let's talk about the Dogon, Sirius B, numerous references to Sirius in almost all ancient civilizations. Everywhere Sirius personified with something holy and life-giving force. For the first time, Sirius B, was seen in the telescope in 1862, and 400 years Dogonsky artifact showing the configuration of Sirius A and Sirius B, as well as information from the Dogon that the star Sirius B material super tight, which can not be raised, or 50 years of cyclical rotation two stars, all this knowledge transparently indicate that someone -That gave them the knowledge, and the knowledge they have received far in antiquity.
Since the aliens built the megaliths, says a small planet with low gravity. Vizitёrov growth of about 3 meters, with a small area (feet) support. The blue color of their skin pigment talking about blocking certain emission spectrum, as well as, according to the AIO, the blood on the basis of the copper complex.
Thus you need to put this planet orbiting Sirius B, as Sirius B colder and old stars, where heavier elements (heavier than iron) must have been formed in abundance. X-rays and neutron must be powerful enough. At a certain point.
In connection with the neutron radiation, and silicates on the planet must have a surface softening. So they learned to build poligonalkoy.
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As you know, everything is new - it is well forgotten old. But sometimes there are cases where it is found that our ancestors were much more aware of certain issues than modern man.
The originality of Dogon culture open to the world thanks to the French anthropologist, accidentally discovered that people in the twentieth century. The very nature of supposedly hid Aborigines from the "civilized" society in tight folds shoulder Bandiagara - majestic rocky cliff, a length of almost 200 kilometers.
What is interesting for the people of modern science? Striking is the fact that the Dogon tribe still live a primitive communal life. The highest value for scientists is to Dogon culture, in their saved myths and legends. By studying the heritage of the African people, you may find some interesting facts that enhance the understanding of many processes in the universe, as well as solve the mystery of its origin. Interestingly, the Dogon people of his unique knowledge called messengers from Sirius. In the study of life of Aboriginal ethnologists Germain Dieterlen and Marcel Griaule in 1950 in his article reported interesting findings. Scientists have found interesting information about the Sirius star system.
Dogon told ethnologists that the "celestial heights" is "beautiful stars Curve" and around this star revolves Stars Tolo. In the language of the Dogon "On" means "grain seed." It is noteworthy that modern astronomers call the star Digitaria, which translated from Latin means as "grains of corn." Digitaria not visible to the human eye. Its size is small, but it is the heaviest object in the Sirius system. According to the leader, the orbital period of Digitaria around Curve is 50 years. By the way, once in 50 years this nation with great pomp celebrates the feast dedicated to the star.
Dogon also told about the existence of two stars in the Sirius system: Emma I, exceeds the size of Digitaria, but 4 times lighter than her and companion star Curve, located at a considerable distance from the Curve and rotating in the opposite direction. In support of his stories, the researchers showed the Dogon cave paintings depicting the orbit of Sirius and the small star, which induced spin on a given orbit Curve.
What is surprising is that the information is confirmed Aboriginal gradually scientific discoveries. Until recently, scientists believed that Sirius system consists of only two stars. That is about what the system has four stars only knew these people!
It was only in 1997, French scientists had suggested that Sirius A has two satellites, the parameters of which coincide with the stories of the Dogon. In 1970, the picture was obtained Sirius B (Digitaria), calculate its orbital period of Sirius. He was 51 years old. Scientists have determined that the size of Digitaria practically coincide with the size of Earth, but its mass is unusually large - 50 tons per cubic centimeter. This confirms the story of the tribal chief.
Just one teaspoon of the substance of the star is equal to the weight of the mass of the moon! It is interesting that the star was first recorded by scientists, "white dwarf." Subject, however, even now, with the development of technical base available to researchers, the Sirius star system remains poorly understood and is fraught with a lot of puzzles that modern scholars to be discovered.
But this amazing knowledge of the Dogon in astronomy does not end there! After all, except for Sirius, this nation has information about other stars and planets. They know about the existence of the rings of Saturn, the satellites of Jupiter, aware of the planetary structure of the solar system, believe that it is composed of 12 planets, as they defined the boundaries of the Milky Way.
These people told investigators the sacred knowledge of the creation of the universe. According to them, in the beginning all was Amma, resting in a vacuum. Amma was a world egg ball. Besides him, there was nothing. There was no time, no space. It was all one. But at one point, Amma opened his eyes. And his idea came spiraling out of the stomach, indicating the growth of the world.
It is surprising that this story is almost identical with the theory of the origin of the universe in modern physics. Especially noteworthy is the fact that the Dogon knew of a spiral structure of the world.
Why the people lost in the wilderness of African rocks could so much to know? Who told them this unique information about the universe? Although, in fact, if an unbiased look at the ancient artifacts, petroglyphs, explore the mythology of other ancient peoples of different continents, we find clear similarities in the presentation of our predecessors on the world order.
It turns out that the knowledge of the structure of the world have always existed! Then why modern man has lost the heritage of their ancestors? Maybe just the loss of the knowledge of previous generations has led humanity to the fact that we are now seeing in the world.
But as they say, is never too late to learn! Thanks to modern technology the man has become available information, books, articles, online museums. It remains the case for small - not to drown in the flow of this information, because it is sometimes very difficult to get to the bottom.
Since the aliens built the megaliths, says a small planet with low gravity. Vizitёrov growth of about 3 meters, with a small area (feet) support. The blue color of their skin pigment talking about blocking certain emission spectrum, as well as, according to the AIO, the blood on the basis of the copper complex.
Thus you need to put this planet orbiting Sirius B, as Sirius B colder and old stars, where heavier elements (heavier than iron) must have been formed in abundance. X-rays and neutron must be powerful enough. At a certain point.
In connection with the neutron radiation, and silicates on the planet must have a surface softening. So they learned to build poligonalkoy.
6 Picchu tuna tuttyktuk Pictures Google

As you know, everything is new - it is well forgotten old. But sometimes there are cases where it is found that our ancestors were much more aware of certain issues than modern man.
The originality of Dogon culture open to the world thanks to the French anthropologist, accidentally discovered that people in the twentieth century. The very nature of supposedly hid Aborigines from the "civilized" society in tight folds shoulder Bandiagara - majestic rocky cliff, a length of almost 200 kilometers.

What is interesting for the people of modern science? Striking is the fact that the Dogon tribe still live a primitive communal life. The highest value for scientists is to Dogon culture, in their saved myths and legends. By studying the heritage of the African people, you may find some interesting facts that enhance the understanding of many processes in the universe, as well as solve the mystery of its origin. Interestingly, the Dogon people of his unique knowledge called messengers from Sirius. In the study of life of Aboriginal ethnologists Germain Dieterlen and Marcel Griaule in 1950 in his article reported interesting findings. Scientists have found interesting information about the Sirius star system.
Dogon told ethnologists that the "celestial heights" is "beautiful stars Curve" and around this star revolves Stars Tolo. In the language of the Dogon "On" means "grain seed." It is noteworthy that modern astronomers call the star Digitaria, which translated from Latin means as "grains of corn." Digitaria not visible to the human eye. Its size is small, but it is the heaviest object in the Sirius system. According to the leader, the orbital period of Digitaria around Curve is 50 years. By the way, once in 50 years this nation with great pomp celebrates the feast dedicated to the star.
Dogon also told about the existence of two stars in the Sirius system: Emma I, exceeds the size of Digitaria, but 4 times lighter than her and companion star Curve, located at a considerable distance from the Curve and rotating in the opposite direction. In support of his stories, the researchers showed the Dogon cave paintings depicting the orbit of Sirius and the small star, which induced spin on a given orbit Curve.

What is surprising is that the information is confirmed Aboriginal gradually scientific discoveries. Until recently, scientists believed that Sirius system consists of only two stars. That is about what the system has four stars only knew these people!
It was only in 1997, French scientists had suggested that Sirius A has two satellites, the parameters of which coincide with the stories of the Dogon. In 1970, the picture was obtained Sirius B (Digitaria), calculate its orbital period of Sirius. He was 51 years old. Scientists have determined that the size of Digitaria practically coincide with the size of Earth, but its mass is unusually large - 50 tons per cubic centimeter. This confirms the story of the tribal chief.
Just one teaspoon of the substance of the star is equal to the weight of the mass of the moon! It is interesting that the star was first recorded by scientists, "white dwarf." Subject, however, even now, with the development of technical base available to researchers, the Sirius star system remains poorly understood and is fraught with a lot of puzzles that modern scholars to be discovered.

But this amazing knowledge of the Dogon in astronomy does not end there! After all, except for Sirius, this nation has information about other stars and planets. They know about the existence of the rings of Saturn, the satellites of Jupiter, aware of the planetary structure of the solar system, believe that it is composed of 12 planets, as they defined the boundaries of the Milky Way.
These people told investigators the sacred knowledge of the creation of the universe. According to them, in the beginning all was Amma, resting in a vacuum. Amma was a world egg ball. Besides him, there was nothing. There was no time, no space. It was all one. But at one point, Amma opened his eyes. And his idea came spiraling out of the stomach, indicating the growth of the world.
It is surprising that this story is almost identical with the theory of the origin of the universe in modern physics. Especially noteworthy is the fact that the Dogon knew of a spiral structure of the world.

Why the people lost in the wilderness of African rocks could so much to know? Who told them this unique information about the universe? Although, in fact, if an unbiased look at the ancient artifacts, petroglyphs, explore the mythology of other ancient peoples of different continents, we find clear similarities in the presentation of our predecessors on the world order.
It turns out that the knowledge of the structure of the world have always existed! Then why modern man has lost the heritage of their ancestors? Maybe just the loss of the knowledge of previous generations has led humanity to the fact that we are now seeing in the world.
But as they say, is never too late to learn! Thanks to modern technology the man has become available information, books, articles, online museums. It remains the case for small - not to drown in the flow of this information, because it is sometimes very difficult to get to the bottom.