Vintage secrets
It so happened that most of the women who have been for me the ideal of beauty, lived in the last century. There are certainly among contemporary public figures those whom I admire immensely, but in women past epoch has a subtle, delicate charm, bordering on perfection. Incredibly seductive Marilyn flawless Grace, Audrey fragile - they have become iconic images, I did not even write their names, you will surely understand who I'm. They admired their contemporaries admired and ours. They imitated in the past and is now imitated. Perfect skin, sensuous lips, gorgeous hair. How are they likely to achieve it? In some cases, they resorted to the help of well-known doctors, beauticians, stylists and makeup artists, but they were the secrets of beauty, without which they may have and would not have been those who have now.
Marilyn Monroe
Hot flirt famous in Hollywood thanks to the invariable image of sex bomb. But she admired not only men. Women won over by her beauty, perfect skin that literally glowed from within. The secret of magic - the hormone cream Active pHelityl, over which she put Powder Foundation. This technique creates the effect of radiance that deceive many women who watched Marilyn on the screen. Cream stimulate hair growth, so after a time appeared on the face of Marilyn blond hair, which she refused to get rid of, because together with the cream and powder, they make the skin so radiant.
Thank God, in our time the cosmetic industry has leaped forward, compared to the middle of the XX century and make your skin radiant possible without harmful hormonal creams. Just use a primer with a liquid or creamy foundation.
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey - sample flawless, graceful beauty. She introduced the fashion image of baby doll, black arrows on eyes and thickly painted lashes. According to rumors, to lashes after applying a large number of carcasses are not turned into a black messivo actress painstakingly separates each lash pin. I'm not big in decorative cosmetics, but I tasted among the funds received the highest score Clinique mascara with double brush that perfectly separates lashes and allows to achieve similar results without the pins and heaps of time spent on creating an ideal image.
Marlene Dietrich
One of the greatest actresses of all time, which is appreciated not only for his undoubted talent, but also beauty. Marlene believed that makeup should only emphasize the natural beauty, she put makeup on her face as if he would add the finishing touches to almost a complete picture. One of the characteristic features of this external Germans were arched eyebrows. Of course, this is not their natural form. Marlene shaved off his eyebrows cleaned and painted the desired shape charcoal. So it was fashionable in the 30's. In addition, she never painted lower lashes mascara, because I thought that in this way they provide shade and make it a kind of tired. In modern conditions, I believe, to shave off his eyebrows not only an extreme solution, but also ugly. Such drastic methods of recourse is not required. It is enough to follow the natural shape of the eyebrows and on the need to tint their (ideal - the shade of eyebrow).
Joan Crawford
Joan Crawford was never a great fan of cosmetics. In order to face was taut, she practiced jaw muscles, chewing gum rubber. In addition, it is believed that so she saves his chin from toxins. In addition, it is almost religious reverence refers to the purity of their skin, so wash your face at least 25 times with ice water after washed off cosmetics. I do not know about the benefits of chewing chewing gum, but ice water actually has beneficial effects not only on the skin, but also the body. Enough to take a douche (alternate warm and cold water) to clean the pores and make your hair healthy.
Katharine Hepburn
The actress Katharine Hepburn was his own, inimitable style - natural, minimalist and a bit asexual. To maintain her portrayal of Catherine had to use a lot of makeup in natural shades. In turn, the skin remains flawless and radiant, it is regular its "Scrubs." Scrub to prepare at home and consisted of sugar, a small amount of water and a drop of lemon juice. This mixture of massage movements applied to the skin and then wash off with cool water. Scrub - a useful thing, especially if it is made from natural ingredients.
Coco Chanel
At Coco Chanel will find tips on almost every occasion, especially when it relates to beauty and style. The woman I admire immensely, not only for its contribution to the world of fashion, but also for its stamina and self-confidence. Despite the fact that she did not have an extraordinary beauty, the men could not hide his interest, even if there were a woman more lovely than Coco. Chanel said: "I do not understand how a woman can leave the house without giving himself up - even if only out of politeness. Besides, you never know, perhaps, that day you will meet your destiny. And for such a meeting to look better more attractive ».
Bettie Page
Due to the excellent genetic data, Bettie Page boasted a perfect skin and a stunning figure. But that form is not lost its appeal, Betty still had to monitor them. Every day she practiced and spending time outdoors. She almost did not drink alcohol and never smoked. To all listed, I can only add a healthy diet, unfortunately, there is little relevance in our time.
Rita Hayworth
Red curls Hayworth brought to mind not just one man. Her hair is really admirable. Of course, in order for them to have a look, the actress had to resort to some tricks. Like many women of the time, Rita washed her hair in hot water, after which they inflicted on some oil and wraps namaslennye hair in a towel for 15 minutes. Followed by washing the hair with hot water mixed with lemon juice. Lemon water to rinse hair, I did not try, so on this occasion I can not say. But oil really works wonders as acts as a powerful moisturizer, which is difficult to compete with even the best of the best balms. I use coconut oil, which also stimulates hair growth.
Grace Kelly
Through minimalist chic Grace Kelly he earned a reputation as one of the most beautiful women of all time. But even such a marvelous natural beauty and required special tricks. Bright color makeup Grace prefer natural shades that accentuate her natural gifts. She applied to the eyebrows light brown shade to highlight them, using two shades of blush it allocated cheekbones - a lighter tone is applied to themselves cheekbones and darker underneath. These tricks have come down to the present time, many make-up artists, in addition to ordinary mortals, that is us, the girls also prefer to highlight the natural beauty of this way.
Sophia Loren
Italian actress was stunningly beautiful in the '60s, it has become an icon of beauty. What is her secret? You may be surprised, but he was back in oil. Lauren Mediterranean diet included a mandatory two tablespoons of olive oil. It is seasoned with them their food on a daily basis. In addition, a few drops rubbed into the skin of the face and it is added to the water when taking bath.
Marilyn Monroe

Hot flirt famous in Hollywood thanks to the invariable image of sex bomb. But she admired not only men. Women won over by her beauty, perfect skin that literally glowed from within. The secret of magic - the hormone cream Active pHelityl, over which she put Powder Foundation. This technique creates the effect of radiance that deceive many women who watched Marilyn on the screen. Cream stimulate hair growth, so after a time appeared on the face of Marilyn blond hair, which she refused to get rid of, because together with the cream and powder, they make the skin so radiant.
Thank God, in our time the cosmetic industry has leaped forward, compared to the middle of the XX century and make your skin radiant possible without harmful hormonal creams. Just use a primer with a liquid or creamy foundation.
Audrey Hepburn

Audrey - sample flawless, graceful beauty. She introduced the fashion image of baby doll, black arrows on eyes and thickly painted lashes. According to rumors, to lashes after applying a large number of carcasses are not turned into a black messivo actress painstakingly separates each lash pin. I'm not big in decorative cosmetics, but I tasted among the funds received the highest score Clinique mascara with double brush that perfectly separates lashes and allows to achieve similar results without the pins and heaps of time spent on creating an ideal image.
Marlene Dietrich

One of the greatest actresses of all time, which is appreciated not only for his undoubted talent, but also beauty. Marlene believed that makeup should only emphasize the natural beauty, she put makeup on her face as if he would add the finishing touches to almost a complete picture. One of the characteristic features of this external Germans were arched eyebrows. Of course, this is not their natural form. Marlene shaved off his eyebrows cleaned and painted the desired shape charcoal. So it was fashionable in the 30's. In addition, she never painted lower lashes mascara, because I thought that in this way they provide shade and make it a kind of tired. In modern conditions, I believe, to shave off his eyebrows not only an extreme solution, but also ugly. Such drastic methods of recourse is not required. It is enough to follow the natural shape of the eyebrows and on the need to tint their (ideal - the shade of eyebrow).
Joan Crawford

Joan Crawford was never a great fan of cosmetics. In order to face was taut, she practiced jaw muscles, chewing gum rubber. In addition, it is believed that so she saves his chin from toxins. In addition, it is almost religious reverence refers to the purity of their skin, so wash your face at least 25 times with ice water after washed off cosmetics. I do not know about the benefits of chewing chewing gum, but ice water actually has beneficial effects not only on the skin, but also the body. Enough to take a douche (alternate warm and cold water) to clean the pores and make your hair healthy.
Katharine Hepburn

The actress Katharine Hepburn was his own, inimitable style - natural, minimalist and a bit asexual. To maintain her portrayal of Catherine had to use a lot of makeup in natural shades. In turn, the skin remains flawless and radiant, it is regular its "Scrubs." Scrub to prepare at home and consisted of sugar, a small amount of water and a drop of lemon juice. This mixture of massage movements applied to the skin and then wash off with cool water. Scrub - a useful thing, especially if it is made from natural ingredients.
Coco Chanel

At Coco Chanel will find tips on almost every occasion, especially when it relates to beauty and style. The woman I admire immensely, not only for its contribution to the world of fashion, but also for its stamina and self-confidence. Despite the fact that she did not have an extraordinary beauty, the men could not hide his interest, even if there were a woman more lovely than Coco. Chanel said: "I do not understand how a woman can leave the house without giving himself up - even if only out of politeness. Besides, you never know, perhaps, that day you will meet your destiny. And for such a meeting to look better more attractive ».
Bettie Page
Due to the excellent genetic data, Bettie Page boasted a perfect skin and a stunning figure. But that form is not lost its appeal, Betty still had to monitor them. Every day she practiced and spending time outdoors. She almost did not drink alcohol and never smoked. To all listed, I can only add a healthy diet, unfortunately, there is little relevance in our time.
Rita Hayworth

Red curls Hayworth brought to mind not just one man. Her hair is really admirable. Of course, in order for them to have a look, the actress had to resort to some tricks. Like many women of the time, Rita washed her hair in hot water, after which they inflicted on some oil and wraps namaslennye hair in a towel for 15 minutes. Followed by washing the hair with hot water mixed with lemon juice. Lemon water to rinse hair, I did not try, so on this occasion I can not say. But oil really works wonders as acts as a powerful moisturizer, which is difficult to compete with even the best of the best balms. I use coconut oil, which also stimulates hair growth.
Grace Kelly

Through minimalist chic Grace Kelly he earned a reputation as one of the most beautiful women of all time. But even such a marvelous natural beauty and required special tricks. Bright color makeup Grace prefer natural shades that accentuate her natural gifts. She applied to the eyebrows light brown shade to highlight them, using two shades of blush it allocated cheekbones - a lighter tone is applied to themselves cheekbones and darker underneath. These tricks have come down to the present time, many make-up artists, in addition to ordinary mortals, that is us, the girls also prefer to highlight the natural beauty of this way.
Sophia Loren

Italian actress was stunningly beautiful in the '60s, it has become an icon of beauty. What is her secret? You may be surprised, but he was back in oil. Lauren Mediterranean diet included a mandatory two tablespoons of olive oil. It is seasoned with them their food on a daily basis. In addition, a few drops rubbed into the skin of the face and it is added to the water when taking bath.