How to look at the fine

Have you read the book before going to bed, walked all night with a girl under the moon, or watched an interesting match on TV - it does not matter. The main thing is that you do not get enough sleep the morning and look slightly dented. We'll show you how to return the body about an hour from the position of rest time. I wash COLD WATER Cold water can help the skin to eliminate swelling, return beautiful color and return the blood circulation. Excellent remove irritation and redness cleansers on camomile. Inhale MINT flavor of a good stimulant for the brain becomes peppermint flavor. Become fitter will also help cool the water close to body temperature in combination with shower gel with the invigorating aromas of citrus and grapefruit. You can advise a gentle massage using loofah: this will increase the microcirculation of the skin and make it smooth. Relieves swelling under the eyes there good old method of dealing with swelling under the eyes: 10 minutes Ages applied to slices of fresh cucumber. After this procedure, it is recommended to use a cream to the skin around the eyes. Energizing facial skin Squeeze the juice of half an orange, wet wipe them and attach it to the person on for about five minutes. Return tired and dull skin radiant appearance will help vitamin C. Apply the Moisturizing Cream Our fatigue is always reflected on the skin. She appeared characteristic features: it peels off, it becomes dry and dull, dehydrated quickly. Poor skin condition can be defined by how unevenly applied foundation. In this case, you can replace the usual means of moisturizing tonalnika with proteins and vitamins.
Source: neboley.com.ua/ru/world/2009/09/09/36903.html