Garden Bridge
One of the most versatile small architectural forms inherent in almost any landscape design - from regular to "wild" and fantasy, as well as oriental gardens: in Chinese, Japanese and Indian style - a garden bridge. He in any style decision design landscape around the house is an indispensable component, accents and gives the entire composition harmony and completeness.
Increasingly, residents of suburban housing seek to create a landscape gardening area, which is in harmony with their inner world and the perception of beauty. Number of embodiments of dreams - incalculable. This can be a regular park with wide avenues and statues, fountains and lights, decorated in classic form. Or "natural" landscape - a piece of wildlife - with meadows, imitations of impenetrable jungle and exotic woods and flowing waterfalls.
Depending on the location and the chosen design, the bridge will give the garden an appropriate atmosphere. Small and sleek, in the shade of spreading trees it creates an intimate, romantic atmosphere. In an open area, thrown across a pond or stream, he psychologically expands the space, gives a feeling of transition, long way.
If the territory is no water source, the bridge in the garden can be built on the so-called dry creek bed which can be lined with natural or artificial stones a variety of configurations. In this case offers ample space for artistic decisions. Make a composition so that all of its elements are in harmony with each other and the surrounding area - a difficult but fascinating challenge.
The Japanese garden has a unique transitions, called "steps monk" - large flat stones spaced human step so that they can be used to move through a small pond or stream. This minimalist aesthetics naturally and organically can be successfully use them in almost any style decisions.
Connect the slopes of a deep ravine or flatten a significant height difference can be arch design on the supports. Arch bridges can be finished with artificial stone, imitating the old, mossy masonry, thereby creating the impression of an ancient building, decades and even centuries to stand here.
Reference to the past - productive, but not the only possible solution. In addition to the variation of the classic styles, both European and Oriental, modern materials have made possible the incarnation of the most unexpected unusual art objects. This is an opportunity to create a fictional, fantasy worlds, caused by associations of favorite books and films that reflect the individual imagination of the owner or architect.
Skill of the sculptor and modern materials allow the creation of park bridge over the gorge with a stone fence in the form of huge wild boulders made of artificial stone; or small bridges, woven from vines fantastic fossilized tree lined chain of flat stones and toggle through the symbolic stream.
The main advantage of small forms of architecture created by the hands of artists - it is an opportunity to realize their own desires and make a unique look to your homestead, finding in this work of art.