Soaps maddening
It's no secret that the Brazilian soap operas have long been behind the scenes. From all their diversity remember only "clone", but there were still "Land of Love," "World of love", probably somewhere else wormed "Plantation of love." But Western serials and look like it. They change our world for him cry adolescents imitate their heroes. I decided to give a small list and familiarize you with some of the most popular TV series in the world. You might even decide to watch one of them.
One of the most famous series, through which 50% of teenagers suddenly realized that their mission - to be a doctor, House MD, in the title role is a cynical but brilliant Gregory House.
Through this series semeysta Little's father, Hugh Laurie, suddenly gained worldwide fame as an expression of his character, "Everybody lies» (Everybody lies) was winged.
I think we have c House's have some similarities. We both look at the world, ironically raised eyebrow. We both are serious enough, but at the same time childish. I he - eternal youth, but with a heavy load on his shoulders. And we were both happy to aspire to something, it is stronger than we are. I often imagine the scene in Woody Allen when he rides the train and looking at a car full of people laughing. They drink champagne someone plays the trombone. Woody And so far from it all. I think it sums up my view of the world. And it looks House too. Hugh Lori
Based on the series even created a computer game in which the player can guide the process of differential diagnosis.
Well, I hope, teens who choose to become doctors under the influence of Dr. House of charm, it has paid off, and severe routine medical students was not lowered their determination and desire.
In contrast to the "House" series Skins, at first glance, does not advocate anything good, except drugs, sex and alcohol. However, this - at first glance. In fact, the "suckers" serious drama unfolds with the deaths, pregnancies, diseases (bulimia), drug addiction, police, parents and the school. And most importantly - self-determination. Heroes - ordinary British teenagers, unimaginably different, but still friends, trying to find his place in life at a furious pace gatherings, party, study, problems.
Every two season series completely changes the composition of the actors. The period of the next generation. But until now, all the fans call the first generation of the most beloved.
The main star of the show - Nicholas Hoult (Tony) and Kaya Scodelario (Effie). By the way, on the series Effie, Tony's younger sister and the heroine of the third and fourth seasons.
Kaya starred in "Moon 2112", and Nicholas was the last role of a mutant "X-Men: first generation».
I play Dr. Hank McCoy, who would later become the beast. He - a brilliant scientist, a true child prodigy, a little awkward and shy. Trying to change its huge monkey feet, Hank makes the blood serum from Mystique. But the experiment fails, and Hank gets all known beasts. It's an interesting juxtaposition of subtle boy and a massive mutant. Our Beast is very different from the version Kelsey Gremmera, Hank has not yet adopted its new look. Nicolas Holt
Trailer of the new season:
Another series, which certainly does not differ promotion of healthy lifestyles, but shows great anti-social behavior - Misfits. Heroes perform community service for minor offenses. They - not friends, in a group are constant conflicts and quarrels. But after the storm, put on their supernormal, everything changes. They now have a total mystery. "Waste" is replete with sex and foul language, however, this does not prevent him to be one of the most famous and beloved series. In addition, it is not without humor.
The main pet show - Robert Sheehan, who plays and who does not know turretless Simon measures. However, fans upset by the fact that in the third season, it will not. Misfits without Simon? I do not believe it.
Next series -Glee, translated as choir, but for some reason in Russia who took the name of "Losers».
Chip series is that the main characters involved in the choir and in each series rehash well-known songs. This is interesting not only to watch but also to listen to!
A cover of Bon Jovi - It's My Life.
The Big-Bang Theory - favorite series of all geeks, physicists and connoisseurs of good humor. "The Big Bang Theory" has become a classic among the sitcom. Heroes series like science fiction, video games, beauty Penny (and even a nerd passions are not alien). The series is replete with jokes, some of which are non-physicist does not understand, or understand, but after a climb in Wikipedia.
- Dude, I'm glad you finally got the girl, but not necessarily raise all this love-carrot in front of single friends.
- In fact, mandatory. It's an economic concept known as "positional good", according to which the object is valuable to its owner because the object is not owned by others. The term was introduced into circulation economist Fred Hirsch in 1976 and began to define more precisely the spoken version of "Nakusi-Vykusi" .Menya do not care if someone would say that I am a zebra. I - the Doppler effect! - In its 12 years, I really wanted to get a titanium centrifuge, well, you know, to separate radioactive isotopes.
- Of course, yes.
- Instead of a titanium centrifuge parents bought me ... oh, it's very hard ... they gave me ... Motorcycle-SUV.
- It can not be.
- Well, what 12-year-old boy needed a motorcycle SUV?! - You know, I'm glad that you come to learn Chinese.
- Why?
- When did you learn to speak it fluently, there will be another billion people, where you can razdrazhat.- Sorry I'm late.
- What happened?
- Nothing, I just wanted to prihodit.
The main star of the show - Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons. Arrogant prodigy, genius, calculating and cynical. He also a fan of comic books and video games. He is the crown word "Bugagashechki».
And finally, Dexter. One of the most controversial and serious series. In Russia, it is translated as "Dexter."
"I - Dexter. Dexter Morgan. I work in the police forensic scientist Miami. I do not understand love, I care about sex, and I do not have feelings. And I'm a serial killer. "- Says the abstract for the series. Nervous should refrain from viewing.
The series is characterized by interesting judgments and thoughts of Dexter. Of course, they would not come to mind a healthy person, but who said that Dexter is healthy?
Monsters come in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes it's the people who are obliged to protect us: parents, police, professionals krovi.Govoryat, there are 7 stages of grief. Probably kill someone with his bare hands in the men's room, my way to pass the stage of anger. If the eyes - a mirror of the soul, then grief - the door leading inside. While it is closed, between knowledge and ignorance remains a barrier. If you move away from it, this door did not open, but if you go inside and the pain will turn into reality.
In the world there are even toys «Dexter»!
One of the most famous series, through which 50% of teenagers suddenly realized that their mission - to be a doctor, House MD, in the title role is a cynical but brilliant Gregory House.

Through this series semeysta Little's father, Hugh Laurie, suddenly gained worldwide fame as an expression of his character, "Everybody lies» (Everybody lies) was winged.
I think we have c House's have some similarities. We both look at the world, ironically raised eyebrow. We both are serious enough, but at the same time childish. I he - eternal youth, but with a heavy load on his shoulders. And we were both happy to aspire to something, it is stronger than we are. I often imagine the scene in Woody Allen when he rides the train and looking at a car full of people laughing. They drink champagne someone plays the trombone. Woody And so far from it all. I think it sums up my view of the world. And it looks House too. Hugh Lori

Based on the series even created a computer game in which the player can guide the process of differential diagnosis.

Well, I hope, teens who choose to become doctors under the influence of Dr. House of charm, it has paid off, and severe routine medical students was not lowered their determination and desire.
In contrast to the "House" series Skins, at first glance, does not advocate anything good, except drugs, sex and alcohol. However, this - at first glance. In fact, the "suckers" serious drama unfolds with the deaths, pregnancies, diseases (bulimia), drug addiction, police, parents and the school. And most importantly - self-determination. Heroes - ordinary British teenagers, unimaginably different, but still friends, trying to find his place in life at a furious pace gatherings, party, study, problems.
Every two season series completely changes the composition of the actors. The period of the next generation. But until now, all the fans call the first generation of the most beloved.

The main star of the show - Nicholas Hoult (Tony) and Kaya Scodelario (Effie). By the way, on the series Effie, Tony's younger sister and the heroine of the third and fourth seasons.

Kaya starred in "Moon 2112", and Nicholas was the last role of a mutant "X-Men: first generation».
I play Dr. Hank McCoy, who would later become the beast. He - a brilliant scientist, a true child prodigy, a little awkward and shy. Trying to change its huge monkey feet, Hank makes the blood serum from Mystique. But the experiment fails, and Hank gets all known beasts. It's an interesting juxtaposition of subtle boy and a massive mutant. Our Beast is very different from the version Kelsey Gremmera, Hank has not yet adopted its new look. Nicolas Holt

Trailer of the new season:
Another series, which certainly does not differ promotion of healthy lifestyles, but shows great anti-social behavior - Misfits. Heroes perform community service for minor offenses. They - not friends, in a group are constant conflicts and quarrels. But after the storm, put on their supernormal, everything changes. They now have a total mystery. "Waste" is replete with sex and foul language, however, this does not prevent him to be one of the most famous and beloved series. In addition, it is not without humor.

The main pet show - Robert Sheehan, who plays and who does not know turretless Simon measures. However, fans upset by the fact that in the third season, it will not. Misfits without Simon? I do not believe it.

Next series -Glee, translated as choir, but for some reason in Russia who took the name of "Losers».

Chip series is that the main characters involved in the choir and in each series rehash well-known songs. This is interesting not only to watch but also to listen to!

A cover of Bon Jovi - It's My Life.
The Big-Bang Theory - favorite series of all geeks, physicists and connoisseurs of good humor. "The Big Bang Theory" has become a classic among the sitcom. Heroes series like science fiction, video games, beauty Penny (and even a nerd passions are not alien). The series is replete with jokes, some of which are non-physicist does not understand, or understand, but after a climb in Wikipedia.

- Dude, I'm glad you finally got the girl, but not necessarily raise all this love-carrot in front of single friends.
- In fact, mandatory. It's an economic concept known as "positional good", according to which the object is valuable to its owner because the object is not owned by others. The term was introduced into circulation economist Fred Hirsch in 1976 and began to define more precisely the spoken version of "Nakusi-Vykusi" .Menya do not care if someone would say that I am a zebra. I - the Doppler effect! - In its 12 years, I really wanted to get a titanium centrifuge, well, you know, to separate radioactive isotopes.
- Of course, yes.
- Instead of a titanium centrifuge parents bought me ... oh, it's very hard ... they gave me ... Motorcycle-SUV.
- It can not be.
- Well, what 12-year-old boy needed a motorcycle SUV?! - You know, I'm glad that you come to learn Chinese.
- Why?
- When did you learn to speak it fluently, there will be another billion people, where you can razdrazhat.- Sorry I'm late.
- What happened?
- Nothing, I just wanted to prihodit.

The main star of the show - Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons. Arrogant prodigy, genius, calculating and cynical. He also a fan of comic books and video games. He is the crown word "Bugagashechki».

And finally, Dexter. One of the most controversial and serious series. In Russia, it is translated as "Dexter."
"I - Dexter. Dexter Morgan. I work in the police forensic scientist Miami. I do not understand love, I care about sex, and I do not have feelings. And I'm a serial killer. "- Says the abstract for the series. Nervous should refrain from viewing.

The series is characterized by interesting judgments and thoughts of Dexter. Of course, they would not come to mind a healthy person, but who said that Dexter is healthy?
Monsters come in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes it's the people who are obliged to protect us: parents, police, professionals krovi.Govoryat, there are 7 stages of grief. Probably kill someone with his bare hands in the men's room, my way to pass the stage of anger. If the eyes - a mirror of the soul, then grief - the door leading inside. While it is closed, between knowledge and ignorance remains a barrier. If you move away from it, this door did not open, but if you go inside and the pain will turn into reality.
In the world there are even toys «Dexter»!