The Tree of Life
This tree has been growing for about four centuries in the desert where there is no hint that somewhere nearby there is water. Shadzharat al-Hayat (Shajarat-al-Hayat) - tree-legend with unexplained origins science.
Needless Shadzharat al-Hayat (Shajarat-al-Hayat) is located on a hill, about 10 meters in height. Given that a number of no source of water, the scientists suggest that somewhere in the depths of sand have groundwater. But why, then, it is growing only one tree? In general, it is absolutely incomprehensible and mysterious. This gives a good basis for the formation of local people legends. On one of them, in this place a long time ago was the Garden of Eden. A tree of life - the only surviving. The tree belongs to the species Prosopis cineraria, the roots of which, according to scientists, can go to a depth of 50 meters!
Needless Shadzharat al-Hayat (Shajarat-al-Hayat) is located on a hill, about 10 meters in height. Given that a number of no source of water, the scientists suggest that somewhere in the depths of sand have groundwater. But why, then, it is growing only one tree? In general, it is absolutely incomprehensible and mysterious. This gives a good basis for the formation of local people legends. On one of them, in this place a long time ago was the Garden of Eden. A tree of life - the only surviving. The tree belongs to the species Prosopis cineraria, the roots of which, according to scientists, can go to a depth of 50 meters!