Love is like a disease

They say that love is like a disease, it has its symptoms, manifestations, which can recognize that guy in love. It is useful to know if the guy is in love, especially if you want to hit on him or have met with him and try to understand whether he is in love with you. There are 20 signs of love: I stereotyped thinking. Those. I love the guy is not able to send all women with the same brush. It appears one single, special and bright. The fear of offending his beloved pain. Constant care and attention. A smile does not leave a person in love with a man, even if Monday morning and only the beginning of the working day. The sudden change of mood - is a clear sign of the virus of love. Even a sloppy man suddenly becomes the subject of neatness and style. And it has nothing to do with access to the new responsible position at work. Man becomes a frequenter of flower shops. Frequent SMSki and a smile on the face of obvious evidence of love. Changing the style of dress and in consequence new things in the locker room. Work and talk about the work begin to occupy much less attention. He begins rarely meet friends, spend time in smaller companies are increasingly lost. Romantic comedy and drama does not cause negative emotions, and moving smoothly into the category of perhaps the most beloved. The same thing happens with musical compositions. Lovely lyrical ballads touch the heart, and even ways to make shed tears. At home he appeared feminine accessories (for example, hair gel, drinks for women) Now he often prefers to talk on the phone alone, or promises to call back later if it turns out not to retire. His action is more pronounced scattering. It seems that his thoughts somewhere else. Photos of naked girls disappeared somewhere with his servant. the table and the walls of the apartment. His interests and hobbies do not cause the same enthusiasm as before. It can cool off in football who just lived before. Never giving its shape due attention, he suddenly begins to exercise regularly. Sometimes he begins to remember in time to eat all the time about something thinks. At night it is hard to sleep, restless sleep, even if the whole day worked hard and seemed to be no strength left. Seeing the sparkling eyes of your dream guy, when he is in love with you - that's great, but do not forget that love and love - two different things, so you need to work hard on your relationship.
Source: ifyoulove.ru