40 facts about women

1. A woman never takes off a T-shirt, grabbed the back. 2. Women do not scratch their head. Firstly, they do not like to show their confusion, and secondly, it spoils the hair. 3. A woman often reels up hair locks, even short, on a finger or a brush of hair tickling his cheek. Men are so rarely done. 4. The woman never really do not understand why the players, lining the wall, do such ridiculous hill palms. So she does not flinch when the movie hero gets hit in the crotch boot. 5. The woman is not a cigarette bites teeth. She does not leave her in the mouth, but always in his hand. 6. Yawning, a woman covers her mouth with his hand, not a fist. 7. Take a bath, a woman - whether long-haired, short-haired or had been ill with typhus - necessarily reels on his head amateur similarity of a turban from a towel, for at least one minute. The causes of this east ritual are unknown. 8. A woman practically does not irritate, when lingerie jams between the buttocks. The fair sex with pleasure is all of these torture devices under the name "bikini". In addition, usually the woman is not trying to fix lingerie behind imperceptibly, rising from his chair. 9. brandishing to throw something, a woman removes her hand sideways and backwards. That is why I will give will never send to blow up tanks. 10. Women like these torn brooms on which much debris. They call them "compositions of dried flowers." 11. greeted by the hand, she almost does not shake it. About female handshake poet Voloshin said that it looks like "on the pop-dead baby." 12. Turning to the call, the woman usually turns only a head. Man unfolds and the body, because it has much less flexible neck.
13. Women are afraid of spiders, worms and mice. They also do not like caterpillars, even very beautiful. 14. The vast majority of women believe that to wash with soap and water is harmful (What exactly they wash - look in the bathroom). 15. Having sex, a woman thinks that she looks nice. 16. On the proposal to show his hands honest man pulled open palms. Women hold out his hands, palms down, apparently to demonstrate irreproachable manicure and size of diamonds. 17. The words that she says, hitting thumb with a hammer, you can skip the uncensored broadcast "Good night, kids ..." That says a man in such cases, can not be broadcast. 18. Women open beer bottle opener for beer bottles. 19. Women have dominated the thoracic type of breathing. The men in the process of respiration is actively involved abdominal muscles. 20. Women do not like when they have free hands. Therefore, they always carry a purse - to pull her strap to hold the edge and endlessly digging in it. In the absence of a handbag fit anything - a fan, gloves, book, flower. 21. ascend or descend the mountain women try sideways. Men just wider straddle. 22. Treat your women prefer heels, turning his back. Men simply turning the foot raised. 23. By his genitals at women rather indifferent, detached attitude, they are almost strangers to each other. Women do not talk to them, do not give them playful nicknames, do not take offense at them. 24. On a hot pebble or sand woman walking on tiptoe. Man only comes on the heels. 25. Sitting down, women compress knees or simply hold them in parallel. Therefore, public transport is preferable to have a neighbor lady. 26. Stretching, men scatter or lift hands, and women bend their elbows pressed to his sides. 27. The desire for compromise inherent in the female sex, affects how they tell obscene jokes. They may decide to tell the public, even the most greasy anecdote. But the key word indistinct mutter so that no one will understand. More often, they are trying to convey an indecent highlight facial expressions, gestures and desperate expression. 28. The belt on the woman's robe tied above the navel, and men - below. 29. If a woman on the street unzipped his fly, o on the rather indifferent react to this fact and calm zastegnet pants. 30. Ears woman plug fingers, and men - in his hands. 31. When you ask a woman to give you a lighter, she passes you a lighter, and does not check your jumping ability and reaktsiyu.

32. If a man from the perspective of women, very few went to the development of the monkey, we, for our part, we can also note some atavisms inherited our ladies inherited from ancestors Quadrumana. For example, search for hours in his coat male insects. In the absence of small arthropods, women are satisfied acne and pimples. 33. While dressing, she first put on the shirt, then - trousers. Men generally do the opposite. 34. Gloves woman clothes before going outside. 35. Lifting a heavy object, the woman will try to move it to the side. A man carries the load in front of him. 36. trifle large bills, and women prefer to wear at the same place. They rarely ring pockets. 37. In punched a woman exposes a thumb forward. 38. When women sit, they have a habit of tucking themselves under the heel of the foot and rests in the crotch. Men such does not allow. 39. To overcome the wet linen manually, a woman undertakes it with palms up, man - palms downwards. 40. And again, after sex a woman wants to stay awake and talking and kissing.
Source: mirfactov.com/