The most unusual bridges of peace
Noting that previous material turned out to be interesting for the readers of «Re-actor.net», it was decided to continue the theme of the bridges. Only now, in a more aesthetic way. In order not to be considered amateurs and deceivers :)
As in the previous article, I recommend to deal with all this mess, increasing the image clicks. Let's start with the Netherlands, the country where the imagination can be heated soft drugs. Here's a drawbridge automatically Slauerhoff located in the town of Leeuwarden. Its dimensions 15mh15m.
Bridge Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge is also unique in its kind. Located in Sao Paulo, Brazil is the only bridge in the world, bearing the letters which form the shape of a cross formed by H. Height - 137 meters and 16 centimeters.
Most BANGO (Banpo Bridge) does not have outstanding size, but in its own way unique. And most importantly - very beautiful. And he entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the bridge, which is the world's longest fountain "Moon Rainbow" (1140 m). The bridge connects the two banks of the Han River in the South Korean city of Seoul.
Zanesvillsky Y-Bridge (Zanesville Y-bridge) in the eponymous town of Zanesville, Ohio, USA, is unique in its form Y. The bridge was built at the confluence of the Licking and Makingem, and therefore contains three automotive web.
Although the triple bridges in the world abound. For example, a pedestrian suspension bridge Kikki in Japan. He does not have any support!
Incredible beauty and originality of the pedestrian bridge Helix is located in Singapore and is a length of 280 meters. But the main attention he attracted by its design in the form of two helices that resemble DNA. Lighting of the bridge adjusted by computer. Helix was commissioned in April last year.
In Singapore the bridge there is more adult "relative". He even called as well. In the US city of Seattle, commissioned by Amgen, in 2004, the year of the tracks was built footbridge Helix Pedestrian Bridge.
Another pedestrian bridge in Singapore called Henderson Wave Bridge and really looks like a wave. This bridge is also relatively young. It works with 2006 year. The total length of the bridge is 274 meters.
For 10 years the inhabitants of Amsterdam pleases the eye the bridge Pythonbrug, connecting the island of Borneo to the mainland. It is not hard to guess that the bridge got its name from the serpentine form.
Continuing the theme of pedestrian bridges is impossible not to mention the Langkawi Sky Bridge, located in Malaysia. The bridge is only 125 meters, but the altitude is as much as 700 meters. Another peculiarity is that the bridge is held on the ropes, which are fixed on the same column, and he seems to be hanging over the precipice. Stability of Langkawi Sky Bridge give additional cables attached to the rocks.
Very unique shape and design at the Millennium Bridge (Gateshead Millennium Bridge), in the North of England. It is used by cyclists and pedestrians. At the heart of the two steel arch bridge. In the usual state of one arch is raised, and the second is used to move from one bank of the River Tyne. But when you want to skip the ship, horizontal arch is raised and lowered vertically, providing passing ships of 25 meters of vertical.
Aiola Island Bridge in the Austrian Graz - a real bridge-island, which has a bar, a coffee shop and a parade ground for sunbathing.
But to the project in South Korea Austrians far. Local architects are planning to build a city bridge Paik Nam June Media Bridge with lots of facilities services sector, a garden, a library and even a private jetty. However, while this is only a draft.
And for a snack funny pedestrian bridge in high-tech style. It is also unique in its kind, as is able to fold into a circular shape. The length of a bridge of 12 meters, but in cities such as London, where the canal system is extensive enough, Rolling Bridge - the best way out.
As in the previous article, I recommend to deal with all this mess, increasing the image clicks. Let's start with the Netherlands, the country where the imagination can be heated soft drugs. Here's a drawbridge automatically Slauerhoff located in the town of Leeuwarden. Its dimensions 15mh15m.

Bridge Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge is also unique in its kind. Located in Sao Paulo, Brazil is the only bridge in the world, bearing the letters which form the shape of a cross formed by H. Height - 137 meters and 16 centimeters.

Most BANGO (Banpo Bridge) does not have outstanding size, but in its own way unique. And most importantly - very beautiful. And he entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the bridge, which is the world's longest fountain "Moon Rainbow" (1140 m). The bridge connects the two banks of the Han River in the South Korean city of Seoul.

Zanesvillsky Y-Bridge (Zanesville Y-bridge) in the eponymous town of Zanesville, Ohio, USA, is unique in its form Y. The bridge was built at the confluence of the Licking and Makingem, and therefore contains three automotive web.

Although the triple bridges in the world abound. For example, a pedestrian suspension bridge Kikki in Japan. He does not have any support!

Incredible beauty and originality of the pedestrian bridge Helix is located in Singapore and is a length of 280 meters. But the main attention he attracted by its design in the form of two helices that resemble DNA. Lighting of the bridge adjusted by computer. Helix was commissioned in April last year.

In Singapore the bridge there is more adult "relative". He even called as well. In the US city of Seattle, commissioned by Amgen, in 2004, the year of the tracks was built footbridge Helix Pedestrian Bridge.

Another pedestrian bridge in Singapore called Henderson Wave Bridge and really looks like a wave. This bridge is also relatively young. It works with 2006 year. The total length of the bridge is 274 meters.

For 10 years the inhabitants of Amsterdam pleases the eye the bridge Pythonbrug, connecting the island of Borneo to the mainland. It is not hard to guess that the bridge got its name from the serpentine form.

Continuing the theme of pedestrian bridges is impossible not to mention the Langkawi Sky Bridge, located in Malaysia. The bridge is only 125 meters, but the altitude is as much as 700 meters. Another peculiarity is that the bridge is held on the ropes, which are fixed on the same column, and he seems to be hanging over the precipice. Stability of Langkawi Sky Bridge give additional cables attached to the rocks.

Very unique shape and design at the Millennium Bridge (Gateshead Millennium Bridge), in the North of England. It is used by cyclists and pedestrians. At the heart of the two steel arch bridge. In the usual state of one arch is raised, and the second is used to move from one bank of the River Tyne. But when you want to skip the ship, horizontal arch is raised and lowered vertically, providing passing ships of 25 meters of vertical.

Aiola Island Bridge in the Austrian Graz - a real bridge-island, which has a bar, a coffee shop and a parade ground for sunbathing.

But to the project in South Korea Austrians far. Local architects are planning to build a city bridge Paik Nam June Media Bridge with lots of facilities services sector, a garden, a library and even a private jetty. However, while this is only a draft.

And for a snack funny pedestrian bridge in high-tech style. It is also unique in its kind, as is able to fold into a circular shape. The length of a bridge of 12 meters, but in cities such as London, where the canal system is extensive enough, Rolling Bridge - the best way out.

Photographer Sue Flood (Sue Flood) - novootkryvatel Arctic and Antarctic
The day in pictures, March 11, 2011