Street life American cities last century
American Vivian Maier (Vivian Maier), to our great regret, more than two years no longer alive. However, when a person is talented, he continues to live in his work, and now you will see it clearly.
Vivian Maier (Vivian Maier) is not a pure American. It has blended French and Hungarian blood. However, only a person completely absorbed American culture, so could convey the essence of American streets. Vivian has worked most of his life educator. The series, which we suggest you look, entered the street photos of New York City and Chicago. Vivian talent helped in reviving the popularity of street photography. And now you see how.
Photo by Vivian Maier
Vivian Maier (Vivian Maier) is not a pure American. It has blended French and Hungarian blood. However, only a person completely absorbed American culture, so could convey the essence of American streets. Vivian has worked most of his life educator. The series, which we suggest you look, entered the street photos of New York City and Chicago. Vivian talent helped in reviving the popularity of street photography. And now you see how.

Photo by Vivian Maier