Useful than a kiss?

Anyone who loves to kiss, live on average 12 years longer than those who do not like this activity. But that's not all the pros kiss.
Prevents stress
Kiss calms the nervous system and prevents stress. When we kiss, in our body, not only there are various biochemical reactions that destroy stress hormones but also secrete hormones of happiness - endorphins. For one kiss in the body portion is thrown out soothing hormones, exceeding the minimum dose of morphine! That's why lovers kissing - it's optimistic, confident in their abilities.
It helps to lose weight
Each passionate kiss burns about 12 calories. The minute this pleasant contact is equivalent to jog for 500 meters. Just three kisses a day - and a whole kilogram is gone! It is no wonder that lovers always strongly grow thin: there they do not want, but to kiss ...
Relieves pain
Kissing is good for overall body tone. In general, this action - a powerful therapeutic agent that does not have any side effects and contraindications. With the included saliva hormone endorphin long passionate kiss can be a very effective painkiller, for example, headache or toothache.
Reduces the risk of heart attack
The easiest kiss increases the heart rate. Due to this the blood will run through the vessels, which is very favorable for the cells: they get more oxygen. After kissing the lungs begin to work in emergency mode: 60 breaths per minute instead of the usual 20. Such "ventilation" - the best prevention of lung disease. The researchers also found that a long and passionate kiss not only reduces blood pressure, and cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.
Kissing and dentists recommend. Employees of the Chicago Dental Institute found that increased secretion of saliva, rich in calcium and phosphorus compounds, protects teeth from caries better than "Orbit" without sugar. Dr. Ulf Beming of the Austrian Academy of General Medicine claims that kiss helps develop immunity.
On a surface of one square centimeter of the lips is about two hundred nerve endings. Therefore, any gentle touch gives great pleasure. In addition, during, and after kissing a person makes about 60 breaths, instead of the usual twenty, which enriches the blood with oxygen and positive effect on the heart. Long and sensual kisses to reduce emissions into the blood stress hormones (cortisol, for example) and the content of cholesterol, reducing the risk of myocardial infarction.
Mouth and teeth
Kissing is very useful for the teeth and the entire oral cavity. During kisses and their expectation to produce more than normal amounts of saliva, which is rapidly removes plaque. In addition, kissing, we organize "preventive" caries, due to the content in the saliva of calcium, phosphorus and natural antibiotic that also has beneficial effects on tooth enamel. Fans of passionate kisses are less susceptible to periodontal disease: their gums constantly massaged.
Kissing - also good exercises for the face. In the process involved 38 facial muscles, the training which is much more efficient use of expensive creams. Since the skin is better supplied with blood, which makes anti-aging effect.
Stress and bad mood
Kissing, inter alia, also possess analgesic properties. There is so thanks to the release of endorphins into the blood hormones that simultaneously improve mood, relieve stress and pain.
Kissing also excellent antiallergen. This is the conclusion of the hospital doctors Satu in Japan, conducted experiments among 24 men and women suffering from hay fever. Within 30 minutes, they were listening to pleasant music and kissed their partners. The experiment was then repeated except kissing and confining some arms. After this treatment the original blood samples showed a significant decrease in the number of antibodies fighting the allergens. With regard to the embrace, then they have the body did not respond.
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