Unconventional marriages
New York, New York - The Big Apple, do you katishsya derailed? Now, in this world-famous state legalized gay marriage, but many couples have their relationships are torn seal stamped in the passport and vows. Men and men, women, and women - all mixed up in this world. On July 24, 2011 New York is the center of same-sex marriages. Right at midnight the same day, from the territory of Niagara Falls and to Long Island unconventional couples began to say "I agree / on" with incredible enthusiasm and joy, as never before in New York did not take such sweethearts.
The first pair that combined legal marriage in Manhattan began a 77-year-old Phyllis Siegel and 85-year-old Connie Kopelou. These women, one of whom arrived at the wedding in a wheelchair, that's for 23 years waiting for this moment, so do not hide their emotions and be happy. "I gasped. I almost could not breathe, "Siegel said admiringly after the ceremony. "It's amazing. The fact that it really happened to us - that we finally have the right to legally marry, like everyone else ».
Legalization of gay marriage in New York called a turning point in history. Now gays and lesbians in New York can not hide, and be proud that they have the right to marry and raise children. Now couples from New York do not need to go to hell knows where, to become a full-fledged family.
1. The 72-year-old Felipe and 86-year-old Byron looking forward to the ceremony, but in a pleasant anticipation of sharing emotions with reporters.
2. Lovers David Hind and Craig Francisco enjoy each other's company and dance your first wedding dance.
3. Karen Koufild overjoyed and Gwendolyn Williams combined legal marriage in the courtroom in the Bronx.
4. Smiling Sari Kessler and Eric Karp received the much desired marriage certificate in the office of the municipal clerk in Manhattan.
5. "Kiss, my children!". Felix Ramirez and Pedro Vargas does not seem to notice anyone around.
6. Kim and Rhonda have been together for 16 years, but now they have become legitimate wife and the wife (I do not get them mixed up?).
7. Under the rainbow tent marries Sari Kessler and Eric Karp, familiar to us on the fourth photo. It turns out the women have three daughters (you can see them in the photo). Apart daughters wedding present Sari Kessler brother Jonathan, who was very happy for her sister.
8. Family idyll. Carol Anastasio and past Brown married in the municipal clerk's office in New York.
9. Mutual allegiance give 48-year-old Naveen Cohen and 53-year-old Daniel Gernandez. One can see the guys are extremely happy.
10. Happy newlyweds and Jim Joseph.
11. They do not hide their happiness and kiss in front of everyone. Wendy Torrington, Kimberly Moreno and passionate kiss.
12. And here is the very first same-sex couple, to combine legal marriage in Manhattan. 78-year-old Phyllis Siegel with victorious gesture, and 85-year-old Connie Kopelou with a smile on his face.
13. Of course, no trouble has not done. Demonstrators have decided that same-sex marriage - it is a sin, and began his march to the Bible in his hands.
In addition to New York same-sex marriages allowed in Iowa, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and the District of Columbia.
Elton John and Ricky Martin are very happy about this turn of events in the world) And what will happen next, we learn later (maybe in our area is allowed) ...

The first pair that combined legal marriage in Manhattan began a 77-year-old Phyllis Siegel and 85-year-old Connie Kopelou. These women, one of whom arrived at the wedding in a wheelchair, that's for 23 years waiting for this moment, so do not hide their emotions and be happy. "I gasped. I almost could not breathe, "Siegel said admiringly after the ceremony. "It's amazing. The fact that it really happened to us - that we finally have the right to legally marry, like everyone else ».
Legalization of gay marriage in New York called a turning point in history. Now gays and lesbians in New York can not hide, and be proud that they have the right to marry and raise children. Now couples from New York do not need to go to hell knows where, to become a full-fledged family.
1. The 72-year-old Felipe and 86-year-old Byron looking forward to the ceremony, but in a pleasant anticipation of sharing emotions with reporters.

2. Lovers David Hind and Craig Francisco enjoy each other's company and dance your first wedding dance.

3. Karen Koufild overjoyed and Gwendolyn Williams combined legal marriage in the courtroom in the Bronx.

4. Smiling Sari Kessler and Eric Karp received the much desired marriage certificate in the office of the municipal clerk in Manhattan.

5. "Kiss, my children!". Felix Ramirez and Pedro Vargas does not seem to notice anyone around.

6. Kim and Rhonda have been together for 16 years, but now they have become legitimate wife and the wife (I do not get them mixed up?).

7. Under the rainbow tent marries Sari Kessler and Eric Karp, familiar to us on the fourth photo. It turns out the women have three daughters (you can see them in the photo). Apart daughters wedding present Sari Kessler brother Jonathan, who was very happy for her sister.

8. Family idyll. Carol Anastasio and past Brown married in the municipal clerk's office in New York.

9. Mutual allegiance give 48-year-old Naveen Cohen and 53-year-old Daniel Gernandez. One can see the guys are extremely happy.

10. Happy newlyweds and Jim Joseph.

11. They do not hide their happiness and kiss in front of everyone. Wendy Torrington, Kimberly Moreno and passionate kiss.

12. And here is the very first same-sex couple, to combine legal marriage in Manhattan. 78-year-old Phyllis Siegel with victorious gesture, and 85-year-old Connie Kopelou with a smile on his face.

13. Of course, no trouble has not done. Demonstrators have decided that same-sex marriage - it is a sin, and began his march to the Bible in his hands.

In addition to New York same-sex marriages allowed in Iowa, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and the District of Columbia.
Elton John and Ricky Martin are very happy about this turn of events in the world) And what will happen next, we learn later (maybe in our area is allowed) ...