The smell of women's tears

Weeping Woman becomes less attractive to men. It is not that she is flowing ink or the eyes become swollen. The mechanism of action of female tears in the man's mind is much thinner. Man identifies many different liquids, odors which carry coded signals to other individuals of the same species. But tears are odorless. Research Noam Sobel (Noam Sobel) from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot (Israel) has shown that the tears are not only a visual way of expressing emotion, as previously thought, but a way of communication. The experiment took place in several stages. At first, the men offered to recognize the smell of tears - nobody could do it. Then the men sniffed tears and normal saline, looking at pictures of women. The test was conducted blind, that is, the subjects did not know what they have in vitro. The next day, those who smelled tears received saline solution and vice versa. The result was that the "smell" of tears did women in the photographs in the eyes of the subjects less attractive. It is found not only in the direct survey and by indirect factors. In men, smell the woman's tears, decreased body temperature, the level of testosterone in the blood, respiration rate, the activity of certain brain lobes. The study's authors believe that they discovered the chemical mechanism of communication through the tears of the opposite sex allows women to avoid unwanted connections. From an evolutionary perspective this may be justified when sex can not lead to conceive a child. Statistics confirm that the emotions with tears often occur in women just before and during menstruation, when the chance of fertilization is minimal. Research scientists poses many interesting questions. How are women's, men's and children's tears? How much chemical signals, even those that we do not feel, influence our behavior? And what kind of substances in tears reduces sexual desire of man to woman?
Source: mirfactov.com/