10 short of cool facts about kissing
Why do people kiss? Sometimes, as a sign of love, sometimes in a gesture of welcome, but it is always an important exchange of emotions. The first mention of kissing came to us from the Sanskrit texts written over 4000 years ago. < Website enjoys sharing with his readers a curious compilation of facts about kissing.
Pliny claimed that kissing ass, you can recover from a cold. At the time, many believed him. Chimpanzees kiss with your mouth open, but without using language. Bonobo monkeys, on the contrary, use language. Experts argue with each other, a kiss is instinctive action or internalized. Some of the peoples of Africa, for example, do not kiss at all. < Kiss good for teeth. Before the kiss salivate, helps cleanse the teeth from plaque. The ancient Romans were divided into three kinds of kisses. The first - "oskulyum" kiss on the cheek, then "basium" kiss on the lips, and the last - "savolium" deep kiss. The science of kissing is called filematologiya. Lips is a hundred times more sensitive fingers. < On a human face or kissing have muscle orbicularis oris, she is responsible for the formation of tube lips. French kiss uses all 34 facial muscles, while ordinary Smack uses only two. The tradition of kissing after a wedding ceremony may come to us from ancient Rome, which marked the conclusion of the contract kiss. During a kiss people exchange lots of bacteria - from 10 million to a billion. < Passionate kisses burn seven calories per minute. One candy «Hershey's kisses» contains 26 calories. To spend the calories from the previous point, you have to kiss for at least four minutes! The longest kiss in the world took place on February 12, 2013 between a resident of Thailand Ekkachchey Tiranarat and his wife laksanam Tiranarat, it lasted 58 hours 35 minutes and 58 seconds. < In medieval nobility was made kissing lepers to demonstrate the humility and gentleness. The first kiss took place on the silver screen in 1896 in a movie called "The Kiss". The film lasted 30 seconds and consisted of a single kiss. Kissing played an important role in the Greco-Roman culture and signified consent and respect. Some experts believe that the origin of the kiss goes back to the ancient tradition of feeding the baby mouth to mouth after weaning from the mother's breast. < Under assumptions of individual scholars, human way of kissing it depends, breastfeed or bottle. In the 1920s, in the English language the term 'French kiss'. Themselves as the French call it romantic "Kiss shower."
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Pliny claimed that kissing ass, you can recover from a cold. At the time, many believed him. Chimpanzees kiss with your mouth open, but without using language. Bonobo monkeys, on the contrary, use language. Experts argue with each other, a kiss is instinctive action or internalized. Some of the peoples of Africa, for example, do not kiss at all. < Kiss good for teeth. Before the kiss salivate, helps cleanse the teeth from plaque. The ancient Romans were divided into three kinds of kisses. The first - "oskulyum" kiss on the cheek, then "basium" kiss on the lips, and the last - "savolium" deep kiss. The science of kissing is called filematologiya. Lips is a hundred times more sensitive fingers. < On a human face or kissing have muscle orbicularis oris, she is responsible for the formation of tube lips. French kiss uses all 34 facial muscles, while ordinary Smack uses only two. The tradition of kissing after a wedding ceremony may come to us from ancient Rome, which marked the conclusion of the contract kiss. During a kiss people exchange lots of bacteria - from 10 million to a billion. < Passionate kisses burn seven calories per minute. One candy «Hershey's kisses» contains 26 calories. To spend the calories from the previous point, you have to kiss for at least four minutes! The longest kiss in the world took place on February 12, 2013 between a resident of Thailand Ekkachchey Tiranarat and his wife laksanam Tiranarat, it lasted 58 hours 35 minutes and 58 seconds. < In medieval nobility was made kissing lepers to demonstrate the humility and gentleness. The first kiss took place on the silver screen in 1896 in a movie called "The Kiss". The film lasted 30 seconds and consisted of a single kiss. Kissing played an important role in the Greco-Roman culture and signified consent and respect. Some experts believe that the origin of the kiss goes back to the ancient tradition of feeding the baby mouth to mouth after weaning from the mother's breast. < Under assumptions of individual scholars, human way of kissing it depends, breastfeed or bottle. In the 1920s, in the English language the term 'French kiss'. Themselves as the French call it romantic "Kiss shower."
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