New Horizons Project Team posted photos of Pluto in artificially enhance color

New Horizons continues to send data back to Earth, and scientists are studying all this information regularly laying out both photos and your assumptions about the structure of Pluto and its moons. Now experts of the project decided to artificially enhance the color of the dwarf planet, in order to identify differences in the structure of the structure of the surface of Pluto.
When combining black and white and color images of the planetoid, scientists got an interesting picture , « portrait "of Pluto. Thus, the "heart" of the planet most likely consists of ice. Two blue-and-white line extending in the direction of the south-west and north-east, probably represented exotic ices, which were in any way moved from the region «Sputnik».
To create this image were combined four photographs obtained tool LORRI, with color photographs instrument Ralph.
But the evolution of the image Pluto 90s (received even the Hubble Space Telescope) to the present day.

Hubble Space Telescope, 1996
Hubble Space Telescope, 1994
Hubble Space Telescope, 2011
Hubble Space Telescope, 2002-2003
New Horizons, April 9, 2015
New Horizons, May 12, 2015
New Horizons, June 2, 2015
New Horizons, June 15, 2015
New Horizons, July 1, 2015
New Horizons, July 3, 2015
New Horizons, July 8, 2015
New Horizons, July 10, 2015
New Horizons, July 11, 2015
New Horizons, July 13, 2015
New Horizons, July 14, 2015
New Horizons, July 15, 2015:
Source: geektimes.ru/post/259296/