Decorative pond
Own a decorative pond near the house - gazebo on the beach, pleasant contemplation of the water surface - like a dream visit almost every owner of a country house. How realistic is their implementation? Now it's easy, pond on the site can arrange a variety of ways - from installing a plastic tub to create bowls, simulating natural - with sand and pebble bottom, sandy beaches, lilies, water lilies and other attributes of a natural pond.
However, these ponds require regular care and quite time-consuming, otherwise becoming a muddy swamp - the source of odor and mosquitoes. Plastic Tub - easy, fast and cheap. But for all its functional advantages of the embodiment of the dream of a romantic place - the sunsets and sunrises reflection in the mirrored surface of the water surface - it clearly can not qualify.
Concrete bowl avoids many troubles care, but being lined with decorative tiles, looks too prosaic. The correct form of the coastline is not limited to banal pools. This is characteristic of a formal style, when the configuration of the reservoir are geometric shapes: round, oval, square, or a combination thereof.
The strictness of the best forms of naturalness shaded design. Wild stone here seems the most appropriate part of the decor. Advances in technology and the emergence of new materials avoids many of the difficulties in the decoration of reservoirs, especially for those for whom wild stone is the best way of registration. It's about the ponds that are part of a complex composition, for example, rock gardens and rockeries. If the boulders for small alpine garden you can pick up, the large decorative forms for registration of the coast - is disproportionate to the cost of labor and finance. In addition, quite difficult to choose the combination of natural wild stones that would help implement the original plan of the designer.
Architectural concrete - a material with which the work is akin to magic. Production of various textures of natural stone, the ability to create shapes of all sizes, rich with subtle nuances of color palette - all these properties make decorative concrete the best choice for finishing the wild artificial pond. Add to this the improved physical properties - strength, moisture resistance and durability - you realize that the dream of their own "fjords" is feasible.