Artificial intelligence, created by Japanese people, is smarter than most high school students

Japanese scientists have developed a software system of artificial intelligence that is smarter than most high school students. This is evidenced by the results of entrance examinations.
According to the developers, the robot Torobo-kun without difficulty passed the examination in English for admission to a Japanese College, scoring more points than the average high school student. In just 12 months, the robot failed twice to improve their results, increasing his chances of going to Tokyo University – the most prestigious high school in Japan.
If the average score for English for the standardized entrance exam was 93.1 (out of 200), AI scored 95 — said the representative of NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group.
Last year in the test on English language program scored 52 points. NTT lab develops software together with the National Institute of Informatics (NII) who are responsible for the ability of the robot to the teaching of English.

The project, launched in 2011, aims to enroll artificial intelligence in Tokyo University by 2021.
The software to be able to recognize the exam questions, they were transformed into digital data. Then Torobo-kun has processed the information and, logically, chose the correct answer from several options.
"One of our goals is the detection of the limitations of artificial intelligence. The ability of humans and machines complement each other is a key condition for economic growth of Japan in the future," — said the publication of the Asahi Shimbun's project leader, Professor Noriko Arai.
Recent results showed that Torobo-kun with a probability of 80 percent will be able to pass the entrance examinations of 80 percent of 581 private universities of Japan.
Examiners attributed the success Torobo-kun improved understanding of the Japanese and English languages. However, the software needs work. According to them, artificial intelligence is still difficult to operate with abstract forms that required tasks in the test in physics. And the test of English language he was unable to answer questions using drawings and illustrations, but the pictures were recognized perfectly.
Artificial intelligence passed the tests for English and Japanese languages, math, history and physics.
Source: hi-news.ru