Fear of dogs
people can be divided into two categories: those who love dogs and can not imagine my life without them, and those who do not like dogs, and often afraid. Why is this happening? Really, on the way there are some good dogs, while others face only with ferocious dogs? "All love is impossible, and tastes different," - you will object. And you will, in fact, right. However, psychologists are ready to offer another answer: "It's all about our children's fears and phobias." We have not yet appeared on the light, and phobias and fears are already living in us. Fruit digests information in the womb, so you can not remember. When you are frightened dog. But fear is present, and it can develop into a real phobia. That's why pregnant women should always carry an ultrasonic dog deterrent to prevent such stress, which can affect the future life little man who is under the heart. Have a deterrent to save his own psychological comfort and security should be and if you are going to travel countryside. Who knows what fate has prepared you to meet? In the woods. For example, you can meet a wolf or other wild animal. And here is the most frightened minimal impact on the situation. If you or your child already has a fear of dogs, and then through the streets of the city is better to walk with ultrasonic repeller not to aggravate the condition. At the same time it is imperative to consult a specialist to help cope with a phobia. It is not possible to live a lifetime in strahe.
In such a situation it is useful enimelterapiya, ie treatment with animals. Of course, you can not just not to be afraid of big dogs, for which you ask a neighbor to keep an eye, but take a little puppy into the family is an excellent solution. Watching it grow chetyrehlapoe tiny creature, you will understand it better and will no longer be afraid. Tamed one (so terrible for you) a creature, you can overcome the fear that lurks in the subconscious. However, such a move needs a serious attitude and a strong belief that you can overcome the fear. It also should take into account that dogs are not only able to help cope with fears, they can help fight depression, isolation, sedentary. They are wonderful healers and very loyal friends. Realizing this, you will certainly forget about his phobia. Are you ready to overcome your fear? p.s. Having overcome the fear, do not forget about caution .... See also: Faithful dog owner waiting for the third year in the place of his death. Screaming like a man Shih Tzu dog was a new web sensation. In the United States I was born the smallest dog in the world. Tolstoy will teach dogs to climb the stairs to the mechanical basket. Dogs are able to distinguish the smell of twins. The smartest dog in the world knows more than 1000 words.
Source: mirfactov.com/