Photographer Anon

Name: Vivian Maier.
Years of life: February 1, 1926 - April 21 2009
Birthplace: New York
Occupation: Nanny
Hobbies: Photo
Chicago. 2007. 26-year-old real estate agent John Maloof wrote a book about Chicago. He accidentally gets on action, which for $ 400 gets a few boxes, the owner of which is unknown. John is confident that it can help him in writing the book, and he was not mistaken. After opening the box at home, he saw a huge amount of undeveloped photos. Not bad for a book, right? Mr. Maloof starts to scan them, and then he sees something, why he is breathtaking - beautiful images of the genre "street photography" made in the 60s - 70s.

Break all the boxes again, one of them he finds a name: Vivian Maier.
Let's return to 1926. February 1 in New York, a girl is born, called Vivien. Shortly after birth, the family moved to France, to be exact - to Paris. In 1951 Vivian decides to return to America. At first she worked in a candy store, and then got a job as a nanny, and she, she worked for 40 years. Vivienne wore men's trousers, men's shoes and almost always - wide-brimmed hat. It is often compared to Mary Poppins - for the ability to be both close to the children and keep your distance. That's what about her students remember her: "She was a socialist, feminist film critic, and of that breed of people who always tell the truth in the face, whatever it was.»
Taking a walk with the children on the streets of Chicago, Vivienne constantly photographed. (For the record, the camera Rolleiflex).

In 1959-1960 Vivien traveled - Italy, Egypt, Los Angeles. And everywhere it was her best friend - a camera.
By the end of her life, it so happened that she was homeless, but there are good people in the world - children, for whom she had looked, bought her home and paid all her bills and debts. In 2008, Vivienne podkolznulas on the ice and hit his head. She was not able to fully recover and in 2009 Ms. Meyer died at the age of 83 years.
Here's a both sad and interesting story about a woman, a hobby which is not just enthusiasm and a sense of her life, and that has become a famous, by chance.