Photos Paris Hilton
A flurry of new photos brought down on his followers on Twitter winged love Paris Hilton. Now, the strong man's shoulder 31-year-old socialite was much younger, because Hilton meets 21-year-old Spanish male model The river Viper. Where she picked it remains a mystery, but now, even with a strong desire, it is from him hardly get off: River stuck like a limpet. The truth is now Paris on the seventh heaven and the best pass for himself does not see any meter or a kilometer, so get rid of the boyfriend she's not going. I think their romance ends prosaic: it will become more or less popular, its money to him bored and / or is he just fell in love with a girl, the same age. There are many options, but it is possible that everything will result in chic wedding and a bunch of small PerisRiverchikov. Although hard to believe in the past ...
Halloween 2012:
With her younger sister Nicky Hilton:
River to Paris as good friends, he's happy to withstand long hours of shopping. No matter how crazy the boy)
Paris in China. The first thing on his arrival there, she said in her tweet: "Hey, Shanghai, where you have the best night club?". And work and entertainment here it is - a beautiful life of Paris Hilton.
The river with his beloved:
Paris is still in excellent shape:
"Club Life!»
I do not remember the name of the lady next to Paris, but it is absolutely alive. Just looks like ... not really.
Paris and Adam Lambert:
With Cara Cara Delevingne:
With sister. Scoping photos back ...
Twitter Paris Hilton: twitter.com/ParisHilton

Halloween 2012:

With her younger sister Nicky Hilton:

River to Paris as good friends, he's happy to withstand long hours of shopping. No matter how crazy the boy)

Paris in China. The first thing on his arrival there, she said in her tweet: "Hey, Shanghai, where you have the best night club?". And work and entertainment here it is - a beautiful life of Paris Hilton.

The river with his beloved:

Paris is still in excellent shape:

"Club Life!»

I do not remember the name of the lady next to Paris, but it is absolutely alive. Just looks like ... not really.

Paris and Adam Lambert:

With Cara Cara Delevingne:

With sister. Scoping photos back ...

Twitter Paris Hilton: twitter.com/ParisHilton