7 social fears that prevent you live a full life
You may be above their fears, if not afraid vysoty
This sticky with sweat, contrary trembling word - fear. Who among us can say that never in my life was not afraid? But one thing - to be afraid of, for example, for the first time to ride on skates, and another - to experience genuine horror at the thought that someone in love with you. Social fears have all, without exception, however, for some people, they are so strong that prevent them from living a normal full life and achieve success. The enemy needs to know in person, so we offer you to get acquainted with the most common types of social fears.
1. Fear otvetstvennostiVy his family are going to go on vacation and you need to choose a location. Looking through the brochures of travel agencies, you just can not decide which resort will like you and your household. Flour choice is so great that you repeatedly seek the advice of relatives, or are willing to completely abandon the trip.
This fear of a greater or lesser degree is present in almost all.
The essence of fear of liability is fairly simple - you will by all means try not to take action, shifting this responsibility to others, because in case of failure, do you think that others will judge you in every way. In addition, you imagine that having suffered a fiasco, will blame themselves for a long time that failed to live up to expectations and "as always, all messed up».
Get rid of the fear of liability is not so easy, but possible. Do not focus on the negative consequences of their choices, brings up the habit of taking their own decisions, regardless of the possible outcome. In some cases it is necessary to resort to the help of a therapist.
2. Fear nachalnikaObychny time, you do your work responsibilities, suddenly you are told that you have is head of the department and, although the reasons for concern seems to be no, you frantically begin to remember all their conceivable mistakes in the past few years, trying to understand for which you can make a reprimand. Common situation? This is a typical manifestation of the Chief of fear - fear of any man robbed authority (teacher, commander, and so on) that can affect your life.
To cope with this fear does not necessarily refer to the experts - to raise the quality of their work, to raise the self-esteem and make any bosses appreciate you as a professional. When communicating with the head not avoid looking him in the eye, speak confidently and clearly express their thoughts. In the end - no matter how petty tyrant and tyrant was your boss, it is - just a man.
3. Fear neudachiOdin of the most common human fears - fear of failure. Fear of failure is close to the fear of responsibility, but the main source of worry and anxiety in it appears not possible negative public reaction to failure, and the probability itself that attached to anything the efforts came to nothing lead. The most common Fear is generated due to the habit to generalize from one particular fact. For example, a student failing in one examination session, does not even try to pass all the rest: "I already know that there is nothing I can not, why waste time and energy».
To overcome the fear of failure - one of the main tasks of a man who wants to be successful. You need to change its motto to "Who does not play, he can not lose" to "one who creeps - not falling, falling one who runs».
4. Fear uspehaNesmotrya on the opposite the name of the main reason for this fear, as the previous one - the uncertainty in their own abilities. Fear of success is people, it is often held, are afraid, for example, further progress up the career ladder, because they believe that they can not cope with new work responsibilities and expectations of management. that fear of success is constantly expected to expose its own "failure" in this or that sphere - it seems that all they have achieved, they got a fluke. Because of this man considers himself a failure and tries in every way to hide the "terrible secret" of others, taking care not to expose their personal and professional skills to the test successfully.
As is the case with the fear of failure, to overcome the fear of success, be confident and remember that even if you do not deal with anything, you always have to take into account the mistakes to avoid repeating them next time.
5. Fear ekzamenamiKak the name implies, a classic example of manifestation of fear of exams - students' behavior during the session. This same fear experiencing, such as surgeons during the operation of a new for themselves, competitors on any position during a meeting with the employer - almost all of whom will face a test of their abilities or knowledge. Insomnia, anxiety, loss of appetite, increased heart rate, trembling - all typical manifestations of fear of being tested. Fear increases with long wait exam options ("gets a ticket that I have taught, or not?") and the limited time to prepare.
Defeating fear of examinations Motivational help, and a variety of exercises, thus relieving stress. Before the start of the exam try to breathe deeply, repeating to myself some encouraging words: "I believe in myself and then successfully pass the exam," "I get good grades, because I still learned" or something like that.
6. Fear of close social kontaktovVeroyatno, you had to deal with people who are struggling to avoid a little bit closer sincere dialogue with others. This behavior is caused by fear of close social contacts - the reluctance closely converges with the man for fear that later it can cause emotional pain. As a rule, the fear of close contact occurs in individuals who are in the whole tend to be independent and self-sufficient, while it is very difficult to be open and honest with them, even. Often, the fear to get close to a person occurs after experiencing a negative experience with someone from relatives or the opposite sex.
If the above behaviors you learn your own, you may want to seek professional help - after you get rid of the fear of intimacy, your life is completely transformed.
7. odinochestvaBoyazn fear of social isolation and loneliness in many ways the opposite of the previous view of fear and can take many forms - from suffering her often occurs, for example, the reluctance to criticize others, fear of conflict, fear to show their feelings and so on.
Fear of loneliness faced by people with a weakened sense of independence, more than anything else wishing to love and be loved. Given their dedication and self-denial, such persons often fall in love and parting grieved. And the fear of loneliness many spoil life for themselves and others - for example, marry a man unloved and being emotionally unsatisfied, many years arguing with him for nothing, but stubbornly unwilling to divorce. That fear of loneliness parents of adult children prevent them to arrange personal life (sometimes without realizing), fearing that after the marriage their child leaves.
What if someone in your family suffers from such fears? First of all - to try to understand the man that fears it is only programs themselves in trouble, and to persuade him to admit to myself what the problem is. Awareness of the problem - the first step towards its solution. Do not be afraid to deal with fears!
via factroom.ru

This sticky with sweat, contrary trembling word - fear. Who among us can say that never in my life was not afraid? But one thing - to be afraid of, for example, for the first time to ride on skates, and another - to experience genuine horror at the thought that someone in love with you. Social fears have all, without exception, however, for some people, they are so strong that prevent them from living a normal full life and achieve success. The enemy needs to know in person, so we offer you to get acquainted with the most common types of social fears.
1. Fear otvetstvennostiVy his family are going to go on vacation and you need to choose a location. Looking through the brochures of travel agencies, you just can not decide which resort will like you and your household. Flour choice is so great that you repeatedly seek the advice of relatives, or are willing to completely abandon the trip.
This fear of a greater or lesser degree is present in almost all.
The essence of fear of liability is fairly simple - you will by all means try not to take action, shifting this responsibility to others, because in case of failure, do you think that others will judge you in every way. In addition, you imagine that having suffered a fiasco, will blame themselves for a long time that failed to live up to expectations and "as always, all messed up».
Get rid of the fear of liability is not so easy, but possible. Do not focus on the negative consequences of their choices, brings up the habit of taking their own decisions, regardless of the possible outcome. In some cases it is necessary to resort to the help of a therapist.
2. Fear nachalnikaObychny time, you do your work responsibilities, suddenly you are told that you have is head of the department and, although the reasons for concern seems to be no, you frantically begin to remember all their conceivable mistakes in the past few years, trying to understand for which you can make a reprimand. Common situation? This is a typical manifestation of the Chief of fear - fear of any man robbed authority (teacher, commander, and so on) that can affect your life.
To cope with this fear does not necessarily refer to the experts - to raise the quality of their work, to raise the self-esteem and make any bosses appreciate you as a professional. When communicating with the head not avoid looking him in the eye, speak confidently and clearly express their thoughts. In the end - no matter how petty tyrant and tyrant was your boss, it is - just a man.

3. Fear neudachiOdin of the most common human fears - fear of failure. Fear of failure is close to the fear of responsibility, but the main source of worry and anxiety in it appears not possible negative public reaction to failure, and the probability itself that attached to anything the efforts came to nothing lead. The most common Fear is generated due to the habit to generalize from one particular fact. For example, a student failing in one examination session, does not even try to pass all the rest: "I already know that there is nothing I can not, why waste time and energy».
To overcome the fear of failure - one of the main tasks of a man who wants to be successful. You need to change its motto to "Who does not play, he can not lose" to "one who creeps - not falling, falling one who runs».
4. Fear uspehaNesmotrya on the opposite the name of the main reason for this fear, as the previous one - the uncertainty in their own abilities. Fear of success is people, it is often held, are afraid, for example, further progress up the career ladder, because they believe that they can not cope with new work responsibilities and expectations of management. that fear of success is constantly expected to expose its own "failure" in this or that sphere - it seems that all they have achieved, they got a fluke. Because of this man considers himself a failure and tries in every way to hide the "terrible secret" of others, taking care not to expose their personal and professional skills to the test successfully.
As is the case with the fear of failure, to overcome the fear of success, be confident and remember that even if you do not deal with anything, you always have to take into account the mistakes to avoid repeating them next time.
5. Fear ekzamenamiKak the name implies, a classic example of manifestation of fear of exams - students' behavior during the session. This same fear experiencing, such as surgeons during the operation of a new for themselves, competitors on any position during a meeting with the employer - almost all of whom will face a test of their abilities or knowledge. Insomnia, anxiety, loss of appetite, increased heart rate, trembling - all typical manifestations of fear of being tested. Fear increases with long wait exam options ("gets a ticket that I have taught, or not?") and the limited time to prepare.
Defeating fear of examinations Motivational help, and a variety of exercises, thus relieving stress. Before the start of the exam try to breathe deeply, repeating to myself some encouraging words: "I believe in myself and then successfully pass the exam," "I get good grades, because I still learned" or something like that.

6. Fear of close social kontaktovVeroyatno, you had to deal with people who are struggling to avoid a little bit closer sincere dialogue with others. This behavior is caused by fear of close social contacts - the reluctance closely converges with the man for fear that later it can cause emotional pain. As a rule, the fear of close contact occurs in individuals who are in the whole tend to be independent and self-sufficient, while it is very difficult to be open and honest with them, even. Often, the fear to get close to a person occurs after experiencing a negative experience with someone from relatives or the opposite sex.
If the above behaviors you learn your own, you may want to seek professional help - after you get rid of the fear of intimacy, your life is completely transformed.
7. odinochestvaBoyazn fear of social isolation and loneliness in many ways the opposite of the previous view of fear and can take many forms - from suffering her often occurs, for example, the reluctance to criticize others, fear of conflict, fear to show their feelings and so on.
Fear of loneliness faced by people with a weakened sense of independence, more than anything else wishing to love and be loved. Given their dedication and self-denial, such persons often fall in love and parting grieved. And the fear of loneliness many spoil life for themselves and others - for example, marry a man unloved and being emotionally unsatisfied, many years arguing with him for nothing, but stubbornly unwilling to divorce. That fear of loneliness parents of adult children prevent them to arrange personal life (sometimes without realizing), fearing that after the marriage their child leaves.
What if someone in your family suffers from such fears? First of all - to try to understand the man that fears it is only programs themselves in trouble, and to persuade him to admit to myself what the problem is. Awareness of the problem - the first step towards its solution. Do not be afraid to deal with fears!
via factroom.ru