New Horizons Pluto sent color photos of high resolution

When you click on a picture it will open in full size
Yes, as previously reported, the New Horizons space probe continues to send back data accumulated over a fairly long period of time. Now the probe transmits the information obtained from the fly past Pluto. Moreover, the current portion of photos of very high quality, plus everything, these pictures can be called colored. True, the colors here are not realistic, in view of the fact that the photos were made with Ralph / Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC), using blue, red, infrared filters.
This is done in order to highlight on the surface of the planetoid a variety of education and facilities that are poorly visible or not visible in the black-and-white photographs. One of the photographs were seen mountains with an interesting "texture". This region was temporarily named Tartarus Dorsa.
By the way, another image was obtained using a tool New Horizons Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI). And in this picture clearly visible rocks, ice, "lake", "dune", mountains of ice. You can also understand that Sputnik Planum region is not as smooth and even, as previously thought. Here, there are depressions and elevations. They are not as large as in some other regions, but still, it's not a smooth plain.
Experts believe that the bright spots of your photograph Pluto - it's frozen methane. Sputnik Planum - a place rich in methane snow, but located close region Cthulhu Regio - antipode, there is no snow at all. So far, no one knows why there is methane in the same place, and in another it is not.

This place just became known as Tartarus Dorsa. This mountain, which is very interesting structure i>

This image ("cylindrical projection map") a very high resolution. Click on the picture and it will open in original quality. i>

This is just one of the areas of Pluto, photographed from a height of 120 km. i>

This preliminary map spread on the surface of Pluto methane i>
As previously reported , ice on the surface of Pluto moving. Such a movement was seen in the region in the form of heart. The composition of the ice - nitrogen, methane, CO, the main components of ice on Pluto. The data obtained by scientists in many ways changed the view of astronomers on the processes occurring in the dwarf planet. This is not a dead world - are still working processes gradually change the surface of Pluto. In particular, the ice move, which could be evidence of the theory of the existence of a liquid ocean under the ice cover of Pluto. The existence of a moving glacier makes Pluto-like worlds like Earth active or Mars. In addition, scientists have proof of the existence of complex organic compounds on Pluto. This acetylene, ethylene, and other substances. New Horizons have discovered traces of these compounds.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/262998/
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