Inflatable incubator will help save premature babies

More than one million newborns die annually from complications during a premature birth. This happens most often in countries where there are no qualified doctors and expensive equipment in order to save the kids. A new invention can give premature babies a chance at life.
The invention got the name MOM and is a cheap and very compact inflatable incubator. Developed device a graduate of the British University of Loughborough, James Robert. With his invention he has already won the prestigious annual competition for young inventors James Dyson Award. On the creation of a MOM of a young man was inspired by a documentary on premature babies in the camps of war refugees.
"The invention of James shows us how much design can affect human life, — told reporters, Popular Science, the organizer of the contest inventors James Dyson — Western countries perceive expensive incubators for granted. We don't really think that such expensive equipment is hardly suitable for third world countries or, for example, can be used in the areas of natural disasters. James just took it and figured out how you can save thousands of children's lives."

The usual incubation system costs about $ 45,000. It is very bulky and inconvenient for transportation. MOM solves both problems thanks to its folding design and the cheapness of the materials used. A portable incubator can be easily disassembled and folded into a compact case. To build the incubator must be inflated, and then connect it to the mains, to support the specified temperature range.
Built-in sensors monitor real-time humidity and temperature inside the incubator. So the doctor can adjust incubation medium to make it as comfortable for the child. Equipment device also includes a collapsible phototherapy unit for treatment of jaundice in children. In the case of a power failure, the incubator is able to operate uninterrupted for 24 hours when you connect it to a regular car battery.
Source: hi-news.ru
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