Why grow a decorative bow in the summer cottage
The plot, decorated with flowers, pleases the eye and lifts the mood. It is difficult to imagine even the simplest landscape design without flowering. Of course, flowers require special care, but there is one unfavourable plant that looks so amazing, as if it came from another planet.
Allium, or decorative bow, unpretentious in care and practically does not require attention. It grows perfectly in light penumbra, and in a sunny place, and on the most ordinary soils. It looks like an exotic flower. The editorial board will tell you about him today. "Site".
You can plant allium in autumn and spring. If you have early flowering varieties of allium, then they should be planted in September so that the bulbs have time to take root, and in the spring or summer they bloom safely. If you have a late-flowering variety of allium, you can plant it in the spring.
Be sure to keep the depth.plantingSo the plant doesn't die. When planting an allium with an entire bulb, the depth should be approximately two of its values. The distance between the neighboring bulbs is about half a meter. The allium grows for 4-5 years without transplantation.
Note: when the flower-bearing allium prepares for flowering, the leaves often begin to die. Don't cut them off - they should fall off naturally. With their help, nutrients accumulate in the bulb. So that the yellowing leaves of allium do not spoil the appearance of the flower garden, plant other plants with decorative foliage nearby, capable of hiding not very pretty leaves.
By the way, the leaves of decorative onions have the same taste as the usual. But they have much more useful microelements. So you can safely add allium to your favorite dishes.
Watering decorative onions should be done as needed. Excess moisture can destroy the plant. That is why allium can not be planted in low-lying places, where meltwater stagnates for a long time in the spring. So for those who are lazy or forget to water the flowers, this is just a godsend.
Allium can be propagated with bulbs and seeds. In autumn, during transplantation, the overgrown bulbs are simply separated and planted at a considerable distance from each other. The second option is more difficult and requires patience. After all, not only that the seeds need to be selected the best, but also a full-fledged plant will be formed only after 3-4 years.
This decorative bow fits so well into landscape design! You can plant whole alleys from the allium and enjoy their amazing views.
With this decoration, your plot will be the most beautiful in the area. This location can be rented out for photo shoots. Allium blooms for 2 months
Decorate your site with this stunning decorative onion and do not forget to share interesting information with your friends on social networks!

Allium, or decorative bow, unpretentious in care and practically does not require attention. It grows perfectly in light penumbra, and in a sunny place, and on the most ordinary soils. It looks like an exotic flower. The editorial board will tell you about him today. "Site".

You can plant allium in autumn and spring. If you have early flowering varieties of allium, then they should be planted in September so that the bulbs have time to take root, and in the spring or summer they bloom safely. If you have a late-flowering variety of allium, you can plant it in the spring.

Be sure to keep the depth.plantingSo the plant doesn't die. When planting an allium with an entire bulb, the depth should be approximately two of its values. The distance between the neighboring bulbs is about half a meter. The allium grows for 4-5 years without transplantation.

Note: when the flower-bearing allium prepares for flowering, the leaves often begin to die. Don't cut them off - they should fall off naturally. With their help, nutrients accumulate in the bulb. So that the yellowing leaves of allium do not spoil the appearance of the flower garden, plant other plants with decorative foliage nearby, capable of hiding not very pretty leaves.

By the way, the leaves of decorative onions have the same taste as the usual. But they have much more useful microelements. So you can safely add allium to your favorite dishes.

Watering decorative onions should be done as needed. Excess moisture can destroy the plant. That is why allium can not be planted in low-lying places, where meltwater stagnates for a long time in the spring. So for those who are lazy or forget to water the flowers, this is just a godsend.

Allium can be propagated with bulbs and seeds. In autumn, during transplantation, the overgrown bulbs are simply separated and planted at a considerable distance from each other. The second option is more difficult and requires patience. After all, not only that the seeds need to be selected the best, but also a full-fledged plant will be formed only after 3-4 years.

This decorative bow fits so well into landscape design! You can plant whole alleys from the allium and enjoy their amazing views.

With this decoration, your plot will be the most beautiful in the area. This location can be rented out for photo shoots. Allium blooms for 2 months

Decorate your site with this stunning decorative onion and do not forget to share interesting information with your friends on social networks!