Boris Akunin
Just do not about the economic benefits of the imperial status. This satellite pay us, from its budget - privileges and concessions.
The reason for this behavior is clear: this phantom pain imperial consciousness, pathetic attempts to collect bits and pieces of the former Soviet grandeur. Just because a damn our rulers will not work except for damage to the Russian economy and reputation.
No they do not restore the empire. Do you know why?
Our current rulers - they are just one of those who has perfectly adapted to the realities of capitalism. Sly, not forgetting on the way to be fed, climbed to the top and sated rygnuv, decided to recall the state.
Yes, but no they are not priests, and if the priests, it is only the word "eat". Mystic fire in their eyes, not burning, and without it the empire are not created. Ultimately, when absolutely pripret, the top will take pragmatism and considerations of personal gain.
Official Russia will be terrified, most of all she is afraid of a turn of events when the nearest neighbor will be accepted in polite society.
Independence prompted Russia that it should be changed so that the path to the EU has become a matter of course.
Adoption Russia there yet no one says, because they understand - essentially that seeks again to get on shoes, let his beard full of lice, starts yelling religious hymns, tear and burn the picture book, there is no place. But actually there all they want.
After all, it is clear that we do not create human medicine, utilities will not be adjusted, not win a police rudeness and lawlessness, if not get into conditions where the normalization of these simple things considered stringent standards. There will be doomed Russian, forced civilized. Under any other circumstances, no matter who was president - this should not wait
Separated history and tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union - we will meet again in Europe.
If Ukraine will sign an association agreement with the European Union, it is certainly an ideological blow to the Russian authorities. This collapse of the structure of our relations with the European Union, we have to rebuild the whole technology relationship. This will cause a lot of irritation elite. Not to mention the fact that we really will be forced to enter the barriers, because it is a blow to the Russian economy.
In the photo:
In Kiev there was a procession against Evrosodoma for an alliance with Russia.
Before the start of processions held a ceremony crawling on his haunches under the icon.
Just do not about the economic benefits of the imperial status. This satellite pay us, from its budget - privileges and concessions.
The reason for this behavior is clear: this phantom pain imperial consciousness, pathetic attempts to collect bits and pieces of the former Soviet grandeur. Just because a damn our rulers will not work except for damage to the Russian economy and reputation.
No they do not restore the empire. Do you know why?
Our current rulers - they are just one of those who has perfectly adapted to the realities of capitalism. Sly, not forgetting on the way to be fed, climbed to the top and sated rygnuv, decided to recall the state.
Yes, but no they are not priests, and if the priests, it is only the word "eat". Mystic fire in their eyes, not burning, and without it the empire are not created. Ultimately, when absolutely pripret, the top will take pragmatism and considerations of personal gain.
Official Russia will be terrified, most of all she is afraid of a turn of events when the nearest neighbor will be accepted in polite society.
Independence prompted Russia that it should be changed so that the path to the EU has become a matter of course.
Adoption Russia there yet no one says, because they understand - essentially that seeks again to get on shoes, let his beard full of lice, starts yelling religious hymns, tear and burn the picture book, there is no place. But actually there all they want.
After all, it is clear that we do not create human medicine, utilities will not be adjusted, not win a police rudeness and lawlessness, if not get into conditions where the normalization of these simple things considered stringent standards. There will be doomed Russian, forced civilized. Under any other circumstances, no matter who was president - this should not wait
Separated history and tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union - we will meet again in Europe.
If Ukraine will sign an association agreement with the European Union, it is certainly an ideological blow to the Russian authorities. This collapse of the structure of our relations with the European Union, we have to rebuild the whole technology relationship. This will cause a lot of irritation elite. Not to mention the fact that we really will be forced to enter the barriers, because it is a blow to the Russian economy.
In the photo:
In Kiev there was a procession against Evrosodoma for an alliance with Russia.
Before the start of processions held a ceremony crawling on his haunches under the icon.
Who rozdratuvav avtoprobіg on pіdtrimku єvromaydanu in Chernіgovі
Psi regime. "Berkut" on storozhі Mezhigіr'ya