Brilliant Diva
The style, which has become a trendsetter, she is known all over the world: platinum hair, bright lips, painted eyebrows and thin arc of dazzling white dresses on the bias. This style began to imitate the very Marilyn Monroe, who adored Harlow, and even dreamed of playing the role of Jean in his autobiographical film. That, unfortunately, did not happen.
Jean Harlow was a superstar of his time, very clearly and very quickly flashed extinguished. When she died, she was only 26. At the same time, she managed to star in 41 films, three times to visit married and turned the heads of many thousands of men both in America and in Europe. Jean Harlow was the first blonde sex symbol of Hollywood.
For the first time Carpenter Harlin (the real name of the actress) was married at age 16, when still at school. It is already very popular in men, but her heart is won by Charles Mc Grew, the son of wealthy parents is sufficient, while at the very Harlin did not have a penny to his name. Therefore, without the consent of parents who would not allow such a misalliance, loving couple fled to Chicago and got married there.
Harlin childhood
Harlin 14 years
The mother
Only newly newlyweds happiness lasted very long. As soon as the mother learned of precocious marriage, she immediately sent for Harlin stepfather, who brought her back into the home. I must say that is not particularly resisted Harlin - since birth she has always obeyed his mother, admired her and was afraid to contradict her. In general, according to his mother for her was the law, which ultimately ruined it, but more on that later.
In his first marriage, the future actress pobyla exactly a month and a half months after the return of the fugitive mother took her to California. There Harlin long yearned, at first she began to forget to write a letter to Charles, later withdrew from the hands of an engagement ring, and soon her marriage officially terminated.
But Harlin had not only enjoy the beauty of the Californian, but also to work to support his family. She started, like many others, with the crowd scenes, for the filming of which called itself spontaneously maiden name of mother, and as a result has remained so ever and Jean Harlow.
Periodically, 16-year-old showgirl had to pose nude, but it did not bother her much, besides, she was not wearing a bra, despite the prominent bust and choose the most fitting clothes. This girl probably naked than dressed. She will go far. - Once remarked Clara Bow, movie star of those years, Harlow noticed in the crowd.
And Jin really noticed and invited to play in one of the episodes of the film "Double Whoopee." According to the script her character, leaving the taxi he left without dresses - pinched his car door. And then in such a girl provided on the hotel's doorstep.
It was during the shooting of this piquant episode on a young but incredibly sexy debutante noticed agent Arthur Landau. Most of all he liked it very blond hair and large, do not hide breast bra. Landau immediately invites Jean to lunch, and then arranges for her trial recording.
This film Landau suggested to see the famous film producer Howard Hughes, rented audio version of the play "Hell's Angels". First blond debutante he was not too pleased, but his assistants still convinced him that platinum hair Gene look very unusual and Hughes gave up: he not only took Jean in his painting, but also signed her to a five-year contract and become advertise it as the main star of "Hell's Angels».
So Jean Harlow was proclaimed the new American sex symbol. Advertising film, the newly formed sex goddess even made a propaganda tour of the country, and because at the time she had just turned 19 years old.
promotional photos for "Hell's Angels»
As a result, the film was a breakthrough for Jean Harlow, and in itself was unique to those years - Howard Hughes spared no expense and put into production dizzying stunts, which took place in the air, almost $ 4 million, making the film "Hell's Angels" the most expensive film of the time.
Premiere of the film took place May 27, 1930 to a full house at the famous Hollywood cinema - Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and the ticket price was a record for those years - $ 11.
With Howard Hughes
The famous director Martin Skorceze in his film "The Aviator" in 2004, which was devoted to the biography of Hughes, took the stage the very premiere of "Hell's Angels", inviting the role of Jean Gwen Stefani.
Jean was well aware of the power of the influence of a strong half of mankind and did use his body as another actor's expressive means. And in this great help to her famous Hollywood costume designers Adrian and Edith Head.
They caught the essence of glamor, flexibility, plasticity and grace Harlow, and were able to emphasize its wonderfully crisp white and silver flowing dresses that were tailored on the bias.
White and silver satin its glossy texture surprisingly went young and sexy actress as silk beautifully illuminates the skin and reflects light, making her skin incredibly fresh and porcelain. In addition, it is still perfectly in harmony with the shade of her hair platinum.
Since then, this "Long White Dress" (which became "response" "little black dress" Chanel) has become the hallmark of the actress.
The author of this dress cut on the bias thread became a fashion designer Madeleine Villon. And Jean Harlow was the main promoter of this style.
Since it was necessary for the perfect figure, and Harlow knew about it, she is constantly involved in sports and often sat on the fruit and vegetable diets.
By the way, under such an incredible dress could not wear underwear. And Gene, of course, he was not wearing. Sometimes she wore a dress and wearing only a thin gold bracelet on his ankle - its always a favorite accessory. This point is incredibly kindled the imagination of men.
There are almost no photos of Harlow, where she would stand just exactly. As a rule, all her body bends, bends like a spinning line of dresses in the most bizarre spiral.
However, these appear in flowing dresses was quite difficult, as was the case a long shot, but these dresses of silk very much hesitated when they sit down to rest. Also, they can not be removed and stroke because they are sutured directly to the actress.
It is for this purpose in Hollywood was invented a special device that gives holiday actress - «leaning board», or a board to rest.
Outside Harlow was her most important asset, so she was given the maximum attention. To visually increase the height of the forehead Gene always too destained curls.
There have even been rumors after her death, the actress died due to ammonia poisoning.
When only Harlow became very famous, once in the United States increased sales gidroperida. Yes, and she was forced Jin to tint your hair every ten days. And, of course, curling tongs on.
Known for its entrepreneurial Hughes immediately I decided to get out of their benefits and opened across America clubs with the same name "Platinum Blonde", which appointed the prize of ten thousand dollars to the master, which will create a hair dye such as platinum color, like Jean.
Also I had to change and eyebrows Jean, who initially looked unfashionable and heavy. They just shaved and painted pencil arc higher. A makeup Harlow closely connected with the name of Max Factor, working with actors in Hollywood almost since its foundation. That is why it was immediately invited to come up with make-up for a new outbreak of the stars.
Today, her makeup looks for modern fashionistas somewhat heavy, but at that time he was very popular.
With Max Factor
And those years fashion magazines often publish reviews Harlow wardrobe with pictures of her dress styles that are very popular among readers.
That time is not like the present, when movie stars let themselves outside the studio facilities to carry everything your heart desires (or convenient), but then contracts celebrities compulsorily prescribed that they should always look perfect - wherever located - in the beautiful elegant dresses and always with full makeup.
But despite the dizzying popularity as a sex symbol, in his personal life Jean is not everything went smoothly. Men loved her and admired her, but from Harlow in this regard, as it turns out, there is little that depended.
Once near the Jin appeared a fan with the most serious intentions, her vigilant mother immediately intervened. She never tired of repeating her daughter that no man will love her the way she deserves, that all men are only used pretty women, and then disposed of both of unnecessary toys, which in the end only need to suffer and to experience the bitterness of disappointment
So her mother prevented the nascent novel Jean William Powell, who was ready for his beloved to all: he even divorced his wife to marry Harlow. But the dutiful daughter again refused happiness in obedience to the request of the mother.
Harlow and Powell
And yet in 1932 blonde star decided it was time to get married. Since her second husband, Paul Bern became known producer who was twice her age. In fact, the marriage became a marriage of convenience. Jean was influential enough to need the support of a spouse, and Bern waited an incredibly sexy young wife revive the old passion in it.
The only thing about his intentions of Jean learned only after the marriage when a pretty drunken new husband confessed to her in their intimate problems. But as it turned out, even the sex symbol of Hollywood was powerless to help him.
But Harlow and Bern, despite the problems in the relationship, try to keep the person in public and diligently played "happy couple».
Harlow and Bern
However, this "happy" the play lasted very long - until Bern not committed suicide, leaving a suicide note Jin. What was the reason for this step, no one understood. We went gossip that Paul was jealous wife to Clark Gable, whom Jean then starred and had a friendly relationship.
And after the death of Bern Harlow faced with numerous debts. From a good lover nobody demands payment of invoices. So, I'm bad?
Third marriage Jin also did not make her happy. In 1933 she married a well-known operator Harold Ross, whom she met on the set of the film "Bomb" (just after the release of the film sexy actresses came to be called "sex-bomb").
But after the wedding, Jean waited another disappointment - for her husband, she was a gold card, and not just the woman he loved.
Gene and Russia
In 1937, Harlow suddenly began to complain of severe pain, but her mother, which she first told about it, then too much attracted to the Christian doctrine and assured a daughter that does not need to apply to the doctors and to the prayers. Only this, of course, did not help, and Jean felt worse. While on the set of the film "Saragota" in which she played with Clark Gable, Jean fainted right on the site. And Clark demanded that Harlow was rushed to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed her - uremia (blood poisoning urine).
The actress lived for only a few more days, and June 7, 1937 died of cerebral edema. Six months before, she celebrated its 26th anniversary.
Jean Harlow was buried in Memorial Park, California Forest Lawn. Gravestone with the words Our baby (our baby), as are the funeral, paid William Powell, who once gave Jean resigned, but maintain a close relationship in the past 2 years of life. Over the next 20 years, until his own death Powell each week come to the grave to my Ginny, bringing her a bouquet of white flowers.
If I die, once a week, send your flowers on my grave - so once prophetically joked Harlow. And the only person who loved Gene really, fulfilled her request.
With Powell, the only male devotees.
She did not want to be known. She wanted to be happy - said the actress about her co-star and friend of Clark Gable.
I must admit that the movies with her participation did not become famous film classics, but the Jean Harlow left the clearest mark on the movies, style and fashion. She, more than anyone, and served as an inspiration for designers, photographers, stylists and directors. Her seductively delicious-way sex goddess tried on many a film star, and mere mortals, as the most powerful and unconditional impact on men serdtsa.Seksualnost - this is your name. It belongs to you, but they are mostly drugie.Dzhin Harlow
Jean Harlow was a superstar of his time, very clearly and very quickly flashed extinguished. When she died, she was only 26. At the same time, she managed to star in 41 films, three times to visit married and turned the heads of many thousands of men both in America and in Europe. Jean Harlow was the first blonde sex symbol of Hollywood.
For the first time Carpenter Harlin (the real name of the actress) was married at age 16, when still at school. It is already very popular in men, but her heart is won by Charles Mc Grew, the son of wealthy parents is sufficient, while at the very Harlin did not have a penny to his name. Therefore, without the consent of parents who would not allow such a misalliance, loving couple fled to Chicago and got married there.

Harlin childhood

Harlin 14 years

The mother
Only newly newlyweds happiness lasted very long. As soon as the mother learned of precocious marriage, she immediately sent for Harlin stepfather, who brought her back into the home. I must say that is not particularly resisted Harlin - since birth she has always obeyed his mother, admired her and was afraid to contradict her. In general, according to his mother for her was the law, which ultimately ruined it, but more on that later.
In his first marriage, the future actress pobyla exactly a month and a half months after the return of the fugitive mother took her to California. There Harlin long yearned, at first she began to forget to write a letter to Charles, later withdrew from the hands of an engagement ring, and soon her marriage officially terminated.

But Harlin had not only enjoy the beauty of the Californian, but also to work to support his family. She started, like many others, with the crowd scenes, for the filming of which called itself spontaneously maiden name of mother, and as a result has remained so ever and Jean Harlow.
Periodically, 16-year-old showgirl had to pose nude, but it did not bother her much, besides, she was not wearing a bra, despite the prominent bust and choose the most fitting clothes. This girl probably naked than dressed. She will go far. - Once remarked Clara Bow, movie star of those years, Harlow noticed in the crowd.

And Jin really noticed and invited to play in one of the episodes of the film "Double Whoopee." According to the script her character, leaving the taxi he left without dresses - pinched his car door. And then in such a girl provided on the hotel's doorstep.
It was during the shooting of this piquant episode on a young but incredibly sexy debutante noticed agent Arthur Landau. Most of all he liked it very blond hair and large, do not hide breast bra. Landau immediately invites Jean to lunch, and then arranges for her trial recording.

This film Landau suggested to see the famous film producer Howard Hughes, rented audio version of the play "Hell's Angels". First blond debutante he was not too pleased, but his assistants still convinced him that platinum hair Gene look very unusual and Hughes gave up: he not only took Jean in his painting, but also signed her to a five-year contract and become advertise it as the main star of "Hell's Angels».
So Jean Harlow was proclaimed the new American sex symbol. Advertising film, the newly formed sex goddess even made a propaganda tour of the country, and because at the time she had just turned 19 years old.

promotional photos for "Hell's Angels»

As a result, the film was a breakthrough for Jean Harlow, and in itself was unique to those years - Howard Hughes spared no expense and put into production dizzying stunts, which took place in the air, almost $ 4 million, making the film "Hell's Angels" the most expensive film of the time.
Premiere of the film took place May 27, 1930 to a full house at the famous Hollywood cinema - Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and the ticket price was a record for those years - $ 11.

With Howard Hughes
The famous director Martin Skorceze in his film "The Aviator" in 2004, which was devoted to the biography of Hughes, took the stage the very premiere of "Hell's Angels", inviting the role of Jean Gwen Stefani.

Jean was well aware of the power of the influence of a strong half of mankind and did use his body as another actor's expressive means. And in this great help to her famous Hollywood costume designers Adrian and Edith Head.
They caught the essence of glamor, flexibility, plasticity and grace Harlow, and were able to emphasize its wonderfully crisp white and silver flowing dresses that were tailored on the bias.

White and silver satin its glossy texture surprisingly went young and sexy actress as silk beautifully illuminates the skin and reflects light, making her skin incredibly fresh and porcelain. In addition, it is still perfectly in harmony with the shade of her hair platinum.
Since then, this "Long White Dress" (which became "response" "little black dress" Chanel) has become the hallmark of the actress.

The author of this dress cut on the bias thread became a fashion designer Madeleine Villon. And Jean Harlow was the main promoter of this style.
Since it was necessary for the perfect figure, and Harlow knew about it, she is constantly involved in sports and often sat on the fruit and vegetable diets.

By the way, under such an incredible dress could not wear underwear. And Gene, of course, he was not wearing. Sometimes she wore a dress and wearing only a thin gold bracelet on his ankle - its always a favorite accessory. This point is incredibly kindled the imagination of men.

There are almost no photos of Harlow, where she would stand just exactly. As a rule, all her body bends, bends like a spinning line of dresses in the most bizarre spiral.
However, these appear in flowing dresses was quite difficult, as was the case a long shot, but these dresses of silk very much hesitated when they sit down to rest. Also, they can not be removed and stroke because they are sutured directly to the actress.
It is for this purpose in Hollywood was invented a special device that gives holiday actress - «leaning board», or a board to rest.

Outside Harlow was her most important asset, so she was given the maximum attention. To visually increase the height of the forehead Gene always too destained curls.
There have even been rumors after her death, the actress died due to ammonia poisoning.
When only Harlow became very famous, once in the United States increased sales gidroperida. Yes, and she was forced Jin to tint your hair every ten days. And, of course, curling tongs on.

Known for its entrepreneurial Hughes immediately I decided to get out of their benefits and opened across America clubs with the same name "Platinum Blonde", which appointed the prize of ten thousand dollars to the master, which will create a hair dye such as platinum color, like Jean.

Also I had to change and eyebrows Jean, who initially looked unfashionable and heavy. They just shaved and painted pencil arc higher. A makeup Harlow closely connected with the name of Max Factor, working with actors in Hollywood almost since its foundation. That is why it was immediately invited to come up with make-up for a new outbreak of the stars.
Today, her makeup looks for modern fashionistas somewhat heavy, but at that time he was very popular.

With Max Factor

And those years fashion magazines often publish reviews Harlow wardrobe with pictures of her dress styles that are very popular among readers.

That time is not like the present, when movie stars let themselves outside the studio facilities to carry everything your heart desires (or convenient), but then contracts celebrities compulsorily prescribed that they should always look perfect - wherever located - in the beautiful elegant dresses and always with full makeup.

But despite the dizzying popularity as a sex symbol, in his personal life Jean is not everything went smoothly. Men loved her and admired her, but from Harlow in this regard, as it turns out, there is little that depended.
Once near the Jin appeared a fan with the most serious intentions, her vigilant mother immediately intervened. She never tired of repeating her daughter that no man will love her the way she deserves, that all men are only used pretty women, and then disposed of both of unnecessary toys, which in the end only need to suffer and to experience the bitterness of disappointment
So her mother prevented the nascent novel Jean William Powell, who was ready for his beloved to all: he even divorced his wife to marry Harlow. But the dutiful daughter again refused happiness in obedience to the request of the mother.

Harlow and Powell
And yet in 1932 blonde star decided it was time to get married. Since her second husband, Paul Bern became known producer who was twice her age. In fact, the marriage became a marriage of convenience. Jean was influential enough to need the support of a spouse, and Bern waited an incredibly sexy young wife revive the old passion in it.
The only thing about his intentions of Jean learned only after the marriage when a pretty drunken new husband confessed to her in their intimate problems. But as it turned out, even the sex symbol of Hollywood was powerless to help him.

But Harlow and Bern, despite the problems in the relationship, try to keep the person in public and diligently played "happy couple».

Harlow and Bern
However, this "happy" the play lasted very long - until Bern not committed suicide, leaving a suicide note Jin. What was the reason for this step, no one understood. We went gossip that Paul was jealous wife to Clark Gable, whom Jean then starred and had a friendly relationship.
And after the death of Bern Harlow faced with numerous debts. From a good lover nobody demands payment of invoices. So, I'm bad?

Third marriage Jin also did not make her happy. In 1933 she married a well-known operator Harold Ross, whom she met on the set of the film "Bomb" (just after the release of the film sexy actresses came to be called "sex-bomb").
But after the wedding, Jean waited another disappointment - for her husband, she was a gold card, and not just the woman he loved.

Gene and Russia

In 1937, Harlow suddenly began to complain of severe pain, but her mother, which she first told about it, then too much attracted to the Christian doctrine and assured a daughter that does not need to apply to the doctors and to the prayers. Only this, of course, did not help, and Jean felt worse. While on the set of the film "Saragota" in which she played with Clark Gable, Jean fainted right on the site. And Clark demanded that Harlow was rushed to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed her - uremia (blood poisoning urine).

The actress lived for only a few more days, and June 7, 1937 died of cerebral edema. Six months before, she celebrated its 26th anniversary.
Jean Harlow was buried in Memorial Park, California Forest Lawn. Gravestone with the words Our baby (our baby), as are the funeral, paid William Powell, who once gave Jean resigned, but maintain a close relationship in the past 2 years of life. Over the next 20 years, until his own death Powell each week come to the grave to my Ginny, bringing her a bouquet of white flowers.
If I die, once a week, send your flowers on my grave - so once prophetically joked Harlow. And the only person who loved Gene really, fulfilled her request.

With Powell, the only male devotees.

She did not want to be known. She wanted to be happy - said the actress about her co-star and friend of Clark Gable.

I must admit that the movies with her participation did not become famous film classics, but the Jean Harlow left the clearest mark on the movies, style and fashion. She, more than anyone, and served as an inspiration for designers, photographers, stylists and directors. Her seductively delicious-way sex goddess tried on many a film star, and mere mortals, as the most powerful and unconditional impact on men serdtsa.Seksualnost - this is your name. It belongs to you, but they are mostly drugie.Dzhin Harlow