Stone trees

Artificial trees and vines, made of stone, are becoming increasingly popular objects of architecture. They have been actively used in the design of the landscape, as additional aesthetic accents in the design of parks and gardens, conservatories. Caves, grottoes, artificial ponds and waterfalls - such solutions are increasingly ensembles include the establishment of stone trees, vines and other plant facilities.
That is, transient, momentary fashion or natural extension of the classical tradition? Where are the roots of this resurgent popularity?
Even a cursory glance at the history of world culture, the answer to the first question is obvious. The symbolism of the tree permeates most mythological systems and beliefs, born independently in different parts of the world. Image of the world (space) tree in different forms and variants present everywhere. The Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, the tree of good and evil - it is only the most famous examples of this image, which itself embodies the concept of a universal world.
With the development of mankind image of a tree in different cultural and historical versions transformed and served as the starting point of such notions as the world pillar, the world mountain, and later - and architectural objects and elements of the Temple, column, obelisk, throne, cross.
In addition to the cultural traditions of the origins of the creation of artificial stone trees, no doubt, are in a strong impression of the natural fossils. Petrified branches bizarre shapes often beaching during tides. Special, unique beauty of natural shapes plants, carved in stone, suggests evokes the artist's desire to create such images generated by his will and imagination.
Petrified wood
But incomparable majestic mysterious beauty of petrified trees. In the world there are a few places where you can admire the likes of fossils that have been living millions of years ago. One of them is on the territory of Ukraine, is a monument of nature "Druzhkovsky petrified trees", covers an area of 1 hectare. Remains evergreen deciduous giants survived since the carboxylic period - about 250 million. Years ago. Forest of giant Araucaria, swallowed tropical sea, then it covered with a layer of sedimentary rocks. Under the influence of sea water organic compounds were replaced with mineral - trunks and branches over time turned to stone. Such a phenomenon of nature is rare, similar Druzhkovsky monument known only one and it is in the state of Arizona United States of America.
On the stone trees many legends in various remote from each other parts of the world. On one of them, who was born in Indian tribes, stony trunks - like arrows belonging tire-woo, the god of thunder. About the irresistible force of beauty stone flower tells the tale of the same name known Bazhov. Stonecutter Danila-master, impressed by the magic of the flower show him Mistress of Copper Mountain, lost rest in search of ways to express the beauty of nature in stone.
Wood concrete
And if previously imagination struck by such an unusual phenomenon limited to the creation of myths and legends, and create something comparable in beauty and expressiveness with a natural formation, it was possible to single genius, the progress of technology has made it possible to free creativity. Now you can not only embody the impression of the wonders of verbal images, but on the contrary - to realize their own fantasies, impressions and associations in real forms - trees, created from an artificial stone. Any most whimsical form, born in the imagination of the artist, can be recreated with modern materials, primarily architectural concrete.
You can use the motifs of various architectural styles, especially in some of them, particularly in the Indian tradition recreate texture plants in stone thousands of years. You can create a forest wonderland fantasy. Strange, previously unseen plants fantastic worlds generated by the imagination of the artist; abandoned, but carry information about past centuries the city, ancient ruins and statues, "overgrown" stone vines can live on the estate. Create a microcosm that reflects the passions of man, his passions, childish fantasies, cultural associations - means providing the opportunity to relax, spend time in the atmosphere, which is close and desire, which generates a rich range of thoughts and feelings and stimulates creativity.