Why do actors do not give their names in the movies?

sonorous and memorable names of the actors are often borrowed, or simply invented. What they do not own lands, the name given at birth. Traditions usurp fictitious names - aliases - there, they say, for centuries. Most often they are used by people of creative professions. From the Greek word "alias" is translated as "bearing a false name." Many believe that the name affects the destiny of its bearer. It is logical to assume that the name change is likely to have serious consequences. Taking itself an artistic pseudonym, aspiring actor, is likely counting on the fact that the new name will attract good luck and will launch a new zhizni.

But often the reason for using aliases far more prosaic. 1. The public will remember the most unique, sonorous and simple name, so the actors are replaced by their very long, complicated in pronunciation or discordant names more effectively. For example, instead of Marilyn Monroe Norma Jeane Baker and Marina Vlady, instead of Marie-Louise-Baydarovoy Polyakova. 2. A person can select the "talking" pseudonym corresponding to its activities. For example, Fanya Feldman chose alias name of the heroine of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" and became Faina Ranevskaya. 3. In certain historical periods the reason for taking a fictitious name becomes a desire to hide their nationality. So, in the 50 years of the twentieth century, parents Andrew Menaker have a change of name to the son of Myron. Fleeing Nazi "new order", the French actress Simone Henriette Charlotte Kaminker was forced to take a "ausvays" in the name of Simone Signoret. 4. It happens that the representative of the "star" of the dynasty takes someone else's name, afraid to be in the shadow of the famous family. So did the son of a famous actor, director, theater director Yuri Sergeyevich Zhikhareva, who took the pseudonym of Sergei Jurassic. For an actor, a pseudonym is not just a "working name" and second nature, supplanting real name - autonym - which is known only to a narrow circle of relatives and old friends.
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=359