When a kiss from person to person is transferred 80 million bacteria
Twenty seven million five hundred eighty four thousand six hundred fourteen
Couples kissing for 9 times a day — that is, almost all couples in the world — have similar bacteria populations in their mouth. And all because during the kiss lasted 10 seconds from person to person transmitted tens of millions of bacteria. But to worry about it not worth it.
As explained by Dutch researchers, in the body of each of the average men and women contains about 100 trillion microorganisms. Some people this fact may scare you, but it is important to consider that nearly all these microorganisms are of benefit to their bearers.
All they (the microorganisms) perform a very useful function. Some of them help our body process the food you food, other microorganisms synthesize various nutrients, and some of them do stand on guard of our health and help fight various diseases. In other words, without all these microorganisms in our body we would have been very difficult to stay healthy and, more importantly, alive.
In an article published in the scientific journal Microbiome, scientists explain that, according to previous studies, in the human oral cavity contains over 700 different species of bacteria, most of which live on the tongue and in saliva.
According to a recent study, those couples that love to kiss more often have similar number of the population of oral bacteria. The head of this study, REMCO Kort konkretisiert:
"The more couples kiss, the more people this pair become similar to one another".
After a series of trials involving 21 couples agreed to help in this research study, REMCO Kort and his colleagues-scientists have discovered that during the kiss 10 seconds from one person to another transferred about 80 million different bacteria.
Experts believe that this fact explains the observation that men and women that make up the couple starts to experience a similar number of bacteria of the oral cavity. A more interesting observation suggests that during the kiss the least "moves" those bacteria that live in the human saliva.
Scientists also note that a similar number of bacteria in the mouth of people of one pair may contribute to the fact that people in these pairs often lead the same lifestyle, observe the same diet and follow the same habits. This happens most often due to the fact that the pair eat the same food and clean the teeth and oral cavity same hygiene products.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hi-news.ru
Couples kissing for 9 times a day — that is, almost all couples in the world — have similar bacteria populations in their mouth. And all because during the kiss lasted 10 seconds from person to person transmitted tens of millions of bacteria. But to worry about it not worth it.
As explained by Dutch researchers, in the body of each of the average men and women contains about 100 trillion microorganisms. Some people this fact may scare you, but it is important to consider that nearly all these microorganisms are of benefit to their bearers.
All they (the microorganisms) perform a very useful function. Some of them help our body process the food you food, other microorganisms synthesize various nutrients, and some of them do stand on guard of our health and help fight various diseases. In other words, without all these microorganisms in our body we would have been very difficult to stay healthy and, more importantly, alive.
In an article published in the scientific journal Microbiome, scientists explain that, according to previous studies, in the human oral cavity contains over 700 different species of bacteria, most of which live on the tongue and in saliva.
According to a recent study, those couples that love to kiss more often have similar number of the population of oral bacteria. The head of this study, REMCO Kort konkretisiert:
"The more couples kiss, the more people this pair become similar to one another".
After a series of trials involving 21 couples agreed to help in this research study, REMCO Kort and his colleagues-scientists have discovered that during the kiss 10 seconds from one person to another transferred about 80 million different bacteria.
Experts believe that this fact explains the observation that men and women that make up the couple starts to experience a similar number of bacteria of the oral cavity. A more interesting observation suggests that during the kiss the least "moves" those bacteria that live in the human saliva.
Scientists also note that a similar number of bacteria in the mouth of people of one pair may contribute to the fact that people in these pairs often lead the same lifestyle, observe the same diet and follow the same habits. This happens most often due to the fact that the pair eat the same food and clean the teeth and oral cavity same hygiene products.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hi-news.ru
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