Kisses ...

A beautiful woman can kiss without end and never get to the same place. There are many types of kisses.
Game Kiss. Partner lacking lips lips partner and introduces the language in the mouth, then kissed the tip of the nose and chin.
Fighting mouths. Partners kiss, biting his lips slightly.
Exquisite. Language lightly touches the sky partner.
Imata. A leisurely and gentle kiss her lips without touching the teeth.
Petal. Partner introduces his tongue in his cheek girl, raising her lightly, diverting her head back.
Mill. Language partner in turn takes it for one, then for the other cheek, touches lightly pressed his tongue and teeth.
Tenderness. A light touch tongue upper or lower lip. The pleasure lies in a slightly noticeable touch.
Sink. A kiss on the ear with light biting earlobes and lips touches his ear.
Smooth. He takes it in his mouth, making her his lips and suck in, trying to touch the tongue.
Most. Kiss language. Partner language sucks his girlfriend. It seeks to swallow his tongue as deep as possible, thereby showing their passionate desire to have it in yourself to have him as a man.
Sari. Excite a woman kissing in the palm of your hand and the inside of the thighs.
Passionate. Sucking arch breast nipples. Kiss below the mouth, lower abdomen, inner thighs. Kiss bends the arms, legs under the knees.
Interesting facts about kissing
1. Kiss drives 29 (some sources - 34) of the facial muscles: this training is an excellent prevention of wrinkles.
2. Kissing, lovers pass each other complex substances (fats, salts, proteins) that the latest figures, enhances immunity.
3. 66 percent of people close their eyes while kissing. The rest is a pleasure to watch the actions of the partner.
4. According to US statistics, before you get married, the woman kisses with about 80 men.
5. Romantic kiss burns about two or three calories, French - by five or more.
6. Sensitivity of the lips is 200 times higher than the sensitivity of fingers.
7. Men who kiss their wives before leaving for work, live five years longer.
8. A passionate kiss lasting 90 seconds, increases blood pressure, heart rate and hormone levels in the blood, which, according to recent data, shortens the life of one minute.
9. January 28, 2002 Americans Louisa Almodovar and Rich Langley won the competition for the longest kiss, which lasted 30 hours 59 minutes and 27 seconds.
10. In their homeland the famous French kiss is called a "fusion of souls" - a kiss involved not only lips, but also the language. Not wanting to rest on our laurels, sensual French invented the second version of this magical kiss when it involves only the languages.
11. Kissing the inhabitants of the Far North - is more than just rubbing noses. Adjoined olfactory organs, the Eskimos to unclench his lips while doing breath, then exhale, compressing his lips. Enjoy the aroma of each other, love nose pressed to the cheek as a partner and freeze for a minute or longer.
12. In Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea are not made to kiss for all to see. Moreover, it seems that the ceremony of kissing the Japanese invented specifically for the edification of the Europeans most of all it looks like a kiss of the two pioneers of the late '70s. For example, the Japanese two to kiss, you stand facing your partner in the "pioneer" the distance to bend (to attention!), And for a split second to touch the lips of each other. And that, against the background too "adult" fondling it may even seem intriguing!
13. During a kiss the body produces a substance in its narcotic effect 200 times greater than morphine - kissing fills a sense of joy, delight and happiness.
14. Women are the kiss helps to relax and reduce stress.
15. The average person spends 20,160 minutes (or two weeks) of his life on kissing.