Pure water

We constantly hear about the need to drink plenty of clean water. And despite the fact that the media constantly raised the question of how much a person needs water per day, according to statistics 50% of the world population suffers from its lack, and it is not because of her absence, but because of ignorance of own needs Drinking vode.

Very often experts on nutrition, nutritionists and even doctors are paying much more attention to food and caloric value of these products, often forgetting that for the delivery of nutrients to the destination cells, the body needs a sufficient amount of the solvent. This thirst is often confused with hunger and a glass of water instead of people looking for "something delicious." Yes, the water - it is the most common solvent in the world, and what a lot of impurities it gets into your body, the less the positive effects of its use. Tea, coffee, milk, juices and other liquid food products, of course, useful, and often necessary, but they are not able to fully replace the ordinary net vodu.

It will not hurt to repeat once again that our body is two-thirds consists of water. Without sufficient amounts of water and electrical violated biochemical processes in our body, which may lead to deterioration samochuvstviya.

If these facts is not enough, here are ten reasons to drink more clean water: 1. Our blood is 80% - is water that is needed to create new blood cells. 2. Our bones 50% water, and water is essential for bone turnover. 3. Sufficient drinking water reduces the pain in your body, improving the lymphatic system. Lymphatic system - a network of nodes, vessels and tanks, which removes harmful substances from the tissues of your body and always in need of water. 4. The water dissolves and removes toxins and wastes from your body. 5. Water is involved in lubrication of your joints and reduces the pain which protects from early wear. 6. Water improves metabolism. People who are overweight often consume inadequate amounts of water. 7. Water supports the body's temperature balance. 8. Water creates the appropriate conditions for the electrical function of your nervous system. The brain and nervous system of one person, according to research, produce about 60 watts of power, so the deterioration of conductivity due to dehydration resulting in slower reactions and thought processes. 9. Water reduces appetite. Therefore, any diet should begin with a proper water consumption. 10. In the water bodies need everything your organizma.

Thus, one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your health - start drinking more pure water every day. More in the doctrine of the ancient yogis has been said about the need for consumption of water in the morning on an empty stomach, and modern science has proven that this "procedure" improves digestion. And finally, for pure water using household filter instead of buying water in plastic bottles. The filter will save your time and money and reduce the amount of waste in the form of plastic. Moreover, you will be assured of the origin of the water that you drink. See also: How much water you need to drink to be healthy?
Source: www.izuminki.com/2012/06/20/10-prichin-pit-bolshe-chistoj-vody/