Small anniversary of "Fight Club."

The idea of creating a book Chuck Palahniuk came after he was beaten during a camping trip. Referring to the neighborhood asking people nearby turn down the volume of the radio, Chuck received several blows to his impressive face. Woman, beaten in school brother Chuck Palahniuk - Sean, named Marla. The name "Tyler" Chuck borrowed from an old cartoon «Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus», and the name "Durden" - with his colleague, who was involved in some of the stories of sexual harassment at work.
Although the novel "Fight Club" enrolled in religious works, the prospect of his first film adaptation seemed unreal.
Directed by David Fincher, seeing the scenario of fight club, I grabbed him by all limbs. "In the book there are a lot of thoughts that often came into my head," - he said on the eve of the premiere of Fincher. - "But I never dared to express them out loud. Today men live in an emotional desert. Or rather, they do not know how to express their feelings - whether they have the right to cry, scream, fight? I dreamed that I might at least hint! »
Brad Pitt, who have long been trying to get rid of the role blond seducer, first agreed to take part in the film, or Tyler Durden would be Sean Penn.

On the role of choking from the pointlessness of its existence, the narrator was invited to the youngest of Hollywood actors heavyweights - Edward Norton, starring only five films, but has already received two Oscar nominations.
For the filming of the movie Edward Norton had to lose weight by 9-10 kg. Prior to that, he had to gain weight rapidly for the role of a Nazi in "American History X". Reduce muscle Edu helped run, vitamins, as well as refusal to eat on set.

On the role of Marla Singer in addition to Helena Bonham Carter also claimed Courtney Love and Winona Ryder, but, on reflection, decided to subversive Fincher course and all of a sudden took Helena Bonham Carter, became famous starring muslin ladies of the last century. Helena Bonham Carter had to wear shoes on a large platform to cover a significant difference in height between it and its main partners.

Shooting period lasted from 12 May 1998 to December 1998.
Directed by David Fincher in the film-making process has spent about one and a half thousand film reels - 3 times the average amount.
Fincher did not want to sacrifice the close-ups, so the actors had to take on a lot of strikes, which they call "nehoreografirovannymi."
Pitt admitted that he once strongly scratched the face of Norton, but Norton says dislocated finger on his solar plexus Pitt.
Before shooting the two actors trained under the supervision of professional stuntmen, but not to look pumped up and get ready for a real shock.

For the scene of accident Fincher mount the camera on the hood of the car and the car - on the transparent rotating pipe, which was installed for the screen, showing the background of the scene. And inside, he did not put stuntmen and the actors themselves, who had to fully enjoy the feeling of falling in the rotation.
For a complete buzz on them each take shards of glass rained down. Of course, it was Stuntman rubber glass but shake his mouth and nose were still not palatable.
In the scene where Marla crossing the road, the car moved so close to her that touched the buttons of her jacket.

In the scene in which Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are beginning to get drunk and chase golf balls, the actors were really drunk. Therefore, to the balls got to where it was intended to have been used special tools.
During the filming of uptown man exasperated noise, I tossed out the window in the apartment crew bottle of beer. The bottle hit the operator Jeff Cronenweth, and although not cause more harm dissatisfied hooligan was arrested.
For the scene of the beating narrator character Jared Leto, Jared was made horribly scary mask literally broken apart and turned inside the nose. This mask Jared had to wear all day, and crew together with the actors of his time trying to avoid.

Fincher took 12 takes the fall stunt with a stone staircase in the scene of the final battle and Tyler rasskazichka. However, the film entered the very first take.
In the final scene, when the narrator shoots and kills himself Tyler, Tyler says, "What's that smell?» (What's that smell?).
Himself Chuck Palahniuk says that a reference to the American poet Ira Gershuin. He had a brain tumor, and being near death, Ira kept saying that he feels the smell of charred chicken feathers until his death asked the same question: "What's that smell?»
The video shows how it created the final scene of the film with commentary in English. (Make the sound quieter)
In the film, a lot of details that are not visible at first glance:
- Although the name of the hero of the Norton is never mentioned (it just narrator) in the menu on DVD, as well as on promotional materials for the film, made in the form of company IKEA catalog, call him Jack. And when the film was shown on HBO in the closing credits of his and all have called Rupert.
- Among the actors in the picture observed three detective - Detective Andrew Detective and Detective Kevin Walker. At the time, Andrew Kevin Walker wrote the screenplay for David Fincher's "Seven."
-Some Of the fictitious names used by the hero of the Norton support groups - the names of the heroes of the movie "Planet of the Apes» (Planet of the Apes) (1968), as well as the names of several characters Robert De Niro.
- Norton Hero building condominium called "Pearson Towers» (Pearson Towers) - in fact, the building is called "Prominada Towers» (Promenade Towers), and it is located at 123 South Figueroa, in Downtown Los Angeles. A sign on the front of the house says "city within a city» (A City in a City). In the film, I remind her: "The place where you can be somebody» (A place to be somebody).
- In the frame of the house you can see Tyler magazine «Movieline» Drew Barrymore on the cover. Drew - a close friend of Ed Norton.
- When the narrator writes haiku and sends them to their colleagues via e-mail in his e-mail-sheet appear the names of Assistant Director and other members of the crew.
-Rasskazchik Operates in the automotive corporation Federated Motor Corporation, is located at 39210 North Pennfield Boulevard, Bradford (Unknown State). General Manager Phone - (288) 555-0138, fax - (288) 555-0149.
-Telephone Marla Singer - 555-0134. Same phone and Teddy - the hero of the movie "Remember» (Memento) (2000).
- Brad Pitt was on the tooth crown. For the film, he took it off to show his real snag.
- Especially for the film Norton and Pitt learned to cook the soap present.
- Explosives recipes in the book have been replaced by false. Brad Pitt in the first version of the film voiced by the real recipes for explosives, but then, for censorship reasons, they were replaced by fake.
-Up To the emergence of the hero Brad Pitt on the screen, except for a few inserts ("25 fps"), it can be seen in the restaurant advertising on TV in the hotel, which looks at the protagonist of the story of insomnia.
- The original frame with a male member of that 25th frame flashes at the end of the film, had to stand in the middle of the film, but Fincher decided to put it in the end that the people at the exit of the theater would feel that Tyler is in a projection.
Warning of Tyler Durden, even though it appears on the screen just for a second:
"If you're reading this, then this warning is for you. Every word that you look at, it is meaningless - you just waste a regular part of his life. Did you have nothing else to do? Is your life so empty and gray, you can not even find something to occupy yourself in your spare time? Did you read everything you want to read? Do you really thought of everything, what would think?
Immediately go to the street. Find a person of the opposite sex. Stop doing stupid buying and tie with masturbation. Dismiss from work. Start a fight. Prove that you are alive. If you do not begin to act, and will live a worthless life. You have been warned ...... Tyler ».

Bonham Carter, filming a love scene with Pitt, hoped to relax and have fun, but ... Fincher told to strip actors, assistants covered their bodies with white dots - reading labels for your computer.
And then the actors have taken the whole day still pose from the "Kama Sutra" and until you're blue sitting and lying naked in maloudobnyh poses while the computer read the tags.

Well, the phrase: "The first rule of Fight Club is not to mention the Fight Club" takes the 27th place among the most popular phrases from the movie version of Premiere magazine in 2007.