12 forms of marriage that exist in the world in addition to traditional heterosexual marriage
It is hard to imagine a modern society in which all of these forms of marriage would be regarded as normal, and were officially allowed. However, many of them are still there, not only in remote areas of the "third world"! This site contains a selection of examples of how diverse people married life on our planet.
1. PoliandriyaPoliandriya - a form of polygamy. The essence of this form of marriage is that a woman can simultaneously be an ally with several men. Nowadays, polyandry is found only in isolated villages, located on the Tibetan Plateau.
2. LeviratNekotorye forms of marriage does not mean the union of two people and entire families, with it should continue even in the event of the death of the spouse. If levirate man must marry the widowed wife of his late brother. Quite often children born in such a union, considered sons or daughters first (predeceased), the woman's husband. Levirate marriages occur in tribal communities in South America, Africa, India, Australia.
3. SororatProtivopolozhnost levirate - sororatnye marriages. Such atypical wedding practiced in the communities of the natives of North America and India. The Union sororatnom widowed man shall take his sister in marriage to his late wife. In some cultures sororate allowed in those cases, if the first wife is barren. Then the children that are born second wife, the first wife owned.
4. Temporary brakVremennye marriages (or "pleasure marriage") are popular in the Islamic world, especially in Iran. < A man and woman are by mutual agreement for a specified period. And you must observe a number of conditions, for example, from whom is the temporary marriage, and for what purpose - mutual aid, se * s and t. n.
5. Posthumous marriage Some regions are allowed to marry, or marry dead people (or tie the knot two dead). For example, in many countries of the younger sons in the family can get married only after his older brothers. If the elder brother dies a bachelor, she marries him posthumously to save a junior loneliness of a lifetime.
6. Sophisticated brakV XIX century American John Humphrey Noyes founded a utopian community called "Oneida". Noyes claimed that in the Bible there is no mention of the existence of traditional marriage in Paradise. Therefore, he urged his followers to practice "complex marriage". < it implies that all members of the "Oneida" were the wives and husbands of each other.
Monogamy and jealousy Noyes called sinful and idolatrous manifestations. Moreover, members of the community to punish all the people who preferred a monogamous relationship.
7. Devadasi in south India young girls are often married off for some deity or temple! The word "Devadasi" means "servant of God».
The fate of some of the girls was solved even before they are born. Devadasi had to monitor their appearance, to be beautiful, industrious and educated. Every day, in the morning and in the evening they were dancing and singing, praising their god. Temples in which lived Devadasi, held mainly by donations from viewers.
8. Children Ages brakV such thing as a "childhood" did not exist. Children begin to consider full-fledged members of society about 6 years. The age of majority was increased at 2, 5-3 times much later.
Only in the XVI century, it has created the concept of childhood as a separate stage of life, which lasted from birth to adulthood. However, to marry and to marry 7-year-olds no longer even two hundred years.
9. TunchiPrinyatie of wasp * * sualizma in China remains extremely low. Because of this, most men-n * to have to solve their problems, to marry geterose * sualnymi women.
According to the authoritative Chinese sexologist, to resort to this method, 90% of * * sualistov wasp in the country. The marriage between a man-r * and a woman eat traditional orientation are called "Tunç». The worst thing is that the woman before her marriage generally are not even aware of the orientation of his partner. But after the beginning of their life together is waiting for an unpleasant surprise.
10. Marriage to duhamiChislennost Baule people living in West Africa (mainly in Côte d'Ivoire), up to 1, 5 million people. Its members believe that long before the birth of each person has to enter into marriage with the spirits
The family quarrels between earth Couples often blame Baule spirits spouses jealous or feel unhappy. Spiritual mentors in such cases are advised to cut out a small wooden figure blolo bian or blolo blah, cover it with butter, dress, decorate and bring to the temple. It is believed that it calms spirits spouses and allows you to set in the earth's family peace.
11. Traditional brakiOdnopolye gay marriages in the past were practiced everywhere and considered perfectly normal.
For example, the Emperor Nero married his own eunuch, staging a large-scale wedding. In his works repeatedly mentioned Sex Unions and poets Mark Martial and Juvenal Decimus. The former refers to gay marriage with disdain, while the second considered them "fleeting love story».
Practiced same-sex marriages and American Indians (they even existed a belief in the existence of people of the third sex, called "Berdashen"). And representatives of the Mohawk tribe, who lived in what is now Canada, seen in homosexual men finest partners - "extremely diligent and hard-working wives»
12. "Boston marriages" in the United States in the XIX century, practiced the so-called "Boston marriages»: two women lived together, being completely independent of the stronger sex
via www.publy.ru/post/17719
1. PoliandriyaPoliandriya - a form of polygamy. The essence of this form of marriage is that a woman can simultaneously be an ally with several men. Nowadays, polyandry is found only in isolated villages, located on the Tibetan Plateau.
2. LeviratNekotorye forms of marriage does not mean the union of two people and entire families, with it should continue even in the event of the death of the spouse. If levirate man must marry the widowed wife of his late brother. Quite often children born in such a union, considered sons or daughters first (predeceased), the woman's husband. Levirate marriages occur in tribal communities in South America, Africa, India, Australia.
3. SororatProtivopolozhnost levirate - sororatnye marriages. Such atypical wedding practiced in the communities of the natives of North America and India. The Union sororatnom widowed man shall take his sister in marriage to his late wife. In some cultures sororate allowed in those cases, if the first wife is barren. Then the children that are born second wife, the first wife owned.

4. Temporary brakVremennye marriages (or "pleasure marriage") are popular in the Islamic world, especially in Iran. < A man and woman are by mutual agreement for a specified period. And you must observe a number of conditions, for example, from whom is the temporary marriage, and for what purpose - mutual aid, se * s and t. n.
5. Posthumous marriage Some regions are allowed to marry, or marry dead people (or tie the knot two dead). For example, in many countries of the younger sons in the family can get married only after his older brothers. If the elder brother dies a bachelor, she marries him posthumously to save a junior loneliness of a lifetime.
6. Sophisticated brakV XIX century American John Humphrey Noyes founded a utopian community called "Oneida". Noyes claimed that in the Bible there is no mention of the existence of traditional marriage in Paradise. Therefore, he urged his followers to practice "complex marriage". < it implies that all members of the "Oneida" were the wives and husbands of each other.
Monogamy and jealousy Noyes called sinful and idolatrous manifestations. Moreover, members of the community to punish all the people who preferred a monogamous relationship.

7. Devadasi in south India young girls are often married off for some deity or temple! The word "Devadasi" means "servant of God».
The fate of some of the girls was solved even before they are born. Devadasi had to monitor their appearance, to be beautiful, industrious and educated. Every day, in the morning and in the evening they were dancing and singing, praising their god. Temples in which lived Devadasi, held mainly by donations from viewers.
8. Children Ages brakV such thing as a "childhood" did not exist. Children begin to consider full-fledged members of society about 6 years. The age of majority was increased at 2, 5-3 times much later.
Only in the XVI century, it has created the concept of childhood as a separate stage of life, which lasted from birth to adulthood. However, to marry and to marry 7-year-olds no longer even two hundred years.
9. TunchiPrinyatie of wasp * * sualizma in China remains extremely low. Because of this, most men-n * to have to solve their problems, to marry geterose * sualnymi women.
According to the authoritative Chinese sexologist, to resort to this method, 90% of * * sualistov wasp in the country. The marriage between a man-r * and a woman eat traditional orientation are called "Tunç». The worst thing is that the woman before her marriage generally are not even aware of the orientation of his partner. But after the beginning of their life together is waiting for an unpleasant surprise.

10. Marriage to duhamiChislennost Baule people living in West Africa (mainly in Côte d'Ivoire), up to 1, 5 million people. Its members believe that long before the birth of each person has to enter into marriage with the spirits
The family quarrels between earth Couples often blame Baule spirits spouses jealous or feel unhappy. Spiritual mentors in such cases are advised to cut out a small wooden figure blolo bian or blolo blah, cover it with butter, dress, decorate and bring to the temple. It is believed that it calms spirits spouses and allows you to set in the earth's family peace.
11. Traditional brakiOdnopolye gay marriages in the past were practiced everywhere and considered perfectly normal.
For example, the Emperor Nero married his own eunuch, staging a large-scale wedding. In his works repeatedly mentioned Sex Unions and poets Mark Martial and Juvenal Decimus. The former refers to gay marriage with disdain, while the second considered them "fleeting love story».
Practiced same-sex marriages and American Indians (they even existed a belief in the existence of people of the third sex, called "Berdashen"). And representatives of the Mohawk tribe, who lived in what is now Canada, seen in homosexual men finest partners - "extremely diligent and hard-working wives»
12. "Boston marriages" in the United States in the XIX century, practiced the so-called "Boston marriages»: two women lived together, being completely independent of the stronger sex
via www.publy.ru/post/17719