Picture Book

Fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of flying, fear of death - every one of us is afraid of something. When you open this book you risk to experience the real horror. On its pages you can see all of the most common types of fear - in the fold-out pictures. We must pay tribute to the creators, in many episodes feel very bright presence.

Dentofobiya - fear of dental treatment

Aerophobia - fear fly on aircraft

Ofidiofobiya - fear of snakes

Claustrophobia - fear of enclosed spaces

Filth-dread - an obsessive fear of contamination or infection

Glossofobiya - fear of public speaking

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

Acrophobia - fear of heights

Koulrofobiya - fear of clowns

Fear of being buried alive - the fear of being buried alive

Source: imgur.com


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