Quotes Keira Knightley
Hunter, a waitress, a formidable warrior, athlete, Duchess ... which only had to perform the role of any actress Kira Knightley, but she says that selects only those characters that peculiar apathy (some of the roles played by it still does not have anything to do with " pofigisticheski view of the world ", so every rule there are exceptions). This year Cyrus turns 27 years old, and she starred in the film "Anna Karenina", which he dreamed of most Hollywood actresses. Cyrus was very lucky, but we must pay tribute - historical characters succeed Knightley on "hurray". Couple Cyrus - Anna Karenina in this film will be 39-year-old Jude Law, who got the role of Alexei Karenin, as well as 21-year-old Aaron Johnson, who got the role of the lover of Anna - Alexei Vronsky. This "love triangle" can become as one of the best in 2012, and one of the worst, but in any case it will be interesting to see the adaptation of all known history already in Hollywood. For some reason, I'm sure everything will turn out fine, but now is not about that, and a little bit about Kira Knightley.
"I would never able to meet a movie star - it's just ridiculous! Well, maybe with Johnny ... But he has two children, and he can say he is married. There are Mickey Rourke - it is divine. But I seem not to his taste »
"Katharine Hepburn and Vivien Leigh - my heroes. Not because of their talent, but because of their persistence »
"In this business, fame lasts for a second. You can become known in the moment, but people continue to lose interest in the people, because the new ones come every second. Today I have known. Tomorrow - I will not. It's OK. I understand that it will end the same way as began - in a moment. But I will go further. If you are an actor and be sad about it, then you have chosen the wrong profession »
"It's strange when people get to know you on the street, and they know you, but you do not know them. It's a little weird »
"If I see a pair of shoes that I like, it does not matter what size they are. I will definitely buy them »
"I do not think about food. The very thought of a diet makes me want chips and ice cream »
"I tip my hat to the actresses in Hollywood, especially to the young, because they are perfect. They deficiency among men, it is considered to be excellent. But I do not find very interesting beautiful faces »
"Everyone says," Oh, Lord! You look so much like Natalie Portman! "But it's great! Now, if I were compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a reason to worry »
"Tony Scott introduced me to the Los Angeles Mafia. They were so cute guys! An hour telling my mom that mean their tattoos »
"Compared with me Jessica Simpson - just a professor!»
"The photos I usually look like an idiot, but the trick is that I usually take pictures in the" Ritz "and" Ritz "always looks stunning»
"When I smile, feel like a Robert De Niro in the film" Raging Bull "- at a time when he broke his nose»
"I can not live in Los Angeles. In this city there is only perfect women. You look at them and think, "I want to be perfect!" But it's not for me, we all know that Keira Knightley - the lazy cow in the world »
"I'm not going to get drunk as a lord, and then fall and puke in front of everyone»
"Apparently I have to conceive that all stopped talking about my body»
"For the sake of the beloved, I was ready for anything! I can even make him coffee! »
"I hate mobile phones. They rang and rang, and you realize that you do not want to talk to anyone. So I always press "ignore» »
"I am a lost romantic - I love romance, but I do not like being" raped "this sugary romance»
"With Orlando Bloom I'm ready to kiss any time, without rehearsals and completely free!»
"In 16 years I have acted in a film, which was called" The Pit "and when he came out a couple of popular girls from school talking rather loudly:" She starred in a shitty movie, it is not worth paying attention to. "That was rude and I was offended, but if you let that stuff bother you, you'll feel so ever. I was not popular in school. I went to pass it all by yourself. Tempering I had a pretty fast »
"I draw, but very bad»
"I'm not very sociable creatures»
"I would never able to meet a movie star - it's just ridiculous! Well, maybe with Johnny ... But he has two children, and he can say he is married. There are Mickey Rourke - it is divine. But I seem not to his taste »

"Katharine Hepburn and Vivien Leigh - my heroes. Not because of their talent, but because of their persistence »
"In this business, fame lasts for a second. You can become known in the moment, but people continue to lose interest in the people, because the new ones come every second. Today I have known. Tomorrow - I will not. It's OK. I understand that it will end the same way as began - in a moment. But I will go further. If you are an actor and be sad about it, then you have chosen the wrong profession »
"It's strange when people get to know you on the street, and they know you, but you do not know them. It's a little weird »

"If I see a pair of shoes that I like, it does not matter what size they are. I will definitely buy them »
"I do not think about food. The very thought of a diet makes me want chips and ice cream »
"I tip my hat to the actresses in Hollywood, especially to the young, because they are perfect. They deficiency among men, it is considered to be excellent. But I do not find very interesting beautiful faces »
"Everyone says," Oh, Lord! You look so much like Natalie Portman! "But it's great! Now, if I were compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a reason to worry »
"Tony Scott introduced me to the Los Angeles Mafia. They were so cute guys! An hour telling my mom that mean their tattoos »
"Compared with me Jessica Simpson - just a professor!»

"The photos I usually look like an idiot, but the trick is that I usually take pictures in the" Ritz "and" Ritz "always looks stunning»
"When I smile, feel like a Robert De Niro in the film" Raging Bull "- at a time when he broke his nose»
"I can not live in Los Angeles. In this city there is only perfect women. You look at them and think, "I want to be perfect!" But it's not for me, we all know that Keira Knightley - the lazy cow in the world »
"I'm not going to get drunk as a lord, and then fall and puke in front of everyone»

"Apparently I have to conceive that all stopped talking about my body»
"For the sake of the beloved, I was ready for anything! I can even make him coffee! »

"I hate mobile phones. They rang and rang, and you realize that you do not want to talk to anyone. So I always press "ignore» »
"I am a lost romantic - I love romance, but I do not like being" raped "this sugary romance»
"With Orlando Bloom I'm ready to kiss any time, without rehearsals and completely free!»
"In 16 years I have acted in a film, which was called" The Pit "and when he came out a couple of popular girls from school talking rather loudly:" She starred in a shitty movie, it is not worth paying attention to. "That was rude and I was offended, but if you let that stuff bother you, you'll feel so ever. I was not popular in school. I went to pass it all by yourself. Tempering I had a pretty fast »

"I draw, but very bad»

"I'm not very sociable creatures»