We look at them, and we can not look away - porcelain skin, fine features, expressive facial expressions. Every gesture - a work of art, every word - thoughtful and weighty. They are beautiful and young - our idols, actors, models, musicians.
And they drink, smoke marijuana, suffer from eating disorders, addictions and treated for depression. And they die young. They have everything to be happy, and they choose death.
Kurt Cobain
This depressed the young man could not get into this list - it is a true embodiment of ruined youth. An overdose of heroin, a note written on behalf voobrozhaemogo childhood friend, runs a philosophy of death. On it was mad half the world, and he went mad with hatred.
Hooligan, drunk and rowdy. Cute blue-eyed boy. Hang on the pipe in a hotel room "Angliter" before his death wrote:
Goodbye, my friend, good-bye.
My dear, you're in my chest.
Designed parting
Promises a meeting ahead.
Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Do not be sad not sad eyebrows, -
In this life, dying is not new,
But live, of course, not newer.
Ruslana Korshunova
The striking beauty girl jumped from the window of the ninth floor. She had everything - fame, money, love. It was not the main thing - what makes live. But it was not 21.
Marilyn Monroe
Everyone knows how Merlin had died, but still surprised and theorize death (for the uninitiated: the girl died from an overdose of sleeping pills).
Heath Ledger
Said Heath grieved at parting with Michelle Williams. The result - an acute poisoning caused by analgesic, hypnotic and sedative - all at the same time took the actor.
Lucy Gordon
The actress, who played Jane Birkin in the film "Gainsbourg. Love bully ", hang a few days before his 29th birthday.
Edie Sedgwick
Andy Warhol's muse for a long time taking drugs and did not wake up one morning from the usual medication that was prescribed to her doctors.
Anne Reston
Model Zamora himself to death to death.
And they drink, smoke marijuana, suffer from eating disorders, addictions and treated for depression. And they die young. They have everything to be happy, and they choose death.
Kurt Cobain
This depressed the young man could not get into this list - it is a true embodiment of ruined youth. An overdose of heroin, a note written on behalf voobrozhaemogo childhood friend, runs a philosophy of death. On it was mad half the world, and he went mad with hatred.

Hooligan, drunk and rowdy. Cute blue-eyed boy. Hang on the pipe in a hotel room "Angliter" before his death wrote:
Goodbye, my friend, good-bye.
My dear, you're in my chest.
Designed parting
Promises a meeting ahead.
Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Do not be sad not sad eyebrows, -
In this life, dying is not new,
But live, of course, not newer.

Ruslana Korshunova
The striking beauty girl jumped from the window of the ninth floor. She had everything - fame, money, love. It was not the main thing - what makes live. But it was not 21.

Marilyn Monroe
Everyone knows how Merlin had died, but still surprised and theorize death (for the uninitiated: the girl died from an overdose of sleeping pills).

Heath Ledger
Said Heath grieved at parting with Michelle Williams. The result - an acute poisoning caused by analgesic, hypnotic and sedative - all at the same time took the actor.

Lucy Gordon
The actress, who played Jane Birkin in the film "Gainsbourg. Love bully ", hang a few days before his 29th birthday.

Edie Sedgwick
Andy Warhol's muse for a long time taking drugs and did not wake up one morning from the usual medication that was prescribed to her doctors.

Anne Reston
Model Zamora himself to death to death.