
It looks like the average Earthling - a 28-year-old Chinese man:

So, the men in the world more than women. The most typical Earthling - right-handed, he earns less than $ 12,000 per year. He has a cell phone, but no bank account. The typical woman living in Japan to 86 years, the average woman in Afghanistan dies at 45 years old. The typical American uses 380 gallons of water a day - compared to 10 liters in parts of Ethiopia, where some people spend 8 hours a day, getting the water. Third of the world are Christians, 21% Muslims and 13% of Indians. 51% of people living in urban environments. 40% are employed in the service sector, 38% in agriculture and 22% in industry. Four of the five earthlings are literate.
Source: radulova.livejournal.com/2144261.html