In China, there is a tradition to conclude the ghost marriages

When dying bride woman for she participated in the ghost marriage, she should celebrate the groom's funeral, including constraining funeral procedures vow of celibacy, and proceed immediately to the duties daughter-home spouse. But the man is not obliged to do it all, but nowhere in the book does not mention this.
In Chinese culture it is considered a disgrace to be parents and unmarried girls are girls shunned society. Men ghost marriages are often for offspring. Moreover, ghost marriages to men allow him to continue the race. The spouse of the deceased can adopt a child, who will continue his race. Another reason for creating ghost marriage, arranged for the man, a revelation at the time of dreams and seances, where the spirits of men are willing to marry. According to Chinese tradition, the younger brother can not marry until the elder brother has not married, so sometimes the Chinese ghost marriages to follow this tradition.
Ghostly marriages combine the wedding and funeral. Families narrowed exchange gifts in various equivalents, including cakes, clothes and money.
To present to the public the deceased used bamboo solid figures with the image of the deceased. They are usually dressed in wedding attire and usually they subsequently cremated. Most wedding ceremonies are held in the same tradition as the traditional wedding.
Source: www.muz4in.net
via factroom.ru
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