Photographic portraits
Young artist from Holland Radzhasinna early childhood was in sight national media, thanks to many of their talents. But here's the last of them, recently opened, struck others the most. This girl does not have art education and never ever studied drawing specifically, but, nevertheless, in 2009 Radzhasinna tried to paint his portrait, and even the first was surprised that in the end she came out. It all started with a portrait of her friend, who saw him, speechless, and then had a good reason - this figure was almost a mirror image of it, or, one might say, a photograph. She is the girlfriend later admitted that at the time she still could not resist expressing his surprise and delight in foul form. And then Radzhasinny drawings appeared on the Internet, and, of course, attracted the attention. So soon a representative of one of the prints contacted talented artist and signed her to use her illustrations.
Radzhasinna was born in 1993. Almost immediately her life, in spite of such early years, bubbled to the same extent as adults. In the four-year girl has become a model of children's clothing, and in five years, first appeared on television, and then actively participated in various television shows and series. When Radzhasinne was twelve, she was chosen to place host of a popular children's television. In general, career developed rapidly and suddenly came to painting.
As already mentioned, she began to paint in 2009. Drawing it to every detail of the portrait spent 20 minutes. And even now, already having enough experience under his belt in the drawing, the work on each portrait in Radzhasinny take up to 40 hours. At the beginning of the artistic path on one portrait took several days or even weeks. Such words she wrote on her website: The process of creating the picture is very exciting, but at the same time a tedious task that takes a lot of time. So writing a portrait can take anywhere from 40 to 60 hours.
To give their left arm to have rest and spend more time in their professional career, I was forced to 12 months to put aside pencils, but do not worry, I will definitely be back next year!
According to experts, Radzhasinna was the only person who has made such an amazing realistic portraits in such a young age. Radzhasinna is the youngest professional artist, capable of creating more realistic picture than the pictures. So when Lady Gaga first saw his portrait painted by hand Radzhasinny, she said that it sees its mirror otrazhenie.Hotya girl herself does not like when it is called by the artist, reassuring, arguing that it is not them.
Actually, the very conservative critics artwork Radzhasinny attributed to the so-called glossy hyper-realism, in which the main emphasis is not on realistic portraits and still images on appeal, which, in their opinion, has many similarities with the photographs, retouch in Photoshop for glossy magazines. That is why celebrities to Radzhasinnoy drawn portraits look much better than in real life. While fans of this assessment, the young artist did not become less. After primarily affects talent, and everything else - a matter of taste.

Radzhasinna was born in 1993. Almost immediately her life, in spite of such early years, bubbled to the same extent as adults. In the four-year girl has become a model of children's clothing, and in five years, first appeared on television, and then actively participated in various television shows and series. When Radzhasinne was twelve, she was chosen to place host of a popular children's television. In general, career developed rapidly and suddenly came to painting.

As already mentioned, she began to paint in 2009. Drawing it to every detail of the portrait spent 20 minutes. And even now, already having enough experience under his belt in the drawing, the work on each portrait in Radzhasinny take up to 40 hours. At the beginning of the artistic path on one portrait took several days or even weeks. Such words she wrote on her website: The process of creating the picture is very exciting, but at the same time a tedious task that takes a lot of time. So writing a portrait can take anywhere from 40 to 60 hours.
To give their left arm to have rest and spend more time in their professional career, I was forced to 12 months to put aside pencils, but do not worry, I will definitely be back next year!

According to experts, Radzhasinna was the only person who has made such an amazing realistic portraits in such a young age. Radzhasinna is the youngest professional artist, capable of creating more realistic picture than the pictures. So when Lady Gaga first saw his portrait painted by hand Radzhasinny, she said that it sees its mirror otrazhenie.Hotya girl herself does not like when it is called by the artist, reassuring, arguing that it is not them.

Actually, the very conservative critics artwork Radzhasinny attributed to the so-called glossy hyper-realism, in which the main emphasis is not on realistic portraits and still images on appeal, which, in their opinion, has many similarities with the photographs, retouch in Photoshop for glossy magazines. That is why celebrities to Radzhasinnoy drawn portraits look much better than in real life. While fans of this assessment, the young artist did not become less. After primarily affects talent, and everything else - a matter of taste.