Impostor syndrome

Impostor syndrome (a condition when you every day feel like a fraud) seems much more common than the polls show. This is understandable - these things do not really want to admit.
Is actually quite difficult to determine the time of occurrence of this syndrome: "can someone really underestimates himself - says you - but I'm really not well versed in that and that something".
This is a classic situation where a person endlessly comparing yourself to other people, and this comparison is not always in their favor, because it is not sure of himself and can not know what is going on in the minds of other people. And I certainly can not see myself. Man impostor syndrome evaluates himself erroneously, based only on their internal representation of their own qualities and skills.
That is, this is a strange kind of self-doubt, based on the conviction of a man if he something and talented, so it is in self-deception and disguise their incompetence. And it's not a joke, because the impostor syndrome cure is much more difficult than it might seem.
Two American sociologist, Jessica Collett and Jade Avelis, decided to find out why so many women scientists "go the distance": aiming for first career, they then switch to something less ambitious. Contrary to popular belief, a survey of 460 doctors found that it has nothing to do with the desire to become a family man. In fact, blame the same impostor syndrome.
They also found a rather ironic fact. It has long been known that the impostor syndrome often affects women than men - for this reason (among others) educational institutions appoint mentors young students is women teachers.
However, judging by the results of some polls, mentor often only worsens the situation. Young woman comparing himself to mentor her attributes sverhkachestva that she allegedly did not have and can not have. As a result, self-esteem drops even lower, as the imposter syndrome progresses. "One student felt that her research supervisor was secretly superwoman, - says the magazine" Scientist ". - How could she ever be worthy of such a comparison? »
And this is just one of the ironic frustration associated with the syndrome. Another is that the true impostors and fools seldom experienced something similar.
"The problem of the world is that the stupid are self-confident, and intelligent are full of doubt," said Bertrand Russell.
But the most unpleasant that success in work can not get rid of the impostor syndrome. Promotions or awards will give you even more reasons to feel like a fraud. You acquired the knowledge you will not find his merit.
Impostor syndrome, according to the magazine "Pacific Standard", "for many people, the natural way to gain experience».
Climbing the corporate ladder, you will still consider themselves worse than other talented people. It never stops.
"I have written 11 books, but every time I think: That's it, and people will realize that I am not worthy," - said Maya Angelou, American writer nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.
For people in high positions, many experts see the only solution: more talk about his doubts. "When people see how successful they respected personality admit that they have not always turned out, especially at first, then start easier and more realistic to look at their own achievements," - experts say the organization "Ada Initiative", which supports women working in the field technology.
Few of us want to admit to a lack of confidence, especially for people with the syndrome of impostor or women working in stereotypically masculine fields.
But if you are a manager, you should try. Maybe then everyone will understand that superhumans who have never experienced the feeling that people think of them better than they really are, in fact, does not exist.
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