Compiled list of the sexiest male professions
According to the results of voting women a rating of the sexiest male professions. For pluralism and traditions prevailing in the sex surveys, votes were also taken in adolescents of gateways, grandmothers at entrances, doctors and patients vendispanser clinics close to the profile of sexual affairs. Get the next emotional picture. 1. Sobstvennik.
Of course, we mean not some codified Koreiko with its underground suitcases and the owner of a pair of rusty buckets at a rundown cottage house, and somebody big, frank, veteran, gave instructions. But, again, not just a boss, managing someone's affairs, and the owner himself. Teenage girls are not even interested in the sphere of activity of the host, adult women - age, and grandmothers anything other than articles and corpulence. Patient clinics at the mention of this category either hysterical or crying softly. 2. Driver inomarki.
It is desirable that both its same owner, but not necessarily. That is not just sitting behind the wheel of a foreign car is a driver by profession, respondents did not bother, but simply amused and has added points nominee. Grandparents walking with distaste, but still acknowledged a strong sexual component to the drivers, the latter often expressed verbally. Teens stray marks on the machine, mature ladies - their value, patient - on noise insulation specialists - on interior comfort and capacity. His eyes sparkled at all. 3. Lektor.
Not to be confused with Hannibal Lecter. Respondents relied not on the hyped literary and cinematic Lecter and his cruelty, and the ability of men competent to speak beautiful words, and just a lot, and on a given topic. Adolescent girls only expressed the wish that the subjects were more understandable, such as charts MTV, grandmother stood for the policy, and patients and doctors insisted on the medical component of the speeches. The most impressive ladies interested in the respondent whether it is possible, by the way, order a lecture at the house. 4. Doktor.
Please clarify specialization stumbled upon the urging of the lips and puzzled shrug of indifference on the part of the ladies, lovely but meaningless smile teens or in the case of grandparents, for a full list of doctoral specializations to bringing the main symptoms of the relevant diseases. The only thing everyone agreed, including patients and venereologists - just not the dentist! 5. Trener.
Experienced firsthand the impact of coach the note extraordinarily exciting feeling of what it moves your hands, your feet ... somehow it all ... it moves ... and you all so, ah ... soften, listen, obey ... and all that moves ... like to itself, but to the will of men ... with a male power, ah ... not experienced the charms of training have focused simply on the bodies of trainers trained, without emphasis on razmyakanie or at their imperious manner showing the exercise. Teens rank as trainers of physical education teachers, grandmothers somehow - all the weightlifters and all teachers in tights. 6. Bayker.
Absolutely no one is embarrassed that biker - not a profession, but ... well, something else. These leather jackets and a roaring iron horses maddening many, especially grandmothers and especially at night. Venereologists did not fail to smile, however, with full confidentiality of medical confidentiality. 7. Kloun.
But drat! Unusually high place in the ranking of sexuality clowns forced scientists to scratch an already overworked neck and with new energy to take up the search for a thin connection between laughter and sexual arousal. Ladies responded by pryskanem fist patients - Homeric laughter teens - rye usual acerbic grandmother grumbling, but not without a kind of giggles. Experts STI clinics were harsh. 8. Clean lesorub.
It is understood, as we understood from the explanation of the respondents are not "exclusively" lumberjack, lumberjack and hygienically impeccable. And do not even need a lumberjack, and any physically hard worker, something fiercely swinging, but certainly already had covered, after the change, and thoroughly cleaned. However, my grandmother did not insist on this, if only the farm business disputes. 9. Broker. Cosmonaut. Oligarh.
Chairman of the local committee of any party. The same percentage of votes at the same mystery, apparently, the same ephemeral - in the understanding of the respondents. Analysts at a loss. But the fact remains - these four also considered sexy. The error was not a single cent, because how could she take when women ask about this exciting subject, as the sexiest man. In such matters, cunning - is more expensive.
Source: wtfact.ru/?p=1689