Artificial stream

If your home is already built a pond, its a good idea to complement decorative creek. It will not only please the eye, but also bring cool on a hot day, and create an optimal microclimate in the garden. Current water provides oxygen both plants and animals.
The device is an artificial stream can be the simplest solution for a variety of terrain. Correct decorative spring is designed so that your guest who did not know its origin, decide that this idyll in miniature water in your area is the heritage of nature.
The creation of such a stream requires some creativity from landscape designer and knowledge of hydraulic works as an engineer. It is important that the channel was well-built rivers and beaches properly reinforced, there should be a place of standing water or overflow over the edge. If you close your site has no natural sources, perhaps the best option for you would be a closed system in which the same volume of water pumped around. It is easy to organize water filtration and removal of leaves and pieces of bark from the trees.
The original (primary) point for a decorative stream should be suitable boulder or rock with a rough surface. With the help of a masked hose supplied with water - it will create the impression of a natural source. From your imagination will depend on whether the stream immediately fall into the pond, or pre-flow through the stone steps, and other design objects. In any case, you will need electric pump that provides water cycle.
If your decorative stream has a large extent, it will take a lot of space in the garden. Electric works or not, in the deep water areas remain, and the birds will be to fly there to bathe or drink. These grooves desirable to plant a variety of plants, but carefully, so that the water remains clear and turbid. A thick layer of gravel will provide soil stability around the plants. Once you plant the plants, water should start gently, without much pressure. Only a month later, when take root planting, water pressure can be increased - the land will not pollute the creek. If the coast is planned to plant ornamental stream vegetation bed dug to a depth of about 50 cm. If the stream is not designed shores plant enough depth of 30 cm.
If your decorative stream accumulate excess water, they can be removed, erecting a small outlet stream, which will guide the portion of the flow into the well. The bed of the stream discharge spread film, the edges of which mask the wild plants and stones. Thus, it is possible to obtain natural-looking water conveyance groove.
Decorative stream will look more natural, if not planting, though beautiful, but unsuitable for aquatic plants, such as roses, carnations and other. Landing on the shores of the creek decorative suit calla, rushes, meadow tea, loosestrife, forget-me-marsh, mimulyus, crybaby-grass, veronica key, European globe.
Brook itself can not do so "wild" placed next to the tub for washing hands or slung over the water obstacle small garden bridge, creating consummated view of the entire ensemble. Bench carved from stone or wood allow a walk for a short while to sit down and listen to the music of nature and enjoy the beauty of the composition.