Listen to each other we are not accepted
Boris Bitner
Many of my friends today on the Maidan.
No fewer bypasses the Independence party.
Both sides hate the current government.
Those who are on the Maidan, accuse those who are not on the Maidan in the absence of citizenship.
Those who are not on the Maidan, the protesters accuse of fanaticism and reckless actions, which entail negative consequences.
Both sides believe that the country should be changed, not only management, but also all the links below. Then you can not live like this.
Some of my friends say about the European choice (I'm not talking about getting into Europe! All my understanding that we have yet to Europe for decades the way).
Another part says breathlessly an alliance with Russia and the eternal Russian-Ukrainian brotherhood.
And they both have arguments, but the exchange of arguments difficult as listening to each other we are not accepted.
Whether we like it or not - the country is polarized. As in 2004, under the impact of political and ideological differences fall family break longstanding friendships, people throw in the face each other mutual insults.
No one remembers that there are no perfect solutions.
The road to Europe will bring a lot of problems and difficulties, harm not the oligarchs, they adapt, and ordinary people. But if we are talking about the motion vector for the long term, it is undoubtedly progressive.
Customs Union closer and more understandable, it does not require a change in society, and if we are rotten lower and more gentle lick, it would be an economic good to us quickly, but with the prospects of Ukraine to build something decent will have to say good-bye.
IMHO, of course.
Any decision fraught. Either choice is fatal. Someone will be unhappy. Someone will be happy. But in any case, it will be difficult, and all the more than one year. Wherever we go - rivers of milk with muslin banks will not. We are in the ass, where we have not only a good manager today, and all those who came before them after Kuchma. A way out of the ass is long and difficult to determine.
What frankly I do not like? The fact that in the course of protests involving ultra-right and I strongly advise you to deal with their participation in the provocation Bankova, contacts with the authorities and openly Nazi rhetoric. I do not like statements about the self-immolation. I do not like calls to unrest in the banking sector (these were). I frankly unsympathetic all three leaders of the opposition, even though some of their actions and statements are worthy of respect and attention. Accent - SEPARATE ACTS AND STATEMENTS. I can go on and be a long list.
What I like? The rebirth of civil society. The bulk of the people on Maidan. The active position of a normal youth. Ability compatriots to protest peacefully, but stubbornly remaining people in difficult circumstances. Mutual assistance. Mutual aid. Freedom of information and its spread uncontrollably. Cool the work of the press - thanks to you guys journalists and bloggers.
And I also like the fact that the Ukrainian society, there is the spirit of resistance to injustice. And this spirit is stronger than fear, stronger than the desire to sit in a hut that edge. What I would not say it's a good quality of character. I'm not talking about Ukrainians, screaming about the purity of his white blood, I'm talking about the Ukrainian people - the Tartars, who fed pilaf demonstrators on the Russian standing on the Maidan with flags of Ukraine, on the Ruthenians, Greeks, Poles, Jews, Belarusians and prochih- etc., etc., who are sitting shoulder to shoulder at the burning barrels in the cold December night in the square. They did not ask the passport, I hope? And Tyagnibok not fit into their passports at the hands of the nationality clause?
I'll write about people with different opinions. They all have a right to publicity. Democracy - is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, even if you disagree with him. And ideally also be able to understand it. Therefore, those who would like to support one of the sides will be disappointed. It seems to me - it is right.
Among the readers of this magazine are many people with diametrically opposed views, and all the time I was banned only one thing - a completely abnormal anti-Semite. The rest they say what they think. Will continue to be the same. I did I will not drive for an opinion - only for rudeness, rudeness, insults and ignition.
It is very difficult not to become one of the parties, but I'll try to stay above the fray. If I can, and will last for the forces.
And I urge all who covers events in Ukraine remain neutral and objective - it will be a really good thing.

Many of my friends today on the Maidan.
No fewer bypasses the Independence party.
Both sides hate the current government.
Those who are on the Maidan, accuse those who are not on the Maidan in the absence of citizenship.
Those who are not on the Maidan, the protesters accuse of fanaticism and reckless actions, which entail negative consequences.
Both sides believe that the country should be changed, not only management, but also all the links below. Then you can not live like this.
Some of my friends say about the European choice (I'm not talking about getting into Europe! All my understanding that we have yet to Europe for decades the way).
Another part says breathlessly an alliance with Russia and the eternal Russian-Ukrainian brotherhood.
And they both have arguments, but the exchange of arguments difficult as listening to each other we are not accepted.
Whether we like it or not - the country is polarized. As in 2004, under the impact of political and ideological differences fall family break longstanding friendships, people throw in the face each other mutual insults.
No one remembers that there are no perfect solutions.
The road to Europe will bring a lot of problems and difficulties, harm not the oligarchs, they adapt, and ordinary people. But if we are talking about the motion vector for the long term, it is undoubtedly progressive.
Customs Union closer and more understandable, it does not require a change in society, and if we are rotten lower and more gentle lick, it would be an economic good to us quickly, but with the prospects of Ukraine to build something decent will have to say good-bye.
IMHO, of course.
Any decision fraught. Either choice is fatal. Someone will be unhappy. Someone will be happy. But in any case, it will be difficult, and all the more than one year. Wherever we go - rivers of milk with muslin banks will not. We are in the ass, where we have not only a good manager today, and all those who came before them after Kuchma. A way out of the ass is long and difficult to determine.
What frankly I do not like? The fact that in the course of protests involving ultra-right and I strongly advise you to deal with their participation in the provocation Bankova, contacts with the authorities and openly Nazi rhetoric. I do not like statements about the self-immolation. I do not like calls to unrest in the banking sector (these were). I frankly unsympathetic all three leaders of the opposition, even though some of their actions and statements are worthy of respect and attention. Accent - SEPARATE ACTS AND STATEMENTS. I can go on and be a long list.
What I like? The rebirth of civil society. The bulk of the people on Maidan. The active position of a normal youth. Ability compatriots to protest peacefully, but stubbornly remaining people in difficult circumstances. Mutual assistance. Mutual aid. Freedom of information and its spread uncontrollably. Cool the work of the press - thanks to you guys journalists and bloggers.
And I also like the fact that the Ukrainian society, there is the spirit of resistance to injustice. And this spirit is stronger than fear, stronger than the desire to sit in a hut that edge. What I would not say it's a good quality of character. I'm not talking about Ukrainians, screaming about the purity of his white blood, I'm talking about the Ukrainian people - the Tartars, who fed pilaf demonstrators on the Russian standing on the Maidan with flags of Ukraine, on the Ruthenians, Greeks, Poles, Jews, Belarusians and prochih- etc., etc., who are sitting shoulder to shoulder at the burning barrels in the cold December night in the square. They did not ask the passport, I hope? And Tyagnibok not fit into their passports at the hands of the nationality clause?
I'll write about people with different opinions. They all have a right to publicity. Democracy - is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, even if you disagree with him. And ideally also be able to understand it. Therefore, those who would like to support one of the sides will be disappointed. It seems to me - it is right.
Among the readers of this magazine are many people with diametrically opposed views, and all the time I was banned only one thing - a completely abnormal anti-Semite. The rest they say what they think. Will continue to be the same. I did I will not drive for an opinion - only for rudeness, rudeness, insults and ignition.
It is very difficult not to become one of the parties, but I'll try to stay above the fray. If I can, and will last for the forces.
And I urge all who covers events in Ukraine remain neutral and objective - it will be a really good thing.