A child from India

bad habit of swallowing live fish almost cost the life of 12-year-old resident of India, Anil Barela. When the boy playing near the pond, did it again, the fish instead of the stomach, this time got into his lungs. The child has difficulty breathing, started choking, and he was rushed to the hospital. X-rays showed that his lungs are still live fish. Anil underwent emergency surgery to extract fish from the lung. Operated his surgeon said that never before in my practice are not faced with such a situation. See also: Indian student solved the problem on which Newton struggled. The four-year Englishwoman passed the IQ-test 159 points. In the Book of Records was an Indian boy has 34 fingers. 12-year-old "Rapunzel" Brazil will sell scythe to make repairs in the apartment. In Britain, the five year old boy was first tonsured. The girl-wolf got into the Guinness Book of Records.
Source: news.online.ua/492893/u-rebenka-iz-indii-v-legkih-zastryala-zhivaya-ryba/